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Female / Women Saints A-Z

The history of the Church is full of many female / women Catholic saints, who received recognition for great deeds or meritorious conduct. Many lost their lives in defense of the faith, while others were themselves the mothers of important saints. Many were also honored for their contributions to the Church and their community.

Filter 785 Female / Women Saints A-Z by typing in the 'Search' box below.

Saint Saint
St. Abigail
6th century
St. Ada
7th Century
St. Adalsindis
7th century
St. Adalsindis
8th century
St. Adela
8th century
St. Adela
11th century
St. Adela
12th century
St. Adelaide
10th century
St. Adelaide
13th century
St. Adele
8th century
St. Adelina
12th century
Bl. Adeline
12th century
St. Adeloga
8th century
St. Adrian
4th century
St. Afra
4th century
St. Agape
3rd century
St. Agatha
3rd century
St. Agatha
8th century
St. Agatha Lin
19th century
St. Agathoclia
19th century
St. Agia
6th Century
St. Agia
8th century
St. Agilberta
7th century
St. Agnes
4th century
St. Agnes of Assisi
13th century
St. Agnes of Bohemia
13th century
St. Agnes De
19th century
St. Agnes of Assisi
13th century
St. Agnes of Bohemia
13th century
St. Agnes of Rome
4th century
Bl. Agnes Takea
17th century
St. Agrippina
3rd century
Bl. Alberto Marvelli
20th century
St. Albina
3rd century
St. Alburga
9th century
St. Aldegunais
7th century
St. Aldo
7th century
St. Alena
7th century
St. Aleydis
13th century
St. Alfreda
8th century
Bl. Alix Le Clercq
8th century
St. Alkeld
10th Century
St. Almedha
6th Century
St. Alodia
9th century
St. Amabilis
7th century
St. Amalberga
9th century
St. Amata
13th century
Bl. Amata
13th century
St. Amelberga
7th century
St. Amelberga
8th century
St. Amelberga
10th century
St. Amunia
11th century
St. Anastasia
Third Century
St. Anastasia II
3rd century
St. Anastasia III
4th century
St. Anatolia
3rd century
St. Angadresma
7th century
St. Angela Merici
16th century
St. Angela of Foligno
14th century
St. Angelo
13th century
Sts. Joachim and Anne
13th century
St. Anne
9th century
St. Anne
10th century
Bl. Anne Jahouvey
19th century
St. Anne Line
17th century
Bl. Anne Mary Taigi
19th century
St. Anstrudis
7th century
St. Anthusa
8th century
St. Anysia
4th century
St. Apollonia
3rd century
St. Apronia
5th or 6th century
St. Aquilina
3rd century
St. Aquilina
3rd century
St. Arilda
St. Arthelais
6th century
St. Ascelina
12th century
St. Asella
5th century
St. Asteria
4th century
St. Attalia
8th century
St. Attracta
6th century
St. Augusta
5th century
St. Aurea
11th century
St. Aurea
7th century
St. Aurea
8th century
St. Aurea
9th century
St. Austreberta
8th century
St. Ava
8th century
St. Balda
7th century
St. Baldegundis
6th century
St. Barbara
Late-third Century
St. Basilissa
19th century
St. Basilissa
8th century
St. Basilla
4th century
St. Bathildis
7th century
St. Beatrix da Silva
15th century
St. Bega
7th century
St. Begga
7th century
St. Belina
12th century
St. Benedicta
St. Benedicta
6th century
St. Benezet
12th century
Bl. Berka Zdislava
13th century
St. Berlinda
8th century
St. Bernadette
19th century
St. Bertha
19th century
St. Bertha of Kent
7th century
St. Bertilia
7th century
St. Bertilia
8th century
St. Bertoara
7th century
St. Bibiana
7th century
St. Bichier
19th century
St. Bilhild
8th century
St. Blaesilla
4th century
St. Blandina
2nd century
St. Blath
6th century
St. Breaca
5th or 6th century
St. Brigid
9th century
St. Bronach
St. Buriana
6th century
St. Caellainn
6th century
St. Caesarea
St. Caesaria
St. Caesarn
St. Camilla
5th century
St. Candida
4th century
St. Candida
St. Candida
8th century
St. Cannera
6th century
St. Carissima
5th century
Bl. Caritas Brader
20th century
St. Carmen
18th century
St. Casilda of Toledo
11th century
St. Catherine Laboure
19th century
St. Cecilia
