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Newly Added Saints A-Z

Saints that have been recently added.

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Saint Saint
St. Abigail
6th century
Bl. Adolph Kolping
19th century
St. Agatha Kim
19th century
St. Agatha Yi
19th century
St. Agatha Yi Kannan
19th century
St. Agatha Yi Kyong-i
19th century
St. Agatha Yi Sosa
19th century
St. Agnes Kim Hyoju
19th century
St. Agostino Roscelli
20th century
St. Alex U Seyong
19th century
Bl. Luigi Variara
20th century
Bl. Alojzije Stepinac
20th century
St. Alonso Rodriguez
17th century
St. Andreas Bauer
20th century
Bl. Andre de Soveral
17th century
Bl. Andre Fardeau
18th century
Bl. Andrew Ishchak
20th century
Bl. Andrew of Phu Yen
17th century
St. Andrew Tien-K'Ing
20th century
Bl. Angela Salawa
20th century
St. Anicet Adolfo
20th century
Bl. Anicet Hryciuk
19th century
St. Anna Kim
20th century
St. Anna Pak A-gi
19th century
St. Anna Schaeffer
20th century
St. Anna Wang
20th century
Bl. Anne Hmard
18th century
Bl. Anne Maugrain
18th century
St. Anthony Daveluy
20th century
Bl. Anthony Gonzales
20th century
St. Anthony Kim Son-u
20th century
Bl. Antoine Chevrier
19th century
Bl. Antoine Fournier
19th century
Bl. Antonia Mesina
20th century
St. Arcangelo Tadini
20th century
Bl. Arnold Reche
19th century
Bl. Artemide Zatti
20th century
St. Augustine Tchao
19th century
St. Augusto Andres
20th century
Bl. Aurelio Maria
20th century
St. Barbara Han Agi
19th century
St. Barbara Kim
19th century
St. Barbara Ko Suni
19th century
St. Barbara Kwon Hui
19th century
Bl. Bartholomew Longo
20th century
St. Benedetto Menni
20th century
St. Benezet
12th century
St. Benito de Jesus
20th century
Bl. Benjamin Julian
20th century
Bl. Vincent Bossilkov
20th century
Bl. Blandina Marten
20th century
Bl. Boleslava Lament
20th century
Bl. Brigida of Jesus
17th century
Bl. Carlo Acutis
21th century
Bl. Catherine Jarrige
19th century
Bl. Catherine Troiani
19th century
St. Catherine Yi
19th century
St. Cecilia Yu
19th century
St. Cirilo Bertran
20th century
Bl. Clara Bosatta
19th century
Bl. Claudio Granzotto
20th century
St. Clelia Barbieri
19th century
Bl. Columba Gabriel
20th century
Bl. Columba Marmion
20th century
Bl. Daniel Brottier
20th century
St. Daniel Comboni
19th century
Bl. Daniel Karmasz
19th century
Bl. David Roldan-Lara
20th century
Bl. Diego Oddi
20th century
Bl. Dina Belanger
20th century
Bl. Domenico Lentini
19th century
Bl. Edmigio
20th century
Bl. Edmund Bojanowski
19th century
St. Elia Facchini
20th century
St. Elisabeth Tsinn
20th century
Bl. Emilian Kovch
20th century
Bl. Enrico Rebuschini
20th century
Bl. Eugenia Joubert
20th century
Bl. Eugenia Picco
20th century
Bl. Faustino Miguez
20th century
Bl. Felcite Pricet
20th century
Bl. Filip Geryluk
19th century
St. Filippo Smaldone
20th century
Bl. Florida Cevoli
18th century
St. Francesco Fogolla
20th century
Bl. Francisco Garate
20th century
St. Francisco Marto
20th century
Bl. Francis de Laval
18th century
Bl. Francoise Bonneau
18th century
Bl. Francoise Michau
