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Patron Saints: M
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Patronage | Saints Patronage / Saints |
Macedonia | Macedonia Clement of Ohrid |
Madagascar | Madagascar Vincent de Paul |
Madrid & Alcala | Madrid & Alcala Justus and Pastor, Isidore the Farmer |
Magistrates | Magistrates Ferdinand III of Castile |
Maids | Maids Zita |
Maine, USA | Maine, USA Our Lady fo Peace |
Majorca city | Majorca city Alonso Rodriguez |
Majorca island | Majorca island Alonso Rodriguez |
Malta | Malta Paul, Apostle |
Mantua, Italy | Mantua, Italy Anselm of Lucca, the Younger |
Marble workers | Marble workers Clement I, Four crowned martyrs, Louis |
Marching Auxiliaries | Marching Auxiliaries Vitus |
Mariners | Mariners Nicholas of Tolentino |
Marines (Italian) | Marines (Italian) Barbara |
Maritime pilots | Maritime pilots Nicholas of Myra |
Maronites, Maronite Christians | Maronites, Maronite Christians Maro |
Marriage | Marriage John Francis Regis |
Marriages (unhappy) | Marriages (unhappy) Gengulf |
Married women | Married women Monica |
Maryland, USA | Maryland, USA Our Lady of the Assumption |
Masons | Masons Thomas, Apostle, Four crowned martyrs, Louis |
Massachusetts, USA | Massachusetts, USA Our Lady of the Incarnation |
Medal collectors | Medal collectors Eligius (Eloi) |
Medical profession | Medical profession Cosmas and Damian, Luke, Pantaleon |
Medical technicians | Medical technicians Albert the Great |
Mentally ill | Mentally ill Dymphna |
Merchants | Merchants Francis of Assisi, Nicholas of Myra, Homobonus |
Merchants, Italian | Merchants, Italian Francis of Assisi |
Merthyr Tydfil, Wales | Merthyr Tydfil, Wales Tydfil |
Messengers | Messengers Gabriel the Archangel |
Metalworkers | Metalworkers Eligius (Eloi) |
Metz, France | Metz, France Patiens of Metz |
Mexican young people | Mexican young people John Bosco |
Mexico | Mexico Our Lady of Guadalupe, Joseph |
Mexico City, Mexico | Mexico City, Mexico Philip of Jesus |
Michigan, USA | Michigan, USA Our Lady, Gate of Heaven |
Midwives | Midwives Raymond Nonnatus |
Migrants | Migrants Frances Xavier Cabrini |
Milan | Milan Ambrose of Milan |
Millers | Millers Honoratus |
Milliners (Hatmakers) | Milliners (Hatmakers) James the Greater |
Mine Collapse, protection against | Mine Collapse, protection against Barbara |
Miners | Miners Anne (Mother of Mary), Barbara |
Minnesota, USA | Minnesota, USA Our Lady, Mother of the Church |
Miscarriage prevention | Miscarriage prevention Catherine of Sweden |
Miscarriages, protection against | Miscarriages, protection against Catherine of Siena, Catherine of Sweden, Eulalia |
Missionary priests | Missionary priests Vincent Pallotti |
Missioners in Catholic Lands | Missioners in Catholic Lands Leonard of Port Maurice |
Missioners of the Precious Blood | Missioners of the Precious Blood Francis Xavier |
Missions | Missions Francis Xavier, Peter Claver, Therese of Lisieux, Leonard of Port Maurice |
Missions, Polish | Missions, Polish Maria Teresa Ledochowska (Bd) |
Missions, Portuguese | Missions, Portuguese John de Britto |
Mississippi, USA | Mississippi, USA Our Lady of Sorrows |
Missouri, USA | Missouri, USA Our Lady of Calvary |
Mixed race, people of | Mixed race, people of Martin de Porres |
Moles, protection against | Moles, protection against Ulric |
Monaco | Monaco Devota |
Monarchy, French | Monarchy, French Louis |
Mongolia, Inner | Mongolia, Inner Immaculate Conception of Mary |
Mongolia, Outer | Mongolia, Outer Francis Xavier |
Mons, Belgium | Mons, Belgium Waltrude |
Montana, USA | Montana, USA Our Lady of the Pines |
Monte Marano | Monte Marano John of Monte Marano |
Montefalco, Italy | Montefalco, Italy Clare of Montefalco |
Montesanto, Italy | Montesanto, Italy Gerard of Lunel |
Moral theologians | Moral theologians Alphonsus de Liguori |
Moravia | Moravia Wenceslaus, Cyril and Methodius |
Moscow | Moscow Boris |
Mothers | Mothers Monica, Gerard Majella, Nicholas of Tolentino |
Motorcyclists | Motorcyclists Mary, The Madonna of Castaliazzo or Our Lady of Grace and of Crete |
Motorists | Motorists Frances of Rome, Christopher |
Motorways | Motorways John the Baptist |
Mountaineers, mountain climbers | Mountaineers, mountain climbers Bernard of Montjoux (or Menthon) |
Mullion, Cornwall | Mullion, Cornwall Melaine of Rennes |
Munich, Germany | Munich, Germany Benno |
Music, musicians | Music, musicians Cecilia, Gregory the Great, Dunstan |
machinists | machinists Hubert of Liege |
mail Anthony of Padua |
market carriers | market carriers Christopher |
married couples | married couples Joseph |
martyrs, murdered as confessors of the faith or for moral integrity | martyrs, murdered as confessors of the faith or for moral integrity Afra, Agatha, Agostina Pietrantoni, Alodia, Barbara, Cecilia, Dymphna, Felicity, Flora of Cordoba, Joan of Arc |
mathematicians | mathematicians Barbara, Hubert of Liege |
mechanics | mechanics Catherine of Alexandria |
medical record librarians | medical record librarians Raymond of Pennafort |
medical social workers | medical social workers John Regis |
mental health professionals, caregivers, psychiatrists, therapists | mental health professionals, caregivers, psychiatrists, therapists Dymphna |
metal collectors, precious metal collectors | metal collectors, precious metal collectors Eligius (Eloi) |
migraine; against migraines; migraine sufferers | migraine; against migraines; migraine sufferers Gereon, Severus of Avranches, Ubald Baldassini |
military engineers | military engineers Barbara |
misfortune | misfortune Agricola of Avignon |
missionaries | missionaries Francis Xavier, Therese of Lisieux |
missionary bishops | missionary bishops Paul, Apostle |
money managers | money managers Matthew the Apostle |
monks | monks Anthony the Abbott, Benedict |
motherhood | motherhood Gerard Majella |
mountain travellers | mountain travellers Petronilla |
mulattoes, bi-racial or multi-racial people | mulattoes, bi-racial or multi-racial people Martin de Porres |
murderers | murderers Caedwalla, Julian the Hospitaller, Nicholas of Myra, Vladimir |
musical instrument makers | musical instrument makers Cecilia |
mute people, muteness, dumbness | mute people, muteness, dumbness Drogo |
mystics, mystical theology | mystics, mystical theology John of the Cross |
More on Patron Saints
Recently, the popes have named patron saints but patrons can be chosen by other individuals or groups as well. Patron saints are often chosen today because an interest, talent, or event in their lives overlaps with the special area. Angels can also be named as patron saints. A patron saint can help us when we follow the example of that saint's life and when we ask for that saint's intercessory prayers to God.
For example, Francis of Assisi loved nature and so he is patron of ecologists. Francis de Sales was a writer and so he is patron of journalists and writers. Clare of Assisi was named patron of television because one Christmas when she was too ill to leave her bed she saw and heard Christmas Mass -- even though it was taking place miles away.
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