3rd century
St. Celine
3rd century
St. Cera
7th century
St. Charitina
4th century
St. Charity
4th century
St. Chelidonia
12th century
St. Christina
3rd Century
St. Cinnia
5th century
St. Clare of Assisi
13th century
Bl. Clare of Rimini
14th century
St. Claudia
14th century
St. Claudine Thevenet
19th century
St. Cleopatra
4th century
St. Clotilde
6th century
St. Clotsindis
8th century
St. Cocca
St. Cocha
6th century
St. Cointha
3rd century
St. Colette
15th century
St. Columba of Sens
3rd century
St. Connat
6th century
St. Consortia
6th century
St. Cunegundes
11th century
St. Cunera
St. Cuthburga
St. Cyriaca
3rd century
St. Damhnade
St. Darulagdach
6th century
Bl. Delphina
6th century
St. Demetria
4th century
St. Desiderius
7th century
St. Devota
4th century
Bl. Diana
4th century
St. Digna
4th century
St. Digna & Emerita
3rd century
St. Dionysia
3rd century
St. Dionysia
1st century
St. Dorothy
3rd century
St. Dorothy of Montau
14th century
St. Dula
St. Dymphna
7th century
St. Eanfleda
8th century
St. Eanswida
7th century
St. Ebba
7th century
St. Ebba
9th century
St. Edana
St. Edburga
8th century
St. Edith Stein
20th century
St. Edith of Wilton
10th century
St. Edwen
7th century
St. Elfleda
8th century
St. Elfleda
10th century
St. Elfleda
11th century
St. Elined
St. Elizabeth
St. Elizabeth Rose
12th century
St. Emerentiana
4th century
St. Emiliana
4th century
Bl. Emily Bicchieri
4th century
St. Emily de Rodat
19th century
St. Emily de Vialar
19th century
St. Emma
11th century
St. Encratia
4th century
St. Endellion
6th century
St. Epicharis
4th century
St. Ercongotha
7th century
St. Eremberta
7th century
St. Erentrude
8th century
St. Erentrudis
8th century
St. Erfyl
St. Ergnad
5th century
St. Ermelinda
6th century
St. Ermenberga
8th century
St. Ermengild
8th century
St. Ermengytha
7th century
St. Etheidreda
7th century
St. Etheidwitha
7th century
St. Ethelburga
7th century
St. Ethelburga
7th century
St. Ethelgitha
7th century
St. Ethelgiva
7th century
St. Eugenia
7th century
St. Eugenia
8th century
St. Eurgain
6th century
St. Eurosia
8th century
St. Eusebia
3rd century
St. Eusebia
7th century
St. Eusebia
7th century
St. Eusebia
8th century
St. Eustadiola
7th century
Bl. Eustochium
7th century
St. Eustochium
5th century
St. Eutropia
5th century
Bl. Eva of Liege
5th century
St. Everild
7th century
St. Fabiola
St. Faith
St. Faith
3rd century
St. Fanchea
6th century
St. Fara
6th century
St. Faustina Kowalska
20th century
St. Febronia
4th century
St. Felicula
1st century
St. Fina
1st century
St. Flora
14th century
St. Flora & Mary
9th century
St. Florentina
7th century
St. Foila
6th century
St. Franca Visalta
13th century
St. Frances Bizzocca
17th century
Bl. Frances Brideau
18th century
St. Frideswide
8th century
St. Galla
6th century
St. Gaudentia
St. Gebetrude
7th century
St. Gemma Galgani
20th century
St. Genevieve
6th century
St. Georgia
6th century
St. Georgia
6th century
St. Germana Cousin
17th century
St. Gertrude
14th century
St. Gibitrudis
7th century
St. Gladys
6th century
St. Glodesind
7th century
St. Gobnata
6th century
St. Godebertha
8th century
St. Gorgonia
4th century
St. Grata
4th or 8th century
St. Grimonia
4th or 8th century
Our Lady of Guadalupe
4th or 8th century
St. Gudelia
4th century
St. Gudula
8th century
St. Gundelindis
8th century
St. Gundenis
3rd century
St. Gwen
5th century
Bl. Haseka (Hazeka)
13th century
St. Hedwig
13th century
St. Hedwig of Poland
14th century
St. Helena
4th century
St. Helena
8th century
St. Helen of Skovde
12th century
St. Helen of Skovde
12th century
St. Heliconis
3rd century
St. Hereswitha
7th century
St. Hermione
2nd century
St. Hieu
7th century
St. Hilaria
4th century
St. Hilda
7th century
St. Hilda of Whitby
7th century
St. Hildegarde
12th century
St. Hildegund
12th century
St. Hildelitba
8th century
St. Hildemarca
7th century
St. Honorata