18th century
Bl. Francoise Peltier
18th century
Bl. Frederick Albert
19th century
Bl. Frederic Ozanam
19th century
Bl. Gaetana Sterni
19th century
St. Gaetano Catanoso
20th century
St. Gaetano Errico
19th century
St. Gaspar Bertoni
19th century
Bl. Gennaro Sarnelli
18th century
Bl. George Haydock
16th century
Bl. George Matulaitis
20th century
St. George Preca
20th century
Bl. Giacomo Alberione
20th century
Bl. Giacomo Cusmano
19th century
St. Giovanni Calabria
20th century
St. Giovanni Piamarta
20th century
St. Giulia Salzano
20th century
Bl. Giuseppe Baldo
20th century
St. Giuseppe Marello
19th century
Bl. Giuseppe Tovini
19th century
Bl. Giuseppina Bonino
20th century
St. Gregorio Grassi
20th century
Bl. Gregory Khomyshyn
20th century
Bl. Gregory Lakota
20th century
St. Gregory of Narek
11th century
Bl. Guillaume Repin
18th century
Bl. Guillermo Courtet
17th century
Hubert Schiffer
20th century
Bl. Ignacy Franczuk
19th century
Bl. Nazju Falzon
19th century
Bl. Ignazio Maloyan
20th century
17 Irish Martyrs
20th century
Bl. Isidore Bakanja
20th century
Bl. Ivan Merz
20th century
Bl. Ivan Ziatyk
20th century
St. Jacinta Marto
20th century
St. Jacob Chastan
20th century
St. Jacques Berthieu
19th century
Bl. Jacques Laval
19th century
Bl. Jacques Ledoyen
18th century
Bl. Jaime Hilario
20th century
Bl. James Kern
20th century
St. James Ien-Ku-Tun
20th century
Bl. Jan Andrzejuk
20th century
Bl. Jean Menard
18th century
Bl. Jeanne Bourigault
18th century
St. Jeanne Delanoue
18th century
Bl. Jeanne Onillon
18th century
St. John Canh
20th century
St. John of Dukla
15th century
Bl. John Duns Scotus
14th century
St. John Grande
17th century
St. John Henry Newman
19th century
St. John Ou-Wenn-Yinn
20th century
St. John Pak
20th century
St. John Peter Neel
19th century
Bl. John Saziari
14th century
Bl. Ivan Sleziuk
20th century
St. John Tchang
20th century
St. John Tchen
20th century
St. John Van
20th century
St. John XXIII
20th century
St. John Yi Kwong-hai
20th century
St. John Yi Munu
20th century
St. John Yi Yunil
20th century
Bl. Jose Cecilio
20th century
St. Jose de Anchieta
16th century
St. Josef Bilczewski
20th century
St. Jose Maria Rubio
20th century
Bl. Joseph Allamano
20th century
St. Joseph Chang
19th century
St. Joseph Cho Yunho
19th century
Bl. Joseph Gerard
20th century
St. Josephine Bakhita
20th century
St. Josephine Vannini
20th century
St. Joseph Marello
19th century
Bl. Joseph Moreau
20th century
Bl. Joseph Nascimbeni
20th century
St. Joseph Vaz
18th century
St. Joseph Yuen
19th century
St. Juan de Castillo
17th century
St. Julian Alfredo
20th century
St. Juliet Kim
20th century
St. Jung Hye
20th century
Bl. Karolina Kozka
20th century
St. K'I-Tchou-Tzeu
20th century
Bl. Konstanty Bojko
20th century
St. Korean Martyrs
20th century
St. Lang-Yang-Cheu
20th century
Bl. Laurent Batard
18th century
Bl. Lazaro of Kyoto
17th century
St. Leobinus
6th century
Bl. Leonid Feodorov
20th century
Bl. Liberato Weiss
18th century
Bl. Lorenzo Salvi
19th century
Bl. Louis Moreau
20th century
Bl. Louis Tezza
20th century
