Volume J in the Catholic Encyclopedia
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Jáuregui, Juan de
A Spanish painter and poet, born at Seville c. 1570, or, according to some, as late as 1583; ...Jíbaro Indians
Jíbaro (Spanish orthography) "forest man", i.e. native. An important tribal group of ...Jörg, Joseph Edmund
Historian and politician, b. 23 Dec., 1819 at Immenstadt (Ahgau); d. at Landshut, 18 Nov., 1901. ...Jaén
(GIENNENSIS) Diocese in Southern Spain. The city of Jaén, capital of the province of ...Jaca, Diocese of
( Also JACCA; Latin JACCENSIS). Located in the Spanish province of Huesca. Jaca, the chief ...Jackson, Henry Moore
Knight, born in Grenada, 1849; died in London, 29 August, 1908. The youngest son of the Anglican ...Jacob
The son of Isaac and Rebecca, third great patriarch of the chosen people, and the immediate ...Jacob of Jüterbogk
(In the world BENEDICT STOLZENHAGEN). Theologian and canonist, born of poor parents near ...Jacobus de Teramo
(AB ANCHARANO), belonging to the family of Palladini, canonist and bishop, born in 1349 at ...Jacopo de Voragine, Blessed
( Also DI VIRAGGIO). Archbishop of Genoa and medieval hagiologist, born at Viraggio (now ...Jacopone da Todi
(Properly called JACOPO BENEDICTI or BENEDETTI). Franciscan poet, born at Todi in the first ...Jacotot, Joseph
French educator, b. at Dijon, March, 1770; d. at Paris, 30 July, 1840. He studied in the college ...Jacques de Vitry
Historian of the crusades, cardinal Bishop of Acre, later of Tusculum, b. at Vitry-sur-Seine, ...Jacquier, François
French mathematician and physicist, born at Vitry-le-Francois, 7 June, 1711; died at Rome, 3 ...Jaenbert
(Jaenberht, Janbriht, Janibert, Jambert, Lambert, Lanbriht, Genegberht.) Thirteenth ...Jaffa
A titular see in the Patriarchate of Jerusalem. The city of Jaffa is very ancient. Even before ...Jaffna, Diocese of
(JAFFNENSIS.) Situated in the northern portion of Ceylon, Jaffna comprises the northern and ...Jainism
A form of religion intermediate between Brahminism and Buddhism, originated in India in ...Jamaica
The largest of the British West Indian islands, is situated in the Caribbean Sea, between latitude ...Jamay, Denis
Franciscan, missionary, date and place of birth unknown; died in France, 1625; an important ...James of Brescia
Theologian of the fifteenth century. He entered the Dominican Order at Brescia, his native ...James of Edessa
A celebrated Syrian writer, b. most likely in A.D. 633; d. 5 June, 708. He was a native of the ...James of Sarugh
A writer of the Syrian Church "the flute of the Holy Spirit and the harp of the believing ...James of the Marches, Saint
Franciscan, b. of a poor family named Gangala, at Monteprandone, Italy, 1391; d. at Naples, 28 ...James Primadicci
(Or Primadizzi.) Born at Bologna; died in the same city in 1460. As early as the year 1426 he ...James the Greater, Saint
( Hebrew Yakob ; Septuagint Iakob ; N.T. Greek Iakobos ; a favourite name among the later ...James the Less, Saint
THE IDENTITY OF JAMES The name "James" in the New Testament is borne by several: James, the ...James Thompson, Blessed
(Also known as James Hudson). Martyr, born in or near York; having nearly all his life in that ...James, Epistle of Saint
The questions concerning this epistle are treated in the following order: I. Author and ...Janauschek, Leopold
Cistercian, born at Brünn, Moravia, 13 October, 1827; died 23 July, 1898, at Baden, near ...Jandel, Alexandre Vincent
General of the Dominican order, born at Gerbevilliers (Lorraine), 18 July, 1810; died at Rome, ...Jane Frances de Chantal, Saint
Born at Dijon, France, 28 January, 1572; died at the Visitation Convent Moulins, 13 December, ...Janner, Ferdinand
Theologian, born at Hirschau, in the Upper Palatinate (Bavaria), 4 Feb., 1836; died 1 November, ...Janow, Matthew of
A medieval ecclesiastical author, born in the fourteenth century in Bohemia ; died at ...Jansen, Cornelius
( Also Jansens, Janssen, Janssenius or Jansenius Gandaviensis). Exegete, born at Hulst, ...Jansenius and Jansenism
Cornelius Jansen, Bishop of Ypres ( Cornelius Jansenius Yprensis ), from whom Jansenism derives ...Janssen, Arnold