6th century
St. Humbeline
12th century
St. Humilitas
14th century
St. Hunegund
7th century
St. Hunna
7th century
St. Hyacinth
17th century
St. Ia
4th century
St. Ia of Cornwall
5th century
Bl. Ida of Louvain
14th century
St. Illuminata
4th century
Bl. Imelda
4th century
St. Imma
8th century
Bl. Inez
8th century
St. Irais
4th century
St. Irene
4th century
St. Irene
4th century
St. Irene of Tomar
7th century
St. Irmina
8th century
St. Isberga
9th century
St. Isidora
4th century
St. Ita
6th century
Bl. Jane Gerald
18th century
St. Jeanne Jugan
19th century
St. Jessica
19th century
Sts. Joachim and Anne
19th century
St. Joan of Arc
15th century
St. Joan de Lestonnac
17th century
St. Joanna
17th century
St. Joan of Valois
16th century
St. Josephine Bakhita
20th century
Bl. Josephine Leroux
18th century
St. Jucunda
5th century
St. Julia
5th century
Bl. Julia Salzano
20th century
St. Julia Billiart
19th century
St. Julia of Merida
4th century
St. Julie Billiart
18th century
Bl. Juliette Verolot
18th century
St. Julitta
4th century
St. Jutta
13th century
St. Kateri Tekakwitha
17th century
St. Katharine Drexel
20th century
St. Kennera
4th century
St. Kennocha
11th century
St. Kentigerna
8th century
St. Kevoca
5th century
St. Keyne
5th century
St. Kiara
7th century
St. Kinga of Poland
13th century
St. Kinnia
5th century
St. Kundegunda
13th century
St. Landrada
7th century
St. Lasar
6th century
St. Laura
9th century
St. Laura
9th century
Bl. Laura Vicuna
20th century
St. Lea
20th century
St. Lelia
20th century
St. Leocrita
9th century
St. Liberata
6th century
St. Limbania
13th century
St. Lioba
8th century
St. Louis of Omura
17th century
St. Lucy
17th century
Bl. Lucy
19th century
Bl. Lucy Chakichi
17th century
Bl. Lucy de Freitas
17th century
St. Lucy Filippini
18th century
St. Lutgardis
13th century
St. Luthfild
9th century
St. Luthgard
13th century
St. Lybe
4th century
St. Lydwine
15th century
St. Macra
15th century
St. Madalberta
4th century
St. Manechildis
19th century
St. Marcella
5th century
St. Marcella
5th century
St. Marcellina
4th century
St. Marciana
4th century
St. Margaret Fontana
16th century
Bl. Margaret Pole
16th century
Bl. Maria Boznel
20th century
St. Maria Goretti
20th century
St. Mariana
17th century
St. Marianne Cope
20th century
St. Maria Soledad
19th century
Bl. Marie Rivier
19th century
St. Marie Croissy
18th century
St. Marie Dufour
18th century
St. Marie Hanisset
18th century
St. Marie Meunier
18th century
St. Marie Trezelle
18th century
St. Marina
18th century
St. Martha
18th century
St. Martha
18th century
St. Martha Wang
18th century
St. Martina
18th century
Martyrs of Japan
18th century
Martyrs of Lesbos
18th century
Martyrs of Orange
18th century
St. Mary Salome
1st century
St. Mary Clopas
1st century
St. Mary Di Rosa
19th century
St. Mary of Egypt
5th century
Bl. Mary Guengoro
17th century
St. Mary MacKillop
20th century
St. Mary Magdalene
17th century
St. Mary Salome
1st century
Bl. Mary Tanaura
17th century
St. Mary the Slave
4th century
St. Mathilda
10th century
St. Matilda
10th century
St. Matrona
10th century
St. Maura
10th century
St. Maura Troyes
9th century
St. Maurontus
8th century
St. Maxellendis
7th century
St. Maxima of Rome
4th century
St. Mechtildis
12th century
St. Medana
8th century
St. Melangell
6th century
St. Melania
5th century
St. Melitina
2nd century
St. Mella
8th century
St. Menefrida
5th century
St. Menehould
5th century
St. Menna
4th century
St. Merewenna
St. Merewenna
10th century
St. Merryn
10th century
St. Messalina
3rd century
St. Milburga
8th century
St. Mildgytha
7th century
St. Mildred
7th century
St. Mildred
8th century
St. Modesta
7th century
St. Modwenna
7th century
St. Monegundis
6th century
St. Monennaa
6th century
St. Monessa
5th century
St. Monica
4th century
St. Morwenna
5th century
St. Musa of Rome
6th century
St. Myrope
