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Patron Saints: A
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Patronage | Saints Patronage / Saints |
AIDS care-givers | AIDS care-givers Aloysius Gonzaga |
AIDS patients | AIDS patients Aloysius Gonzaga, Peregrine Laziosi, Therese of Lisieux |
Abandoned children | Abandoned children Ivo of Kermartin, Jerome Emiliani |
Abbeville, France | Abbeville, France Wulfram of Sens |
Abdominal pains | Abdominal pains Erasmus (Elmo) |
Abingdon, England | Abingdon, England Edmund Rich of Abingdon |
Abortion, protection against | Abortion, protection against Catherine of Sweden |
Abruzzi region of Italy | Abruzzi region of Italy Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows |
Academies, Roman Catholic | Academies, Roman Catholic Thomas Aquinas |
Acadians, Cajuns | Acadians, Cajuns Our Lady of the Assumption |
Accountants | Accountants Matthew |
Accused (falsely) | Accused (falsely) Raymond Nonnatus |
Achaia | Achaia Andrew, Apostle |
Actors | Actors Genesius, Vitus |
Advertisers, advertising | Advertisers, advertising Bernardine of Siena |
Advocates | Advocates Ivo of Kermartin |
Africa, Central | Africa, Central The Most Pure Heart of Mary |
Africa, North | Africa, North Cyprian of Carthage |
Africa, Southern | Africa, Southern Mary, on feast of her Assumption |
African Catholic Youth Action | African Catholic Youth Action Charles Lwanga |
Against Mice, protection against | Against Mice, protection against Gertrude, Servatus, Ulric |
Agirone, Sicily | Agirone, Sicily Philip of Agirone |
Air crew | Air crew Our Lady of Loreto |
Air crew, Belgian | Air crew, Belgian Our Lady of Loreto |
Air crew, French | Air crew, French Mary, on feast of her Assumption |
Air crew, Spanish | Air crew, Spanish Our Lady of Loreto |
Air force, Argentinian | Air force, Argentinian Our Lady of Loreto |
Air travelers | Air travelers Joseph of Cupertino |
Airborne (Paratroopers) | Airborne (Paratroopers) Michael the Archangel |
Alabama USA | Alabama USA Our Lady of the Gulf |
Alaska USA | Alaska USA Our Lady of the Kodiak and the Islands |
Albania | Albania Mary, Mother of Good Counsel |
Albi, France | Albi, France Cecilia |
Alcala, Spain | Alcala, Spain Justus and Pastor |
Alcira, Valencia, Spain | Alcira, Valencia, Spain Bernard, Gracia, Mary |
Alessandro, Italy | Alessandro, Italy Trifone |
Alexandria, Egypt | Alexandria, Egypt Cyril of Alexandria |
Alexians | Alexians Alexius |
Alezio, Italy | Alezio, Italy Our Lady of the Assumption |
Algeria | Algeria Cyprian of Carthage |
Alpine troops | Alpine troops Maurice |
Alpinists | Alpinists Bernard of Montjoux (or Menthon) |
Altar servers | Altar servers John Berchmans |
Amalfi, Italy | Amalfi, Italy Andrew, Apostle |
Ambassadors, Argentinian | Ambassadors, Argentinian Gabriel the Archangel |
American Indians, Native Americans | American Indians, Native Americans Anthony of Padua |
Americas | Americas Our Lady of Guadalupe, Rose of Lima |
Ammunition/Ordnance /explosive workers | Ammunition/Ordnance /explosive workers Erasmus (Elmo) |
Ancona, Italy | Ancona, Italy Judas Cyriacus |
Andalusia | Andalusia John of Avila |
Anderlecht, Belgium | Anderlecht, Belgium Guy of Anderlecht |
Andorran security forces | Andorran security forces Our Lady Help of Christians |
Anesthetists | Anesthetists Rene Goupil |
Angola | Angola The Most Pure Heart of Mary |
Animals | Animals Francis of Assisi, Nicholas of Tolentino |
Animals, danger from | Animals, danger from Vitus |
Animals, domestic | Animals, domestic Antony the Abbot |
Antioch | Antioch Barnabas |
Antwerp, Belgium | Antwerp, Belgium Walburga |
Aosta, Italy | Aosta, Italy Gratus of Aosta |
Apologists | Apologists Catherine of Alexandria, Justin Martyr, Thomas Aquinas |
Apoplexy (Strokes) | Apoplexy (Strokes) Andrew Avellino |
Apostleship of Prayer | Apostleship of Prayer Francis Xavier |