Founder and first superior-general of the Society of the Divine Word, b. at Goch in the Rhine ...Janssen, Johann
Historian, born 10 April, 1829, at Kanten, Germany ; died 24 December, 1891, at ...Janssens, Abraham
Flemish painter, b. at Antwerp about 1573; d. probably in the same place about 1631. He is also ...Janssens, Johann Hermann
Catholic theologian, b. at Maeseyck, Belgium, 7 Dec., 1783; d. at Engis, 23 May, 1853. After ...Januarius, Saint
Martyr, Bishop of Beneventum. St. Januarius is believed to have suffered in the ...Japan
AREA AND POPULATION Japan, called in the language of the country Nihon or Nippon (Land of the ...Japanese Martyrs
There is not in the whole history of the Church a single people who can offer to the ...Jarcke, Karl Ernst
Born 10 November, 1801, at Danzig, Prussia ; died 27 December, 1852, at Vienna. He belonged to a ...Jaricot, Pauline-Marie
Foundress of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith and the Association of the Living ...Jarlath, Saint
Patron of the Archdiocese of Tuam , born in Connaught about 445; died 26 December, ( al. , 11 ...Jaro
Diocese in the Philippine Islands, formerly a part of the Diocese of Cebú, was made a ...Jarric, Pierre de
Missionary writer, born at Toulouse in 1566; d. at Saintes, 2 March, 1617. He entered the ...Jason
A Greek name adopted by many Jews whose Hebrew designation was Joshua (Jesus). In the Old ...Jassus
A titular see of Caria, and suffragan of Aphrodisias. The city was founded by colonists from ...Jassy
(Jassiensis). Diocese in Rumania. The town of Jassy stands in a very fertile plain on the ...Javouhey, Venerable Anne-Marie
Foundress of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny, born at Chamblanc, Diocese of Dijon, 11 ...Jealousy
Jealousy is here taken to be synonymous with envy. It is defined to be a sorrow which one ...Jean de La Bruyère
Born at Paris in 1645; died at Chantilly in 1696. He was the son of a comptroller general of ...Jean Eudes, Blessed
French missionary and founder of the Eudists and of the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity; ...Jean-Baptiste-Marie Vianney, Saint
Curé of Ars, born at Dardilly, near Lyons, France, on 8 May, 1786; died at Ars, 4 ...Jean-Gabriel Perboyre, Blessed
Missionary and martyr, born at Puech, Diocese of Cahors, France, 6 January, 1802; martyred at ...Jeanne de Valois, Saint
Queen and foundress of the Order of the Annonciades, b. 1464; d. at Bourges, 4 Feb., 1505. ...Jeaurat, Edmond
(EDME JEAURAT) French engraver, b. at Vermenton, near Auxerre, 1688; d. at Paris, 1738. He ...Jedburgh
(Eighty-two different spellings of the name are given in the "Origines Parochiales Scotiæ"). ...Jehoshaphat
( Hebrew for " Yahweh hath judged"; Septuagint 'Iosaphát ). Fourth King of Juda ...Jehoshaphat, Valley of
(JEHOSHAPHAT). Mentioned in only one passage of the Bible ( Joel 3 -- Hebrew text, 4). In ...Jehovah
The proper name of God in the Old Testament ; hence the Jews called it the name by ...Jehu
The derivation of the name is uncertain. By some it is translated " Yahweh is he". I. J EHU ...Jemez Pueblo
An Indian pueblo situated upon the north bank of the river of the same name about twenty miles ...Jeningen, Venerable Philipp
Born at Eichstätt, Bavaria, 5 January, 1642;d, at Ellwangen, 8 February, 1704. Entering the ...Jenks, Silvester
Theologian, born in Shropshire, c. 1656; died in December, 1714. He was educated at Douai ...Jennings, Sir Patrick Alfred
An Australian statesman, b. at Newry, Ireland, 1831; d. July, 1897. He received his education, ...Jephte
One of the judges of Israel. The story of Jephte is narrated in chapters xi and xii of the Book ...Jeremias
[Hebrew Irmeyah; often in the paragogic form Irmeyahu, especially in the Book of ...Jeremias the Prophet
( THE P ROPHET .) Jeremias lived at the close of the seventh and in the first part of the ...Jericho
Three cities of this name have successively occupied sites in the same neighbourhood. I. A ...Jeroboam
(Septuagint `Ieroboám ), name of two Israelitish kings. (1) J EROBOAM I was the ...Jerome Emiliani, Saint
