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Patron Saints: S
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Patronage | Saints Patronage / Saints |
Saguntum, Spain | Saguntum, Spain Sacerdos of Saguntum |
Sailors | Sailors Brendan, Erasmus (Elmo), Francis of Paola, Nicholas of Myra |
Saint Ives, Cornwall | Saint Ives, Cornwall Ia |
Saint Ives, England | Saint Ives, England Ivo |
Saint Mellyan, Cornwall | Saint Mellyan, Cornwall Melaine of Rennes |
Saint Teath, Cornwall | Saint Teath, Cornwall Teath |
Saint Vitus's dance nervous disorder; rheumatic chorea | Saint Vitus's dance nervous disorder; rheumatic chorea Vitus |
Salamanca, Spain | Salamanca, Spain John of Sahagun |
San Gemini, Italy | San Gemini, Italy Geminus |
San Marino | San Marino Marinus |
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico | San Miguel de Allende, Mexico Michael the Archangel |
Santa Ana Indian Pueblo | Santa Ana Indian Pueblo Anne |
Santa Clara Indian Pueblo | Santa Clara Indian Pueblo Clare of Assisi |
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA | Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA Francis of Assisi |
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic | Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Our Lady of Ransom |
Sardinia | Sardinia Maurice |
Sassano, Italy | Sassano, Italy John the Baptist |
Savings banks | Savings banks Anthony Claret |
Savona, Italy | Savona, Italy Our Lady of Mercy |
Savoy | Savoy Maurice |
Saxony | Saxony Willihad |
Scandinavia | Scandinavia Ansgar |
Scholars | Scholars Bridgid of Ireland, Thomas Aquinas |
Scholars, scripture | Scholars, scripture Jerome |
School teachers | School teachers John Baptist de la Salle |
Schools | Schools Thomas Aquinas |
Schools of law | Schools of law Raymond of Pennafort |
Schools, Catholic | Schools, Catholic Thomas Aquinas |
Schools, all Christian | Schools, all Christian Joseph Calasanctius |
Scientists | Scientists Albert the Great |
Scotland | Scotland Margaret, Andrew, Apostle |
Scripture scholars | Scripture scholars Jerome Emiliani |
Sculptors | Sculptors Claude, Luke, Four crowned martyrs, Louis |
Scurf, protection against | Scurf, protection against Genesius of Arles |
Sea, those associated with the | Sea, those associated with the Francis of Paola |
Security forces | Security forces Michael the Archangel |
Security forces, Andorran | Security forces, Andorran Our Lady Help of Christians |
Security forces, French | Security forces, French Genevieve (Genofeva) |
Security forces, Peruvian | Security forces, Peruvian Rose of Lima |
Security guards | Security guards Matthew |
Segovia, Spain | Segovia, Spain Venantius |
Seminarians | Seminarians Charles Borromeo |
Senior citizens | Senior citizens Our Lady of Consolation, Teresa of Jesus Jornet e Ibars |
Serbia | Serbia Sava |
Serbian peoples | Serbian peoples Sebastian |
Sergio Osmena, Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines | Sergio Osmena, Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines Philip Benizi |
Servants | Servants Martha, Notbunga |
Servants (women) | Servants (women) Zita |
Seville, Spain | Seville, Spain Ferdinand III of Castile |
Shepherds | Shepherds Our Lady of Lapurdo, Paschal Baylon |
Shipwrecks, protection against | Shipwrecks, protection against Anthony of Padua, Jodocus |
Shoemakers | Shoemakers Cyprian of Carthage, Homobonus |
Shorthand writers | Shorthand writers Cassian of Imola |
Sibenik, Croatia | Sibenik, Croatia Michael the Archangel |
Sicily | Sicily Andrew, Apostle, Vitus |
Sick | Sick John of God, Camillus de Lellis, Michael the Archangel |
Sick, of Poland | Sick, of Poland Mary, The Health of the Sick |
Siena Italy | Siena Italy Ambrose Sansedoni of Siena, Catherine of Siena |
Signals, military | Signals, military Gabriel the Archangel |
Silesia | Silesia Hedwig |
Silversmiths | Silversmiths Andronicus, Eligius (Eloi) |
Sisak, Croatia | Sisak, Croatia Quirinus |
Sisters of Mercy | Sisters of Mercy Elizabeth of Hungary |
Sithney, Cornwall, England | Sithney, Cornwall, England Sithney |
Skaters | Skaters Lidwina |
Skiathos Island, Greece | Skiathos Island, Greece Panagia Kastriani |