St. Lucia Kim
20th century
St. Lucia Park Huisun
20th century
St. Lucy Wang-Tcheng
20th century
St. Ludovico Pavoni
19th century
Bl. Luigi Quattrocchi
20th century
St. Luigi Scrosoppi
19th century
Bl. Luigi Variara
20th century
St. Luigi Versiglia
20th century
St. Luis Batiz Sainz
20th century
Bl. Lukasz Bojko
20th century
Bl. Luke Alonso Gorda
20th century
St. Luke Hwang Soktu
20th century
Bl. Madeleine Blond
18th century
Bl. Madeleine Cady
18th century
Bl. Madeleine Salle
18th century
St. Magdalene Cho
17th century
St. Magdalene Kim Obi
17th century
Bl. Maksym Hawryluk
19th century
St. Manuel Moralez
20th century
Bl. Marcel Callo
20th century
St. Marciano Jose
20th century
Bl. Margaret Ebner
14th century
St. Marguerite Bays
19th century
Bl. Marguerite Robin
18th century
Bl. Maria Anna Sala
19th century
Bl. Maria Boznel
20th century
St. Maria Chaira
20th century
Bl. Maria Corsini
20th century
St. Maria de Mattias
19th century
Bl. Maria Eutimia
20th century
Bl. Maria Karlowska
20th century
St. Marianne Cope
20th century
Bl. Maria Rafols
19th century
Bl. Maria Restituta
20th century
St. Maria Salles
20th century
Bl. Maria Schinina
20th century
St. Maria Won Kwi-im
20th century
St. Maria Yi Indog
20th century
St. Maria Yi Yonhui
20th century
St. Marie Amandine
20th century
Bl. Marie Cassin
18th century
Bl. Marie Fasseuse
18th century
Bl. Marie Forestier
18th century
Bl. Marie Grillard
18th century
Bl. Marie Lardeux
18th century
Bl. Marie Piou Supiot
18th century
Bl. Marie Poussepin
18th century
Bl. Marie Rochard
18th century
Bl. Marina de Omura
17th century
Bl. Mark of Aviano
17th century
St. Martha Kim
17th century
St. Martin Luke Huin
18th century
St. Martin Ou
19th century
St. Martyrs of Kosice
17th century
St. Mary Fan-K'Ounn
20th century
St. Mary Fou
20th century
Bl. Frances Siedliska
20th century
St. Mary Tchao
20th century
St. Mary Tcheng-Su
20th century
St. Mary Ts'I-U
20th century
St. Mary Wang-Li-Cheu
20th century
St. Mary Yi Yon-hui
20th century
St. Mateo Correa
20th century
St. Matthew Fun-Te
20th century
Bl. Maurice Tornay
20th century
Bl. Dominik Trcka
20th century
Bl. Michal Kozal
20th century
Bl. Michal Wawryszuk
20th century
Bl. Miguel de la Mora
20th century
Bl. Miguel Kurobioye
17th century
St. Modest Andlauer
20th century
Bl. Monique Pichery
18th century
Bl. Mykola Konrad
20th century
Bl. Mykola Tsehelskyi
20th century
Bl. Nicola of Gesturi
20th century
Bl. Nicolas Barre
17th century
Bl. Nicolas Roland
17th century
Bl. Nicolas Steno
17th century
Bl. Nikolaus Gross
20th century
Bl. Odilia Baumgarten
18th century
Bl. Oleksa Zaryckyj
20th century
Bl. Olha Bida
20th century
Bl. Onufry Wasyluk
19th century
Bl. Otto Neururer
20th century
St. Paola Jeuris
20th century
Bl. Paolo Manna
20th century
St. Patrick Tun
20th century
St. Paul Chen
19th century
St. Paul Chong Hasang
19th century
St. Paul Denn
20th century
St. Paul Ho
20th century
St. Paul Hong Yongju
20th century
St. Paulina
20th century
St. Paul Lang-Eull
20th century
St. Paul Ou-Kiu-Nan
20th century
St. Paul Ou-Wan-Chou
20th century