Apothecaries | Apothecaries Cosmas and Damian |
Apprentices | Apprentices John Bosco |
Aquila, Italy | Aquila, Italy Maximus of Aquila |
Arabia | Arabia Our Lady of Arabia |
Aragon, Spain | Aragon, Spain Agathoclia, Braulio, George |
Archaeologists | Archaeologists Damasus |
Archdiocese of Saint Louis, Missouri, USA | Archdiocese of Saint Louis, Missouri, USA Louis IX |
Archdiocese of San Francisco, California, USA | Archdiocese of San Francisco, California, USA Francis of Assisi |
Archdiocese of Tuam, Ireland | Archdiocese of Tuam, Ireland Jarlath |
Archers | Archers Sebastian |
Architects | Architects Barbara, Thomas, Apostle |
Architects, Italian | Architects, Italian Benedict, Abbot |
Architects, Spanish | Architects, Spanish Our Lady of Bethlehem |
Argentina | Argentina Our Lady of Lujan |
Argentinian military chaplains | Argentinian military chaplains Our Lady of Lujan |
Arizona | Arizona Our Lady of the Highways |
Arkansas | Arkansas Our Lady of the Holy Souls |
Armenia | Armenia Bartholomew, Gregory the Illuminator |
Armies | Armies Maurice |
Arms dealers | Arms dealers Adrian of Nicomedia |
Army of the Andes | Army of the Andes Our Lady of Mt. Carmel |
Army, Argentinian | Army, Argentinian Our Lady of Mercy |
Army, Ecuadorian | Army, Ecuadorian Our Lady of Mercy |
Art | Art Catherine of Bologna |
Artillery | Artillery Barbara |
Artists | Artists Luke, Catherine of Bologna, Bl (Fra) Angelico |
Artois region | Artois region Isberga |
Ascoli Piceno, Italy | Ascoli Piceno, Italy Emidius |
Asia Minor | Asia Minor John the Apostle |
Assisi, Italy | Assisi, Italy Francis of Assisi |
Astronauts | Astronauts Joseph of Cupertino |
Astronomers | Astronomers Dominic |
Asylums (for the mentally ill) | Asylums (for the mentally ill) Dymphna |
Athletes | Athletes Sebastian |
Augsburg | Augsburg Afra, Ulric |
Australia | Australia Our Lady Help of Christians |
Australian military chaplains | Australian military chaplains Our Lady Help of Christians |
Austria | Austria Joseph, Maurice, Coloman, Leopold, Florian |
Authority, persons in | Authority, persons in Ferdinand III of Castile |
Authors | Authors Francis de Sales |
Avenay, Champagne, France | Avenay, Champagne, France Tressan of Mareuil |
Aviators, aviation | Aviators, aviation Our Lady of Loreto, Therese of Lisieux, Joseph of Cupertino |
Avignon | Avignon Agricola of Avignon, Benezet |
Aynac, France | Aynac, France Genistus |
abuse victims | abuse victims Adelaide, Agostina Pietrantoni, Fabiola, Germaine Cousin, Godelieve, Jeanne de Lestonnac, Jeanne Marie de Maille, John Baptist de la Salle, Laura Vicuna, Margaret the Barefooted |
accomodations | accomodations Gertrude of Nivelles |
actresses | actresses Pelagia |
adopted children | adopted children Clotilde, Thomas More, William of Rochester |
affianced couples, betrothed couples, engaged couples | affianced couples, betrothed couples, engaged couples Ambrose Sansedoni of Siena, Valentine |
agricultural workers; farm workers; farmers; field hands; field workers; husbandmen; ranchers | agricultural workers; farm workers; farmers; field hands; field workers; husbandmen; ranchers Benedict, Bernard of Vienne, Eligius (Eloi), Isidore the Farmer, Notburga, Phocas the Gardener, Walstan |
alcoholism | alcoholism John of God, Martin of Tours, Monica, Urban of Langres |
ambulance drivers, emergency medical technicians, EMTs, paramedics | ambulance drivers, emergency medical technicians, EMTs, paramedics Michael the Archangel |
amputees | amputees Anthony of Padua, Antony the Abbot |
angina sufferers | angina sufferers Swithbert |
animal welfare societies, humane societies | animal welfare societies, humane societies Francis of Assisi |
appendicitis | appendicitis Erasmus (Elmo) |
apple orchards | apple orchards Charles Borromeo |
archdiocese of Baltimore, Maryland, USA | archdiocese of Baltimore, Maryland, USA Immaculate Conception of Mary |
