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Patron Saints: B
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Patronage | Saints Patronage / Saints |
Babies | Babies The Holy Innocents, Maximus, Nicholas of Tolentino, Philip of Zell |
Bad Weather, protection against | Bad Weather, protection against Eurosia, Medard |
Bakers | Bakers Elizabeth of Hungary, Nicholas of Myra, Honoratus |
Bankers | Bankers Matthew, Bernardino of Feltre |
Banking | Banking Michael the Archangel |
Barbers | Barbers Cosmas and Damian, Louis, Martin de Porres |
Barcelona, Spain | Barcelona, Spain Our Lady of Mercy |
Bari, Italy | Bari, Italy Nicholas, Sabinus |
Barra, Scotland | Barra, Scotland Finbar |
Barrel makers | Barrel makers Abdon and Sennen |
Barren women | Barren women Anthony of Padua, Felicity |
Basket makers | Basket makers Antony the Abbot |
Battle | Battle Michael the Archangel |
Battle, protection against | Battle, protection against Florian |
Baume-les-Messieurs | Baume-les-Messieurs Drogo |
Bavaria | Bavaria Hedwig, Killian |
Bee Keepers | Bee Keepers Ambrose |
Begerin, Ireland | Begerin, Ireland Ibar |
Beggars | Beggars Alexius, Martin of Tours, Giles |
Belgium | Belgium Joseph |
Bellmakers | Bellmakers Agatha |
Benedictine oblates | Benedictine oblates Henry the Emperor |
Benevento, Italy | Benevento, Italy Arthelais, Barbatus of Benevento |
Bergamo, Italy | Bergamo, Italy Alexander of Bergamo |
Bergen, Norway | Bergen, Norway Sunniva |
Bible scholars | Bible scholars Jerome |
Birds | Birds Gall |
Birth Complications, protection against | Birth Complications, protection against Ulric |
Bishops of Latin America | Bishops of Latin America Turibius |
Blight, protection against | Blight, protection against Urban of Langres |
Blind people | Blind people Raphael the Archangel, Thomas, Apostle, Cosmas and Damian, Lucy |
Blood banks | Blood banks Januarius |
Blood donors | Blood donors Our Lady of the Thorns |
Bodily ills | Bodily ills Our Lady of Lourdes |
Bohemia | Bohemia Joseph, Adalbert, John Nepomucene, Cyril and Methodius, Wenceslaus |
Bolivia | Bolivia Francis Solano, Our Lady of Capucdana (Virgin de la Candelaria), Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Virgin de la Candelaria, Virgin of Copacabana, La Virgen de Copacabana (Virgin of Copacabana) |
Bolivian navy | Bolivian navy Our Lady of Charity |
Bologna, Italy | Bologna, Italy Petronius |
Bombay, India | Bombay, India Gundisalvus Garcia |
Book trade | Book trade John of God |
Bookbinders | Bookbinders Celestine V (pope), John of God |
Bookkeepers | Bookkeepers Matthew |
Booksellers | Booksellers John of God, Thomas Aquinas |
Bordeaux, France | Bordeaux, France Simon Stock |
Borneo | Borneo Francis Xavier |
Boston, Massachusetts, USA | Boston, Massachusetts, USA Botulph |
Boy Scouts | Boy Scouts George |
Boys, young | Boys, young Dominic Savio |
Brazil | Brazil Nossa senhora de Aparecida, Peter of Alcantara |
Breast-feeding | Breast-feeding Basilissa, Giles |
Brescia, Italy | Brescia, Italy Faustinus |
Brewers | Brewers Augustine of Hippo, Luke, Nicholas of Myra, Amand, Wenceslaus |
Bricklayers | Bricklayers Stephen |
Brides | Brides Nicholas of Myra |
Bridges | Bridges John Nepomucene |
Brigands (danger from) | Brigands (danger from) Leonard of Noblac |
Brittany | Brittany Ivo of Kermartin |
Broadcasters | Broadcasters Gabriel the Archangel |
Bruises and Bruising, protection against | Bruises and Bruising, protection against Amalburga |
Brussels | Brussels Michael the Archangel |
Builders | Builders Vincent Ferrer, Barbara, Thomas, Apostle |
Building trade | Building trade Stephen |
