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Saints A to Z: A


Showing 351 - 700 of 894
St. Almirus St. Almus St. Alnoth St. Alodia Bl. Luigi Variara Bl. Alojzije Stepinac St. Alonso Rodriguez St. Aloysius Gonzaga St. Alphaeus St. Alphaeus St. Alphege St. Alphege of Canterbury St. Alphege St. Alphius St. Alphonsa St. Alphonsa of the Immaculate Conception St. Alphonsus Bls. Alphonsus Navarette, Ferdinand Ayala, and Leo Tanaca Bl. Alphonsus de Mena Bl. Alphonsus de Orozco Bl. Alphonsus de Vaena St. Alphonsus Marie Liguori St. Alphonsus Rodriguez St. Airick St. Altfrid Sts. Altigianus and Hilarinus St. Altinus St. Altman St. Alto Bl. Alvarez of Corova St. Alverius St. Alvitus St. Alypius St. Amabilis St. Amabilis Bl. Amadeus IX of Savoy Bl. Amadeus of Lausanne St. Amadour St. Amaethlu St. Amalberga St. Amalberga St. Amand St. Amandus St. Amantius St. Amantius of Como St. Amantius St. Amarand St. Amaranthus St. Amarinus ST. Amasius St. Amaswinthus St. Amata Bl. Amata St. Amator St. Amator St. Amator St. Amatus St. Amatus St. Amba Agatho the Silent, Abraham St. Amba Baula the Just (Paul) St. Amba Betra (Peter) St. Amba Paphnutius St. Amba Shenudi St. Ambrose St. Ambrose St. Ambrose of Alexandria St. Ambrose Aut-pert St. Ambrose Edward Barlow Bl. Ambrose Fernandez St. Ambrose Kibuka Bl. Ambrosio Francisco Ferro and Companions St. Ambytianus St. Amedeus St. Amelberga St. Amelberga St. Amelberga St. Amicus St. Amicus St. Ammon St. Ammon Ammon, the Great St. Ammon St. Ammon St. Ammon St. Ammon and Serapion St. Ammonaria St. Ammonas St. Ammonius St. Ammonius St. Amo St. Amor St. Amor of Amorbach St. Amor of Aquitaine Bls. Amparo Rosat Balasch and Maria del Calvario Romero Clariana St. Ampelius St. Ampellius St. Ampelus St. Amphianus St. Amphibalus St. Amphilocus St. Amphion St. Ampliatus St. Amulwinus St. Amunia St. Anacharius Bl. Anacleto González Flores St. Anacletus St. Anacletus II St. Ananias St. Ananias II St. Ananias III St. Anastasia St. Anastasia II St. Anastasia III St. Anastasia Patricia St. Anastasia the Patrician St. Anastasius St. Anastasius I St. Anastasius X St. Anastasius XI St. Anastasius XII St. Anastasius XIII St. Anastasius XIV St. Anastasius XV St. Anastasius XVI St. Anastasius XVII St. Anastasius XVIII St. Anastasius XIX Anastasius II St. Anastasius XX St. Anastasius Anastasius III Anastasius IV St. Anastasius V St. Anastasius VI St. Anastasius VII St. Anastasius VIII St. Anastasius IX St. Anastasius Cornicularius St. Anastasius the Fuller St. Anastasius the Sinaite St. Anathalon St. Anatole Kiriggwajjo St. Anatolia St. Anatolius St. Anatolius of Laodicea St. Anatolius St. Anatolius St. Andeolus St. Andochius Bl. Andrea Carlo Ferrari Bl. Andrea Giacinto Longhin St. Andreas Bauer St. Andre Bessette Bl. Andre de Soveral Bl. Andre Fardeau Bl. Andrés Solá Molist St. Andrew the Apostle St. Andrew Chong Hwa-Gyong Bl. Andrew Hibernon Bl. Andrew of Strumi Bl. Andrew Segni (of Anagni) St. Andrew Thong Kim Nguyen St. Andrew Trong Van Tran St. Andrew St. Andrew St. Andrew of Ireland St. Andrew and Companions St. Andrew Avellino St. Andrew Bobola St. Andrew-Chong Kwagyong St. Andrew Corsini St. Andrew Dotti St. Andrew Dung Lac St. Andrew Dung Lac