Founder of the Order of Somascha; b. at Venice, 1481; d. at Somascha, 8 Feb., 1537; feast, 20 ...Jerome, Saint
Born at Stridon, a town on the confines of Dalmatia and Pannonia, about the year 340-2; died at ...Jerusalem (71-1099)
I. TO THE TIME OF CONSTANTINE (71-312) When Titus took Jerusalem (April-September, A.D. 70) he ...Jerusalem (After 1291)
(1) Political History The Latin dominion over Jerusalem really came to an end on 2 October, ...Jerusalem (Before A.D. 71)
This article treats of the "City of God", the political and religious centre of the People of ...Jerusalem, Assizes of
The signification of the word assizes in this connection is derived from the French verb ...Jerusalem, Latin Kingdom of (1099-1291)
The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem was founded as a result of the First Crusade, in 1099. Destroyed ...Jerusalem, Liturgy of
The Rite of Jerusalem is that of Antioch. That is to say, the Liturgy that became famous as ...Jesi
(ÆSINA) Diocese in the Province of Ancona, Italy, immediately subject to the Holy ...Jesu Dulcis Memoria
A poem ranging from forty two to fifty three stanzas (in various manuscripts ), to form the three ...Jesuit Apologetic
The accusations brought against the Society have been exceptional for their frequency and ...Jesuit Generals Prior to the Suppression
(1) St. Ignatius Loyola (19 April 1541-31 July, 1556). The society spread rapidly, and at the ...Jesuit's Bark
(C HINA B ARK ; C INCHONA ; C ORTEX C HINÆ ; P ERUVIAN B ARK ). Jesuit's ...Jesuits, Distinguished
Saints Ignatius Loyola ; Francis Xavier ; Francis Borgia ; Stanislaus Kostka; Alfonso ...Jesuits, History of the (1773-1814)
The execution of the Brief of Suppression having been largely left to local bishops, there was ...Jesuits, History of the (1814-1912)
Pius VII had resolved to restore the Society during his captivity in France ; and after his ...Jesuits, History of the (pre-1750)
Italy The history of the Jesuits in Italy was generally very peaceful. The only serious ...Jesuits, Suppression of the (1750-1773)
The Suppression is the most difficult part of the history of the Society. Having enjoyed very high ...Jesuits, The
(Company of Jesus, Jesuits) See also DISTINGUISHED JESUITS , JESUIT APOLOGETIC, EARLY JESUIT ...Jesus and Mary, Sisters of the Holy Childhood of
(1) A congregation founded in 1835 in the Diocese of Fréjus, for the education of girls ...Jesus Christ
Origin of the Name of Jesus In this article, we shall consider the two words -- "Jesus" and ...Jesus Christ, Character of
The surpassing eminence of the character of Jesus has been acknowledged by men of the most ...Jesus Christ, Chronology of the Life of
In the following paragraphs we shall endeavour to establish the absolute and relative chronology ...Jesus Christ, Devotion to the Heart of
The treatment of this subject is divided into two parts: I. Doctrinal Explanations;II. Historical ...Jesus Christ, Early Historical Documents on
The historical documents referring to Christ's life and work may be divided into three classes: ...Jesus Christ, Genealogy of
It is granted on all sides that the Biblical genealogy of Christ implies a number of exegetical ...Jesus Christ, Holy Name of
We give honour to the Name of Jesus, not because we believe that there is any intrinsic power ...Jesus Christ, Knowledge of
" Knowledge of Jesus Christ," as used in this article, does not mean a summary of what we know ...Jesus Christ, Origin of the Name of
In this article, we shall consider the two words which compose the Sacred Name. JESUS The word ...Jesus Christ, Resurrection of
Resurrection is the rising again from the dead, the resumption of life. In this article, we shall ...Jesus Mary, Religious of
The Congregation of the Religious of Jesus Mary was founded at Lyons, France, in October, 1818, by ...Jesus, Daughters of
Founded at Kermaria, in the Diocese of Vannes , France, in 1834, for the care of the sick poor, ...Jesus, The Society of
(Company of Jesus, Jesuits) See also DISTINGUISHED JESUITS , JESUIT APOLOGETIC, EARLY JESUIT ...Jewish Calendar
