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Irish Saints A-Z

The Saints of Ireland. Ireland, which was once known as the land of saints and scholars, has bred numerous saints, many of whom left their native country to Christianize the rest of Europe.

Filter 331 Irish Saints A-Z by typing in the 'Search' box below.

Saint Saint
St. Abban
6th century
St. Abban
7th century
St. Abel
8th century
St. Abigail
6th century
St. Abran
6th century
St. Adalgis
7th century
St. Adamnan
8th century
St. Adulf
7th century
St. Aengus
9th century
St. Aidan
7th century
St. Aidan of Ferns
7th century
St. Ailbhe
6th century
St. Aileran
7th century
St. Alto
8th century
St. Andrew the Scot
9th century
St. Asicus
5th century
St. Attracta
6th century
St. Autbod (Aubeu)
7th century
St. Autbodus
7th century
St. Balin
7th century
St. Balther
8th century
St. Barrfoin
6th century
St. Bean
6th century
St. Becan
6th century
St. Becan
6th century
St. Bega
7th century
St. Benignus
5th century
St. Beoadh
6th century
St. Beoadh
6th century
St. Beoc
5th or 6th century
St. Berach
6th century
St. Bernard of Arce
9th century
St. Bilfrid
8th century
St. Blaithmaic
9th century
St. Boadin
St. Boethian
7th century
St. Brandan
5th century
St. Breaca
5th or 6th century
St. Brendan
6th century
St. Brendan of Birr
6th century
St. Briarch
7th century
St. Brigid
6th century
St. Brogan
6th century
St. Bron
6th century
St. Bronach
St. Budoc
6th century
St. Buriana
6th century
St. Caellainn
6th century
St. Caidoc & Fricor
7th century
St. Caillin
7th century
St. Caimin
7th century
St. Cairlon
6th century
St. Canice
6th century
St. Canice
7th century
St. Cannera
6th century
St. Cataldus
5th century
St. Cearan
9th century
St. Cellach
12th century
St. Celsus
12th century
St. Ceollach
7th century
St. Cera
7th century
St. Chad of Mercia
7th century
St. Chillien
7th century
St. Christian
12th century
St. Cianan
7th century
St. Cillene
8th century
St. Cinnia
5th century
St. Cogitosus
8th century
St. Colga (Coelchu)
8th century
St. Colman McRhoi
6th century
St. Colman of Elo
7th century
St. Columba
6th century
St. Columban
7th century
St. Columbanus
7th century
St. Comgall
7th century
St. Comgall
7th century
St. Comgan
8th century
St. Conall
7th century
St. Conleth
6th century
St. Conleth
6th century
Bl. Conor O’Devany
17th century
St. Corbican
8th century
St. Cormac
6th century
St. Crewanna
5th century
St. Cronan Beg
7th century
St. Cronan the Wise
8th century
St. Crummine
5th century
St. Cuan
6th century
St. Cuaran
8th century
St. Cumine
7th century
St. Cummian Fada
7th century
St. Cuthbert
7th century
St. Dabius
St. Declan
St. Deicola
7th century
St. Diarmaid
9th century
St. Dichu
5th century
St. Diman
7th century
St. Diomma
5th century
St. Disibod
8th century
St. Diuma
7th century
St. Donan
7th century
St. Drostan
7th century
St. Dubtach
6th century
St. Dunchaid O'Braoin
10th century
St. Duthac
10th century
St. Eadbert
7th century
St. Edana
St. Eliphius
4th century
St. Elwin
6th century
St. Emilian
7th century
St. Enda
7th century
St. Eoban
8th century
St. Ergnad
5th century
St. Erth
6th century
St. Etto
7th century
St. Eugene
6th century
St. Eusebius
9th century
St. Fanchea
6th century
St. Farannan
6th century
St. Fechin
7th century
St. Feock
St. Feredarius
9th century
St. Fergus
8th century
St. Fiace
5th century
St. Fiachan
7th century
St. Fiacre
7th century
St. Fidharleus
8th century
St. Finan
6th century
St. Finbar
7th century
St. Findan
9th century
St. Fingar
5th century
St. Finian
6th century
St. Finian Lobhar
6th century
St. Finian Munnu
7th century
St. Finlugh
6th century
St. Fintan
6th century
St. Fionnchu
6th century
St. Flannan
6th century