Bl. Andrew Ishchak St. Andrew Kagwa Sts. Andrew Kim Taegon, Paul Chong Hasang, and Companions St. Andrew Nam-Thuong Bl. Andrew Oexner of Riun St. Andrew of Crete Bl. Andrew of Phu Yen Bl. Andrew of Segni St. Andrew of Trier Bl. Andrew Sushinda St. Andrew the Scot St. Andrew the Tribune St. Andrew Tien-K'Ing Bl. Andrew Tokuan St. Andrew Trong St. Andrew Wouters St. Andrew Zorard St. Andronicus St. Anectus St. Angadresma Bl. Ángel Darío Acosta Zurita St. Angela of the Cross St. Angela Merici St. Angela of Foligno Bl. Angela Salawa St. Angelelmus Fra Angelico St. Angelo Bl. Angelo Augustine of Florence Bl. Angelo of Borgo San Sepolcro Bl. Angelo of Chivasso Bl. Angelus of Acri Bl. Angelus Orsucci St. Angilbert St. Angilbert St. Anglinus St. Angus MacNisse St. Anianas St. Anianus St. Anianus St. Anicet Adolfo Bl. Anicet Hryciuk St. Anicetus St. Anicetus St. Aninus St. Anna the Prophetess St. Anna Dierk (Maria Adolfina) St. Anna Kim St. Anna Nan-Sinn-Cheu Bl. Anna of the Angels Monteagudo St. Anna Pak A-gi Bl. Anna Rosa Gattorno St. Anna Schaeffer St. Anna Wang Sts. Joachim and Anne Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerick Bl. Anne of Saint Bartholomew St. Anne St. Anne Bl. Anne-Francoise de Villeneuve Bl. Anne Hmard Bl. Anne Jahouvey St. Anne Line Bl. Anne Mary Taigi Bl. Anne Maugrain St. Annemund St. Anno St. Annobert Bl. Annunciata Cocchetti St. Ansanus St. Ansbald St. Ansbert St. Ansegisus St. Anselm St. Anselm of Lucca St. Anselm St. Anselm of Lucca St. Anselm of Nonantola Bl. Anselm Polanco Fontecha St. Ansfrid St. Ansgar St. Ansillo St. Anskar St. Ansovinus St. Anstrudis St. Ansueris St. Ansuinus St. Ansurius St. Anterus St. Anthelm St. Anthimus St. Antholian St. Anthony Bl. Anthony Baldinucci Bl. Anthony of Amandola Bl. Anthony of Hungary Bl. Anthony of Stroncone St. Anthony, Merulus, and John St. Anthony, Merulus, and John Bl. Anthony St. Anthony the Abbot Bl. Anthony Baldinucci St. Anthony Dainan St. Anthony Daniel St. Anthony Daveluy Bl. Anthony della Chiesa St. Anthony Dich Nguyen Bl. Anthony Fantosat Bl. Anthony Francisco Bl. Anthony Gonzales St. Anthony the Great of Thebes St. Anthony the Hermit St. Anthony Ishida St. Anthony Kauleas St. Anthony Kim Son-u Bl. Anthony Kimura Bl. Anthony Kiun Bl. Anthony Manzi St. Anthony Mary Claret St. Anthony Mary Gianelli St. Anthony Mary Pucci St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria Bl. Anthony Middleton St. Anthony Nam-Quynh Bl. Anthony Neyrot Bl. Anthony of Korea St. Anthony of Saxony Bl. Anthony of St. Bonaventure Bl. Anthony of Tuy St. Anthony of Padua St. Anthony Pechersky St. Anthony Peter Dich St. Anthony Primaldi Bl. Anthony Sanga Bl. Anthony Turner Bl. Anthony Vom St. Anthusa St. Anthusa the Younger St. Antidius St. Antilnus St. Antiochus St. Antipas Bl. Antoine Chevrier Bl. Antoine Fournier Bl. Antoinette Roussel Bl. Anton Maria Schwartz Bl. Antonia Mesina St. Antonino Fantosati St. Antoninus St. Antoninus St. Antoninus St. Antoninus of Sorrento Bl. Antonio de Sant'Anna Galvao Fr. Antonio Vieira Bl. Anton Martin Slomsek Bl. Anwarite Nangapeta St. Anysia St. Anysius St. Apelles St. Aphraates St. Aphrodisius St. Aphrodisius St. Apollinaris St. Apollinaris St. Apollinaris St. Apollinaris St. Apollinaris St. Apollinaris Franco St. Apollinaris Sidonius St. Apollinaris Syncletica St. Apollo St. Apollo and Companions St. Apollonia St. Apollonius St. Apollonius

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