3rd century
St. Namadia
3rd century
Bl. Nemesia Valle
20th century
St. Nennoc
20th century
St. Nicarete
5th century
St. Nino
12th century
St. Non
12th century
St. Notburga
12th century
St. Notburga
8th century
St. Notburga
14th century
St. Obitius
13th century
St. Odilia
13th century
St. Offa
11th century
St. Olga
10th century
St. Oliva
2nd century
St. Olympias
2nd century
St. Opportuna
8th century
Bl. Osanna of Cattaro
16th century
St. Osburga
11th century
St. Osmanna
7th century
St. Osmanna
8th century
St. Osyth
8th century
St. Paschasia
2nd century
St. Patricia
2nd century
St. Paula
5th century
St. Paula
3rd century
St. Paula Frasinetti
19th century
St. Pega
8th century
St. Pelagia
8th century
St. Perseveranda
8th century
St. Petronilla
8th century
St. Pharaildis
8th century
St. Philomena
4th century
St. Phoebe
6th century
St. Photina
1st century
Bl. Pina Suriano
20th century
St. Placide Viel
19th century
St. Placidia
5th century
St. Platonides
4th century
St. Pomposa
9th century
St. Praxedes
4th century
St. Principia
5th century
St. Prisca
3rd century
St. Priscilla
1st century
St. Pudentiana
2nd century
St. Pusinna
6th century
St. Quiteria
6th century
St. Rachilidis
10th century
St. Radegunde
6th century
St. Rafqa
20th century
St. Regina
20th century
St. Reineldis
8th century
St. Reparata
3rd century
St. Restituta
3rd century
St. Rhipsime
3rd century
St. Rhuddlad
7th century
St. Richardis
9th century
St. Richrudis
7th century
St. Rita
15th century
St. Rita of Cascia
15th century
St. Romana
4th century
St. Romlua
6th century
St. Rosalia
12th century
Bl. Rosalie Rendu
19th century
St. Rose Venerini
18th century
Bl. Rose Chretien
18th century
St. Rose of Lima
17th century
St. Rusticula
7th century
St. Saethryth
7th century
St. Salaberga
7th century
Bl. Salomea of Poland
13th century
Sts. Salome & Judith
13th century
St. Samthan
6th century
St. Samthann
8th century
St. Samthann
8th century
St. Saturnina
St. Savina of Milan
4th century
Bl. Savina Petrilli
20th century
St. Scholastica
6th century
St. Secundina
3rd century
St. Senorina
10th century
St. Seraphina
10th century
St. Serapia
2nd century
St. Severa
7th century
St. Severa
8th century
St. Sexburga
7th century
St. Sofia
7th century
St. Susanna
3rd century
St. Syncletica
3rd century
St. Tabitha
1st century
St. Talida
4th century
St. Tanca
7th century
St. Tarbula
4th century
St. Tarsicia
7th century
St. Tarsilla
6th century
St. Teath
St. Teresa Kim Im-i
19th century
St. Teresa of Avila
16th century
St. Tetta
8th century
St. Thais
4th century
St. Thecla
4th century
St. Theodichildis
7th century
St. Theodora
7th century
St. Theodora
2nd century
St. Theodora
4th century
St. Theodosia
4th century
St. Theresa Coudere
19th century
St. Thordgith
8th century
St. Tigridia
10th century
St. Tochmura
St. Trea
5th century
St. Triduana
5th century
St. Trypbaena
St. Tryphonia
3rd century
St. Tudy
5th century
St. Tydfil
5th century
St. Ulphia
8th century
St. Ursula
8th century
Bl. Ursulina of Parma
15th century
St. Venaranda
2nd century
St. Verena
4th century
St. Veridiana
13th century
St. Veronica
1st century
St. Veronica Giuliani
18th century
St. Victoria
4th century
Bl. Victoria Strata
17th century
Bl. Villana de'Botti
14th century
St. Vincenza Gerosa
19th century
St. Vissia
3rd century
St. Vitalina
4th century
St. Walburga
8th century
St. Wastrada
8th century
St. Werburg
8th century
St. Werburga
7th century
St. Wiborada
10th century
St. Wilfretrudis
6th Century
St. Wilfrida
10th century
St. Wilgefortis
10th century
St. Wiltrudis
10th century
St. Wiltrudis
10th century
St. Winebald
8th century
St. Winifred
8th century
St. Winifred
7th century
St. Withburga
8th century
St. Wivina
12th century
St. Wulfhilda
11th century
Bl. Yvette
13th century
St. Zita
13th century
St. Zita
13th century

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