St. Florentius
7th century
St. Foellan
8th century
St. Foila
6th century
St. Forannan
10th century
St. Fortchern
6th century
St. Fredegand
St. Frediano
6th century
St. Fridolin
6th century
St. Fursey
7th century
St. Gall
7th century
St. Garbhan
7th century
St. Gerebrand
7th century
St. Germoc
6th century
St. Gibrian
6th century
St. Glushallaich
7th century
St. Goban
6th or 7th century
St. Gobnata
6th century
St. Gormcal
11th century
St. Grimonia
11th century
St. Guasacht
4th century
St. Gunifort
St. Guthagon
8th century
St. Helanus
6th century
St. Hiero
9th century
St. Himelin
8th century
St. Himelin
8th century
St. Ia of Cornwall
5th century
St. Illadan
6th century
St. Indract
8th century
St. Ita
6th century
St. Jarlath
6th century
St. Jarlath
5th century
St. Jarlath
6th century
Bl. John Carey
16th century
St. Kenan
6th century
St. Kenneth
6th century
St. Kentigerna
8th century
St. Kessag
6th century
St. Kevin
6th century
St. Kiara
7th century
St. Kieran
6th century
St. Kilian
7th century
St. Kilian
7th century
St. Kinnia
5th century
St. Lactali
7th century
St. Lasar
6th century
St. Laserian
7th century
St. Lawrence O'Toole
12th century
St. Lawrence O'Toole
12th century
St. Lelia
12th century
St. Livinus
7th century
St. Loaran
5th century
St. Loman
5th century
St. Louthiem
6th century
St. Lua
7th century
St. Macaille
5th century
St. Macanisius
6th century
St. Macartan
6th century
St. Maccalin
6th century
St. Maccallin
6th century
St. Machabeo
6th century
St. Machai
6th century
St. Madelgisilus
7th century
St. Maedhog
7th century
St. Maelrubius
7th century
St. Maiduif
7th century
St. Maimbod
7th century
St. Malachy
12th century
St. Malchus
12th century
St. Maolruain
8th century
St. Marnock
8th century
St. Maughold
5th century
St. Maura
5th century
St. Medana
8th century
St. Medran & Odran
6th century
St. Meldon
6th century
St. Mella
8th century
St. Menulphus
7th century
St. Mochelloc
7th century
St. Mochoemoc
7th century
St. Mochoemoc
7th century
St. Modan
6th century
St. Modomnoc
6th century
St. Moelray
5th century
St. Molagga
7th century
St. Moling
7th century
St. Monennaa
6th century
St. Monessa
5th century
St. Movean
St. Muirchu
7th century
St. Mummolus
7th century
St. Mun
5th century
St. Munchin
7th century
St. Mura McFeredach
7th century
St. Murtagh
6th century
St. Natalis
6th century
St. Nathy
6th century
St. Neachtian
6th century
St. Nennius
6th century
St. Nennus
6th century
St. Nissen
6th century
St. Odhran of Iona
6th century
St. Odrian
5th century
St. Oliver Plunkett
17th century
St. Oncho
7th century
St. Osmanna
7th century
St. Odran of Iona
6th century
St. Palladius
6th century
St. Pandwyna
10th century
St. Pantagathus
10th century
St. Paternus
11th century
St. Patrick
5th century
St. Peregrinus
7th century
St. Phelim
6th century
St. Psalmodius
7th century
Bl. Ralph Corby
17th century
St. Rioch
5th century
St. Riquier
7th century
St. Rodingus
7th century
St. Ruadan
6th century
St. Rumold
8th century
St. Rumon
8th century
St. Sacer
7th century
St. Samthan
6th century
St. Samthann
8th century
St. Samthann
8th century
St. Sanctan
6th century
St. Scannal
6th century
St. Schotin
6th century
St. Seachnall
5th century
St. Sedna
6th century
St. Senach
6th century
St. Senan
6th century
St. Senan
6th century
St. Tanco
9th century
St. Thomian
7th century
St. Tochmura
St. Tola
8th century
St. Trea
5th century
St. Tressan
6th century
St. Trien
5th century
St. Tuda
7th century
St. Turninus
9th century
St. Ursicinus
7th century
St. Ursmar
8th century
St. Vodoaldus
8th century
St. Voloc
8th century
St. Vouga
6th century
St. Vulganius
8th century
St. Wiro
6th century

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