Bulgaria | Bulgaria Cyril and Methodius |
Burgos, Spain | Burgos, Spain Adelelmus |
Bursars | Bursars Joseph |
Business people | Business people Homobonus |
Businesswomen | Businesswomen Margaret of Clitherow |
Button makers | Button makers Louis |
Byzantine Eparchy of Van Nuys, Arizona, USA | Byzantine Eparchy of Van Nuys, Arizona, USA Holy Protection of the Mother of God |
bachelors | bachelors Benedict, Benezet, Boniface of Tarsus, Caesarius of Nanzianzen, Casimir of Poland, Christopher, Cuthman, Epipodius, Gerald of Aurillac, Guy of Anderlecht |
backward children | backward children Hilary of Poitiers |
bacterial disease and infection | bacterial disease and infection Agrippina |
bailiffs | bailiffs Ivo of Kermartin |
bakers of holy wafers | bakers of holy wafers Honorius of Amiens |
baptism | baptism John the Baptist |
bartenders, bar keepers, bar staff | bartenders, bar keepers, bar staff Amand |
bees | bees Ambrose of Milan, Bernard of Clairvaux, Modomnoc |
bell-founders | bell-founders Agatha, Fortchern of Trim |
belt makers | belt makers Alexius |
betrayal victims | betrayal victims Epipodius, Flora of Cordoba, Oswin, Philip Howard, Pulcheria |
bicyclists, cyclists, bicycle riders | bicyclists, cyclists, bicycle riders La Madonna di Ghisalo |
bird dealers | bird dealers John the Baptist |
birth pains | birth pains Erasmus (Elmo) |
bishops | bishops Charles Borromeo |
black missions, African missions | black missions, African missions Benedict the Black, Francis Xavier, Peter Claver, Therese of Lisieux |
black people, Negroes, African-Americans | black people, Negroes, African-Americans Benedict the Black, Martin de Porres, Peter Claver |
blackbirds | blackbirds Kevin |
blacksmiths | blacksmiths Bridgid of Ireland, Dunstan, Eligius (Eloi), Giles, James the Greater, Leonard of Noblac |
bodily purity | bodily purity Agnes of Rome |
boilermakers | boilermakers Eligius (Eloi) |
bomb technicians | bomb technicians Barbara |
boot blacks, shoe shiners | boot blacks, shoe shiners Nicholas of Myra |
bowel disorders | bowel disorders Bonaventure |
box makers | box makers Fiacre |
brass workers | brass workers Barbara |
breast cancer | breast cancer Agatha, Aldegundis, Giles, Peregrine Laziosi |
breast disease, invoked against | breast disease, invoked against Agatha |
brick makers | brick makers Vincent Ferrer |
bridge builders | bridge builders John Nepomucene, Peter the Apostle |
broken bones | broken bones Drogo, Stanislaus Kostka |
broommakers | broommakers Anne |
brushmakers | brushmakers Antony the Abbot |
burns | burns John the Apostle |
bus drivers | bus drivers Christopher |
butchers | butchers Adrian of Nicomedia, Antony the Abbot, Bartholomew the Apostle, George, Lawrence, Luke the Apostle, Peter the Apostle, Thomas Bellacci, Antony the Abbot, Luke |
More on Patron Saints
Recently, the popes have named patron saints but patrons can be chosen by other individuals or groups as well. Patron saints are often chosen today because an interest, talent, or event in their lives overlaps with the special area. Angels can also be named as patron saints. A patron saint can help us when we follow the example of that saint's life and when we ask for that saint's intercessory prayers to God.
For example, Francis of Assisi loved nature and so he is patron of ecologists. Francis de Sales was a writer and so he is patron of journalists and writers. Clare of Assisi was named patron of television because one Christmas when she was too ill to leave her bed she saw and heard Christmas Mass -- even though it was taking place miles away.
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