archdiocese of Boston, Massachusetts, USA | archdiocese of Boston, Massachusetts, USA Patrick |
archdiocese of Chicago, Illinois, USA | archdiocese of Chicago, Illinois, USA Immaculate Conception of Mary |
archdiocese of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA | archdiocese of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Albert the Great, Francis de Sales, Robert Bellarmine |
archdiocese of Cracow Poland | archdiocese of Cracow Poland Stanislaus of Cracow |
archdiocese of Denver, Colorado, USA | archdiocese of Denver, Colorado, USA Immaculate Conception of Mary, Francis of Assisi |
archdiocese of Dublin, Ireland | archdiocese of Dublin, Ireland Kevin, Lawrence O'Toole |
archdiocese of Dubuque, Iowa, USA | archdiocese of Dubuque, Iowa, USA John Vianney, Raymond Nonnatus |
archdiocese of Indianapolis, Indiana, USA | archdiocese of Indianapolis, Indiana, USA Francis Xavier |
archdiocese of Louisville, Kentucky, USA | archdiocese of Louisville, Kentucky, USA Joseph |
archdiocese of Miami, Florida | archdiocese of Miami, Florida Our Lady of Charity, Our Lady of the Holy Rosary |
archdiocese of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA | archdiocese of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Our Lady of Prompt Succor |
archdiocese of New York, New York, USA | archdiocese of New York, New York, USA Patrick |
archdiocese of Omaha, Nebraska, USA | archdiocese of Omaha, Nebraska, USA Cecilia |
archdiocese of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA | archdiocese of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Immaculate Conception of Mary, Paul, Apostle, Peter the Apostle |
archdiocese of Portland, Oregon, USA | archdiocese of Portland, Oregon, USA Immaculate Conception of Mary |
archdiocese of Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA | archdiocese of Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA Francis of Assisi, Immaculate Heart of Mary |
archdiocese of Seattle, Washington, USA | archdiocese of Seattle, Washington, USA Assumption of the Virgin Mary, Immaculate Conception, Holy Angels |
archives | archives Laurent (Lawrence) |
archivists, librarians, libraries | archivists, librarians, libraries Catherine of Alexandria, Jerome, Laurent (Lawrence) |
arm pain; pain in the arms | arm pain; pain in the arms Amalburga |
armies of Jalisco, Mexico | armies of Jalisco, Mexico Our Lady of Zapopan |
armories | armories Laurent (Lawrence) |
armourers | armourers Barbara, Dunstan, George, Laurent (Lawrence), Sebastian |
arrowsmiths; fletchers | arrowsmiths; fletchers Sebastian |
art dealers | art dealers John the Apostle |
asses | asses Anthony of Padua |
attorneys, lawyers, barristers | attorneys, lawyers, barristers Catherine of Alexandria, Genesius, Ivo of Kermartin, Mark the Evangelist, Raymond of Pennafort, Thomas More |
automobile drivers, automobilists, motorists | automobile drivers, automobilists, motorists Christopher, Elijah the Prophet, Frances of Rome, Sebastian of Aparicio |
More on Patron Saints
Recently, the popes have named patron saints but patrons can be chosen by other individuals or groups as well. Patron saints are often chosen today because an interest, talent, or event in their lives overlaps with the special area. Angels can also be named as patron saints. A patron saint can help us when we follow the example of that saint's life and when we ask for that saint's intercessory prayers to God.
For example, Francis of Assisi loved nature and so he is patron of ecologists. Francis de Sales was a writer and so he is patron of journalists and writers. Clare of Assisi was named patron of television because one Christmas when she was too ill to leave her bed she saw and heard Christmas Mass -- even though it was taking place miles away.
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