Days From the remotest time to the present the Israelites have computed the day ( yôm ...Jewish Tribe
( Phyle, tribus .) The earlier Hebrew term rendered in our English versions by the word ...Jews (as a Religion)
At the present day, the term designates the religious communion which survived the destruction of ...Jews, History of the
( Yehúd`m; Ioudaismos ). Of the two terms, Jews and Judaism , the former denotes ...Jezabel
( Septuagint, 'Iezabél, ). Wife of Achab, King of Israel. She was the daughter of ...Joachim of Flora
Cistercian abbot and mystic; b. at Celico, near Cosenza, Italy, c. 1132; d. at San Giovanni in ...Joachim, Saint
Joachim (whose name means Yahweh prepares ), was the father of the Blessed Virgin Mary. If we ...Joan of Arc, Saint
In French Jeanne d'Arc ; by her contemporaries commonly known as la Pucelle (the Maid). ...Joan, Popess
The fable about a female pope, who afterwards bore the name of Johanna (Joan), is first noticed ...Joanna of Portugal, Blessed
Born at Lisbon, 16 February, 1452; died at Aveiro, 12 may, 1490; the daughter of Alfonso V, King ...Joannes de Sacrobosco
(John Holywood), a monk of English origin, lived in the first half of the thirteenth century as ...Job
One of the books of the Old Testament , and the chief personage in it. In this article it is ...Jocelin
Cistercian monk and Bishop of Glasgow ; d. at Melrose Abbey in 1199. On 22 April, 1170, ...Jocelin de Brakelond
An English chronicler, of the late twelfth century. He was the monk of Bury St. Edmund's ...Jocelin of Wells
(Or JOSCELINE) Bishop of Bath and Wells (JOCELINUS THOTEMAN), d. 19 Nov., 1242. He was ...Joel
The son of Phatuel, and second in the list of the twelve Minor Prophets. Nothing is known of his ...Joest, Jan
(V AN K ALKAR ). Otherwise JAN JOOST VAN CALCKER. Dutch painter, b. at Calcker, or ...Jogues, Saint Isaac
French missionary, born at Orléans, France, 10 January, 1607; martyred at Ossernenon, ...John and Cyrus, Saints
Celebrated martyrs of the Coptic Church, surnamed thaumatourgoi anargyroi because they healed ...John and Paul, Saints
Martyred at Rome on 26 June. The year of their martyrdom is uncertain according to their ...John Baptist de la Salle, Saint
Founder of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools , educational reformer, and ...John Baptist de Rossi, Saint
(De Rubeis). Born at Voltaggio in the Diocese of Genoa, 22 February, 1698; died at Rome, 23 ...John Beche, Blessed
( Alias THOMAS MARSHALL). English Benedictine abbot and martyr ; date of birth unknown; ...John Berchmans, Saint
Born at Diest in Brabant, 13 March, 1599; died at Rome, 13 August, 1621. His parents watched ...John Bosco, Saint
( Or St. John Bosco; Don Bosco.) Founder of the Salesian Society. Born of poor parents in ...John Boste, Saint
(Or JOHN BOAST.) Priest and martyr, b. of good Catholic family at Dufton, in Westmoreland, ...John Britton, Venerable
(Or Bretton). A layman and martyr, of all ancient family of Bretton near Barnsley in ...John Buckley, Venerable
( Alias John Jones; alias John Griffith; in religion, Godfrey Maurice). Priest and martyr, ...John Cantius, Saint
Born at Kenty, near Oswiecim, Diocese of Krakow, Poland, 1412 (or 1403); died at Krakow, 1473, ...John Capistran, Saint
Born at Capistrano, in the Diocese of Sulmona, Italy, 1385; died 23 October, 1456. His father had ...John Chrysostom, Saint
( Chrysostomos , "golden-mouthed" so called on account of his eloquence). Doctor of the ...John Climacus, Saint
Also surnamed SCHOLASTICUS, and THE SINAITA, b. doubtlessly in Syria, about 525; d. on Mount ...John Colombini, Blessed
Founder of the Congregation of Jesuati; b. at Siena, Upper Italy, about 1300; d. on the way to ...John Cornelius and Companions, Venerable
John Cornelius (called also Mohun) was born of Irish parents at Bodmin, in Cornwall, on the ...John Damascene, Saint
Born at Damascus, about 676; died some time between 754 and 787. The only extant life of the ...John de Britto, Blessed
Martyr ; born in Lisbon, 1 March, 1647, and was brought up in court; martyred in India 11 ...John Felton, Blessed