Skiers | Skiers Bernard of Montjoux, Andronicus (with Athanasia), Our Lady of Graces |
Skin diseases | Skin diseases Antony the Abbot |
Skopelos Island, Greece | Skopelos Island, Greece Riginos |
Slander | Slander John Nepomucene |
Sleepwalkers | Sleepwalkers Dymphna |
Slovakia | Slovakia Our Lady of the Assumption |
Slovenes | Slovenes Virgilius |
Snake bite victims | Snake bite victims Hilary, Pirminus, Vitus |
Snakes, protection against | Snakes, protection against Dominic of Sora, Hilary of Poitiers, Magnus of Fussen, Patrick, Paul, Apostle, Pirmin |
Social justice | Social justice Joseph, Martin de Porres |
Social workers | Social workers Louise de Marillac, John Francis Regis |
Soldiers | Soldiers George, Martin of Tours, Maurice, Sebastian |
Soldiers, American | Soldiers, American Joan of Arc |
Soldiers, French | Soldiers, French Joan of Arc, Louis |
Soldiers, Paraguayan | Soldiers, Paraguayan Mary, on feast of her Assumption |
Solomon Islands | Solomon Islands Michael the Archangel |
Sonsbeck (Santbeck), Germany | Sonsbeck (Santbeck), Germany Gerebernus |
Sorrento, Italy | Sorrento, Italy Antoninus of Sorrento |
South Africa, Southern Africa | South Africa, Southern Africa Our Lady of the Assumption |
South America | South America Rose of Lima, Our Lady of Guadalupe |
South Carolina, USA | South Carolina, USA Mary the Virgin Mother |
South Dakota, USA | South Dakota, USA Our Lady of the Prairie |
Spain | Spain James the Greater, John of Avila, Our Lady of Ransom, Immaculate Conception of Mary |
Spanish conquistadors | Spanish conquistadors James the Greater |
Spanish poets | Spanish poets John of the Cross |
Spanish secular clergy | Spanish secular clergy John of Avila |
Spas | Spas John the Baptist |
Speakers (Orators) | Speakers (Orators) John Chrysostom |
Speleologists, Italian | Speleologists, Italian Benedict, Abbot |
Spelunkers, potholers | Spelunkers, potholers Benedict, Abbot |
Spinners | Spinners Parasceva |
Spiritual directors of clergy | Spiritual directors of clergy Joseph Cafasso |
Spiritual exercises | Spiritual exercises Ignatius of Loyola |
Sportsmen and women, Belgian | Sportsmen and women, Belgian Our Lady of Chevremont |
Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka Mary, Immaculate, Our Lady of Lanka |
Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) | Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) Lawrence, Our Lady of Madhu, Thomas, Apostle |
St Vincent de Paul Societies | St Vincent de Paul Societies Vincent de Paul |
St. Antony's Fire | St. Antony's Fire Antony the Abbot |
Stafford, England | Stafford, England Bettelin |
Stamp collectors | Stamp collectors Gabriel the Archangel |
Starving or Starvation; Starving People, protection against | Starving or Starvation; Starving People, protection against Anthony of Padua |
Stavenger, England | Stavenger, England Swithun |
Stenographers | Stenographers Cassian of Imola |
Stiff Neck, protection against | Stiff Neck, protection against Ursicinus of Saint-Ursanne |
Stomach disorders | Stomach disorders Timothy, Erasmus (Elmo) |
Stone masons | Stone masons Four crowned martyrs, Louis, Stephen |
Storms, protection against | Storms, protection against Vitus |
Strasbourg, France | Strasbourg, France Arbogast |
Strokes | Strokes Andrew Avellino |
Students | Students Catherine of Alexandria, Thomas Aquinas, Gabriel Possenti |
Students (examinees) | Students (examinees) Joseph of Cupertino |
Students in Jesuit colleges | Students in Jesuit colleges Aloysius Gonzaga |
Students, of Peru | Students, of Peru Our Lady of Guadalupe |
Students, women | Students, women Catherine of Alexandria |
Sudan | Sudan Josephine Bakhita |
Sudden Death, protection against | Sudden Death, protection against Aldegundis, Andrew Avellino, Barbara, Christopher |
Surgeons | Surgeons Cosmas and Damian, Luke, Roch |
Surveyors | Surveyors Thomas, Apostle |
Swabia, Germany | Swabia, Germany Meinrad |
Sweden | Sweden Bridget, Eric of Sweden |
Swimmers | Swimmers Adjutor |
Switzerland | Switzerland Notbunga |
Swordsmiths | Swordsmiths Maurice |
Syracuse, Sicily | Syracuse, Sicily Lucy of Syracuse |
Syria | Syria Barbara |
