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Saints A to Z: M


Showing 1 - 350 of 782
St. Mabyn St. Macaille St. Macanisius St. Macarius St. Macarius St. Macarius and 40 Others St. Macarius & Julian St. Macarius of Fayum St. Macarius the Great of Alexandria St. Macarius of Jerusalem St. Macarius the Ghent St. Macarius the Great St. Macarius the Wonder-Worker St. Macartan St. Maccalin St. Maccallin St. Macedonius St. Macedonius St. Macedonius St. Macedonius St. Machabeo St. Machai St. Machan St. Machar St. Machudd St. Macra St. Macrina the Younger St. Macrina the Elder St. Macrina the Younger St. Macrobius & Julian St. Macroni of Thoni St. Madalberta Bl. Madeleine Blond St. Madeleine Brideau Bl. Madeleine Cady St. Madeleine Lidoine Bl. Madeleine Perrotin Rousseau Bl. Madeleine Sailland d'Epinatz Bl. Madeleine Salle St. Madelgisilus St. Madeline Sophie Barat St. Madern St. Madoes St. Maedhog St. Mael St. Maelmuire O' Gorman St. Maelrhys St. Maelrubius St. Magalena Ho Kye-im Bl. Magdalena Caterina Morano Bl. Magdalena of Nagasaki St. Magdalene Cho St. Magdalene Han Yong-i St. Magdalene Kim Obi St. Magdalene Pak Pongson St. Magdalene Son Sobyog St. Magdalene Tou-Fong-Kiu St. Magdalene Yi Yongdog St. Magdalene Yi Yong-hui St. Magdalevus St. Magdalveus (Mauve) St. Magenulf (Meinulf) St. Maginus St. Magnericus St. Magnobodus St. Magnus St. Magnus St. Magnus St. Magnus St. Magnus of Avignon St. Magnus St. Magnus of FĂĽssen St. Magorianus St. Maharsapor St. Maharsapor St. Maichus St. Maiduif St. Maimbod St. Maine St. Majolus of Cluny St. Major St. Majoricus St. Majulus Bl. Maksym Hawryluk St. Malachy St. Malard St. Malchus St. Malchus St. Malentus St. Malo St. Malrubius St. Mamas of Caesarea St. Mamelta St. Mamertinus of Auxerre St. Mamertius St. Mamilian St. Mamilian St. Mammarius St. Manaen St. Manakus St. Mancius Bl. Mancius Araki Bl. Mancius of St. Thomas Bl. Mancius of the Holy Cross Bl. Mancius Shisisoiemon St. Manechildis St. Manettus St. Manilus St. Manirus St. Mansuetus St. Mansuetus St. Mansuetus St. Manuel St. Manuel Gonzalez Garcia Bl. Manuel Martin Sierra Bl. Manuel Medina Olmos St. Manuel Moralez St. Maolruain St. Mappalicus St. Marcella Bl. Marcantonio Durando St. Marcarius of Jerusalem Bl. Marcel Callo Bl. Marcelina Darowska St. Marcella St. Marcellin Champagnat St. Marcellina Sts. Marcellinus and Peter Bl. Marcellis Spinola y Maestre St. Marcellus St. Marcian of Tortona St. Marcian St. Marcian St. Marcian St. Marcian St. Marcian St. Marcian St. Marciana of Mauretania St. Marciana St. Marcian of Auxerre St. Marcian of Ravenna St. Marcian of Syracuse St. Marciano Jose St. Marcius St. Marculf St. Marcus St. Marcus St. Mardonius St. Mareas St. Marko Krizin St. Margaret of Antioch St. Margaret Bourgeoys St. Margaret Fontana St. Margaret of Antioch Bl. Margaret of Castello Bl. Margaret of Citta-di-Castello St. Margaret Clitherow St. Margaret of Cortona Bl. Margaret Ebner St. Margaret Mary Alacoque St. Margaret of England St. Margaret of Hungary Bl. Margaret Pole St. Margaret of Scotland St. Margaret the Barefooted St. Margarita St. Marguerite Bays St. Marguerite Bourgeoys St. Marguerite d'Youville Bl. Marguerite Riviere Huau Bl. Marguerite Robin Bl. Maria Candida of the Eucharist Bl. Maria Christina Brando Bl. Maria Guadalupe Garcia Zavala Bl. Maria Ludovica de Angelis