St. Pedro Calungsod
17th century
Bl. Perrine Androuin
18th century
Bl. Perrine Besson
18th century
Bl. Perrine Grille
18th century
Bl. Perrine Laurent
18th century
Bl. Perrine Ledoyen
18th century
St. Peter Aumaitre
18th century
St. Peter Cho Kwaso
18th century
St. Peter Chong Wonji
18th century
Bl. Peter Donders
19th century
Bl. Peter Friedhofen
19th century
St. Peter Kwon Tugin
19th century
St. Peter Liou-Tzeu-U
20th century
St. Peter Li-Ts'Uan
20th century
St. Peter Maubant
20th century
St. Peter Ryau
20th century
St. Peter Son Sonji
20th century
St. Peter Tchao-Ming
20th century
Bl. Peter To Rot
20th century
St. Peter Tuy Le
20th century
St. Peter U-Ngan-Pan
20th century
Bl. Peter Verhun
20th century
St. Peter Wang-OI-Man
20th century
St. Peter Yi Myongs
20th century
St. Peter Y Taech'ol
19th century
St. Peter Yu Chongyul
19th century
Bl. Philip Rinaldi
20th century
St. Philip Tchang
20th century
Bl. Pierino Morosini
20th century
Bl. Pierre Bonhomme
19th century
Bl. Pierre Delepine
18th century
Bl. Pierre Fremond
18th century
Bl. Pierre Tessier
18th century
Bl. Pietro Bonilli
20th century
Bl. Pietro Casini
20th century
Bl. Pio Campidelli
19th century
Bl. Pius IX
19th century
108 Polish Martyrs
19th century
Bl. Rafael Chylinski
18th century
St. Rafqa
20th century
St. Raymond Li-Ts'Uan
20th century
Bl. Regina Protmann
17th century
St. Remigius Isore
20th century
Bl. Renee Grillard
18th century
Bl. Renee Martin
18th century
Bl. Renee Valin
18th century
Bl. Rene Lego
18th century
St. Riccardo Pampuri
20th century
Bl. Roman Lysko
20th century
St. Rosa Kim
20th century
Bl. Rose Quenion
18th century
St. Rose Tchao
18th century
St. Rose Wang-Hoei
20th century
Bl. Rupert Meyer
20th century
Bl. Salvatore Lilli
19th century
Bl. Samuel Marzorati
18th century
St. Sebastian Nam
4th century
Bl. Severian Baranyk
20th century
Bl. Simeon Lukach
20th century
St. Simon Berneux
19th century
St. Simon Tceng
20th century
St. Simon Tsinn
20th century
11 Spanish nuns
20th century
St. Stefan Pongracz
17th century
St. Stephen Vinh
20th century
St. Susanna U Surim
20th century
Bl. Suzanne Androuin
18th century
Bl. Tarsykia Matskiv
20th century
St. Tchang-Hoai-Lou
20th century
Bl. Teodomiro Joaquin
20th century
St. Teodorico Balat
20th century
Bl. Teodor Romza
20th century
Bl. Teresa Bracco
20th century
St. Teresa Kinn-Tsie
20th century
St. Teresa Yi Mae-im
19th century
St. Thephane Venard
19th century
St. Thomas Sen-Ki-Kuo
20th century
St. Thomas Son Chason
19th century
St. Thomas Thien Tran
19th century
Bl. Timothy Giaccardo
20th century
St. Tomasso da Cori
18th century
Bl. Tommaso Reggio
20th century
Bl. Ulricke Nische
19th century
Bl. Victoire Gusteau
18th century
St. Victoriano Pio
20th century
Bl. Vilmos Apor
20th century
St. Vincent Romano
19th century
Bl. Vitalij Bajrak
17th century
Bl. Volodymyr Pryjma
20th century
Bl. Wincenty Lewoniuk
19th century
Bl. Yakym Senkivsky
20th century
Pope Zachary
8th century
Bl. Zeferino Agostini
19th century
Bl. Zenon Kovalyk
20th century

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