sacristans; sextons | sacristans; sextons Guy of Anderlecht |
saddlers, saddlemakers | saddlers, saddlemakers Crispin and Crispinian, Eligius (Eloi), George, Lucy of Syracuse, Paul, Apostle |
salesmen | salesmen Lucy of Syracuse |
salmon | salmon Kentigern |
saltpetre workers | saltpetre workers Barbara |
sawmen, sawyers | sawmen, sawyers Balthasar |
sceond marriages | sceond marriages Adelaide, Matilda |
school principals, schoolmasters | school principals, schoolmasters John Baptist de la Salle |
schools for the poor | schools for the poor Joseph Calasanz |
scribes | scribes Catherine of Alexandria |
scrofulous diseases, struma | scrofulous diseases, struma Mark the Evangelist |
seamstresses | seamstresses Anne |
seasickness | seasickness Erasmus (Elmo) |
secretaries | secretaries Catherine of Alexandria, Genesius of Arles |
seekers of lost articles | seekers of lost articles Anthony of Padua |
separated spouses | separated spouses Gummarus, Nicholas of Myra |
servants who broke their masters' property | servants who broke their masters' property Benedict |
sexual temptation | sexual temptation Angela of Foligno, Catherine of Siena, Margaret of Cortona, Mary of Edessa, Mary of Egypt, Mary Magdalene, Mary Magdalen of Pazzi, Pelagia of Antioch |
sheds; stables; outbuildings | sheds; stables; outbuildings Guy of Anderlecht |
sheep | sheep Drogo |
shepherdesses | shepherdesses Bernadette of Lourdes, Germaine Cousin, Solange |
shermen of Folkestone England | shermen of Folkestone England Rumwold |
ship builders; shipwrights | ship builders; shipwrights Peter the Apostle |
sick animals | sick animals Beuno, Dwynwen, Nicholas of Tolentino |
sick horses | sick horses Eligius (Eloi) |
silence | silence John Nepomucene |
silk workers | silk workers Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, Severus of Avranches |
singers; vocalists | singers; vocalists Andrew, Apostle, Cecilia |
single laywomen | single laywomen Agatha, Aloysius Gonzaga, Bibiana, Flora of Cordoba, Margaret of Cortona, Nunilo |
slavery | slavery Peter Claver |
smallpox | smallpox Matthias |
smelters | smelters Barbara, Hubert of Liege |
snake bites | snake bites Hilary of Poitiers, Patrick, Paul, Apostle, Vitus |
soap boilers | soap boilers Florian |
souls in purgatory | souls in purgatory Nicholas of Tolentino, Odilo |
spasms | spasms John the Baptist |
speliologists, spelunkers, potholers, cavers, cave scientists | speliologists, spelunkers, potholers, cavers, cave scientists Benedict |
spiritual directors or leaders | spiritual directors or leaders Charles Borromeo |
spiritual help | spiritual help Vincent de Paul |
spur makers | spur makers Giles |
stablemen | stablemen Anne |
stained glass workers; glass painters | stained glass workers; glass painters Lawrence, Lucy of Syracuse |
stammering children | stammering children Notkar Balbulus |
starch makers | starch makers Charles Borromeo |
step-parents | step-parents Adelaide, Thomas More |
stock brokers | stock brokers Matthew the Apostle |
storks | storks Agricola of Avignon |
storms at sea | storms at sea Mochelloc |
students of theology | students of theology Albertus Magnus |
success | success Servatus |
swans | swans Hugh of Lincoln |
swineherds | swineherds Anthony of Padua, Antony the Abbot |
syphilis | syphilis Fiacre, George |
More on Patron Saints
Recently, the popes have named patron saints but patrons can be chosen by other individuals or groups as well. Patron saints are often chosen today because an interest, talent, or event in their lives overlaps with the special area. Angels can also be named as patron saints. A patron saint can help us when we follow the example of that saint's life and when we ask for that saint's intercessory prayers to God.
For example, Francis of Assisi loved nature and so he is patron of ecologists. Francis de Sales was a writer and so he is patron of journalists and writers. Clare of Assisi was named patron of television because one Christmas when she was too ill to leave her bed she saw and heard Christmas Mass -- even though it was taking place miles away.
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