Bl. Maria Repetto Bl. Maria Teresa Ferragud Roig, and Blesseds Maria Jesus, Maria Veronica, and Maria Felicidad Masia Bl. Maria Adeodata Pisani Bl. Maria Alvarado Cordozo Bl. Maria Ana Mogas Fontcuberta Bl. Maria Angela Astorch Bl. Maria Angeles of Saint Joseph Bl. Maria Anna Sala Bl. Maria Antonia Bandres St. Maria Bernarda Butler Bl. Maria Caridad Brader Bl. Maria Catherine of Saint Augustine St. Maria Chaira Bl. Maria Corsini St. Maria Crescentia Hoss Bl. Maria Cristina dell'Immacolata Concezione St. Maria Crocifissa Di Rosa Bl. Maria Crucified Satellico St. Maria de Cerevellon Bl. Maria de Chappotin de Neuville St. Maria de Jesus Sacramentado Venegas Bl. Maria del Pilar Izquierdo Albero St. Maria de Mattias Bl. Maria Dolores Rodriguez Sopena Bl. Maria Domenica Brun Barbantini Bl. Maria Domenica Mantovani St. Maria Dominic Mazzarello Bl. Maria Encarnacion Rosal of the Sacred Heart Bl. Maria Eutimia St. Mary Frances of the Five Wounds of Jesus Bl. Maria Francesca Rubatto Bl. Maria Gabriella Sagheddu St. Maria Giuseppe Rossello St. Maria Goretti St. Mother Maria Guadalupe Garcia Zavala ~ Mother Lupita Bl. Maria Helena Stollenwerk St. Maria-Josefa of the Heart of Jesus Sancho de Guerra St. Maria Josefa Sancho de Guerra Bl. Maria Karlowska Bl. Maria Liberata Pallota St. Maria Magdalen Dei Pazzi St. Maria Magdalen of Canossa St. Maria Maravillas de Jesus Bl. Maria Margaret Caiani Bl. Maria Mercedes Prat St. Maria Michaela Desmaisieres St. Mariam Thresia Chiramel Mankidiyan St. Marian St. Mariana St. Mariana de Paredes St. Marianne Cope Bl. Mariano da Roccacasale Bl. Mariano de Jesus Euse Hoyos St. Marianus St. Marianus Bl. Maria of Jesus Siedliska St. Maria Park K'unagi Bl. Maria Pilar Martinez Garcia & Companions Bl. Maria Raffaella Cimatti Bl. Maria Rafols Bl. Maria Restituta Bl. Maria Romero Meneses St. Maria Rosa Molas y Vollve St. Maria Salles Bl. Maria Schinina St. Maria Soledad Bl. Maria Teresa Fasce Bl. Maria Vicenta of Saint Dorothy Chaavez Orozco St. Maria Won Kwi-im St. Maria Yi Indog St. Maria Yi Yonhui Bl. Marie Rivier St. Marie Adolphine Dierks St. Marie Amandine Bl. Marie-Anne Blondin Bl. Marie-Anne Hacher du Bois Bl. Marie-Anne Vaillot Bl. Marie Cassin St. Marie Claude Brard St. Marie Croissy Bl. Marie de la Dive du Verdier St. Marie Dufour Bl. Marie Fasseuse Bl. Marie Forestier Bl. Marie Gallard Queson Bl. Marie Gasnier Mercier Bl. Marie-Genevieve Poulain de la Forestrie Bl. Marie Gingueneau Couffard Bl. Marie Grillard Bl. Marie Guyart of the Incarnation St. Marie Hanisset Bl. Marie-Jeanne Chauvigne Rorteau Bl. Marie Lardeux Bl. Marie Lenee Lepage Varance Bl. Marie Leonie Paradis Bl. Marie Leroy Brevet Bl. Marie-Louise du Verdier de la Soriniere Bl. Marie-Louise Trichet St. Marie Magdalen Desjardin St. Marie Magdalen Fontaine St. Marie Magdalen Postel St. Marie Meunier St. Marie of Saint Ignatius St. Marie of the Incarnation Bl. Marie Pichery Delahaye Bl. Marie Piou Supiot Bl. Marie Poussepin Bl. Marie Rochard Bl. Marie Roger Chartier Bl. Marie Rose Durocher Bl. Marie Roualt Bouju St. Marie St. Henry St. Marie Teresa Couderc Bl. Marie Therese Haze St. Marie Trezelle St. Marina St. Marina Bl. Marina de Omura St. Marinus Sts. Marinus and Astyrius St. Marinus St. Marinus St. Marinus St. Marinus St. Marinus St. Marinus & Asterius St. Marinus, Vimius, & Zimius St. Marius St. Marius (May) St. Mark St. Mark St. Mark Chong Ui-bae Bl. Mark Fantucci Bl. Mark of Modena St. Mark 2 St. Mark St. Mark St. Mark St. Mark St. Mark St. Mark & Marcellian St. Mark & Stephen St. Mark & Timothy Bl. Mark Barkworth Bl. Mark Caldeira Bl. Mark Criado St. Mark the Faster St. Mark Ki-T'Ien-Siang Bl. Mark of Aviano St. Mark of Galilee St. Mark of Lucera Pope St. Mark St. Marnock St. Maro St. Maro St. Maroveus St. Martha St. Martha St. Martha St. Martha Kim St. Martha Wang Bl. Martha Le Bouteiller Bl. Marthe Poulain de la Forestrie St. Martial St. Martial St. Martial Pope Saint Martin I St. Martina St. Martina of Rome Bl. Martin St. Martin Cid St. Martin de Aguirre St. Martin de Hinojosa St. Martin de Porres Bl. Martin Gomez

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