Martyr, date and place of birth unknown, was executed in St. Paul's Churchyard, London, 8 ...John Fisher, Saint
Cardinal, Bishop of Rochester, and martyr ; born at Beverley, Yorkshire, England, 1459 ...John Forest, Blessed
Born in 1471, presumably at Oxford, where his surname was then not unknown; suffered 22 May, ...John Francis Regis, Saint
Born 31 January, 1597, in the village of Fontcouverte (department of Aude); died at la Louvesc, 30 ...John Hambley, Venerable
English martyr (suffered 1587), born and educated in Cornwall, and converted by reading one ...John I, Pope Saint
Died at Ravenna on 18 or 19 May (according to the most popular calculation), 526. A Tuscan by ...John II, Pope
(533-535). The date of the birth of this pope is not known. He was a Roman and the son of ...John III, Pope
(561-574). A Roman surnamed Catelinus, d. 13 July, 574. He was of a distinguished family, ...John Ingram, Venerable
English martyr, born at Stoke Edith, Herefordshire, in 1565; executed at Newcastle-on-Tyne, 26 ...John IV, Pope
(640-642). A native of Dalmatia, and the son of the scholasticus (advocate) Venantius. The ...John IX, Pope
(898-900). Not only is the date of John's birth unknown, but the date of his election as ...John Joseph of the Cross, Saint
Born on the Island of Ischia, Southern Italy, 1654; d. 5 March, 1739. From his earliest years ...John Larke, Blessed
English martyr ; died at Tyburn, 7 March, 1543-4. He was rector of St. Ethelburga's ...John Malalas
A Monophysite Byzantine chronicler of the sixth century, born at Antioch where he spent most if ...John Nelson, Blessed
English Jesuit martyr, b. at Skelton, four miles from York, in 1534; d. at Tyburn, 3 February, ...John Nepomucene, Saint
Born at Nepomuk about 1340; died 20 March, 1393. The controversy concerning the identity of John ...John of Antioch
There are four persons commonly known by this name. I John, Patriarch of Antioch ...John of Avila, Blessed
Apostolic preacher of Andalusia and author, b. at Almodóvar del Campo, a small town in ...John of Beverley, Saint
Bishop of Hexham and afterwards of York; b. at Harpham, in the East Riding of Yorkshire; d. at ...John of Biclaro
(Johannes Biclariensis.) Chronicler, born in Portugal, probably about the middle of the sixth ...John of Cornwall
(JOHANNES CORNUBIENSIS, JOHANNES DE SANCTO GERMANO). John of Cornwall lived about 1176. He was ...John of Ephesus
(Also known as JOHN OF ASIA). The earliest, and a very famous, Syriac historian. He was born ...John of Fécamp
(Also known as JEANNELIN on account of his diminutive stature). Ascetic writer, b. near Ravenna ...John of Falkenberg
Author, b. at Falkenberg, Pomerania, Prussia, date unknown; d. about 1418 in Italy &151; ...John of Fermo, Blessed
More often called JOHN OF LA VERNA, from his long sojourn on that holy mountain, b. at Fermo ...John of Genoa
(Often called Balbi, or de Balbis.) Grammarian; born at Genoa, date unknown; died there ...John of God, Saint
Born at Montemor o Novo, Portugal, 8 March, 1495, of devout Christian parents ; died at ...John of Hauteville
Moralist and satirical poet of the twelfth century (flourished about 1184). Little is known of his ...John of Janduno
An Averroistic philosopher, theologian, and political writer of the fourteenth century. John of ...John of Montecorvino
A Franciscan and founder of the Catholic mission in China, b. at Montecorvino in Southern ...John of Montesono
Theologian and controversialist, born at Monzón, Spain ; dates of birth and death ...John of Nikiû
An Egyptian chronicler who flourished in the latter part of the seventh century. The little we ...John of Paris
( Called also Quidort and de Soardis). Theologian and controversialist; born at Paris, ...John of Parma, Blessed
Minister General of the Friars Minor (1247-1257), b. at Parma about 1209; d. at Camerino 19 ...John of Ragusa
(Sometimes confounded with John of Segovia ). A Dominican theologian, president of the ...John of Roquetaillade (de Rupescissa)
Franciscan alchemist, date of birth unknown; d. probably at Avignon, 1362. After pursuing the ...John of Rupella
Franciscan theologian, b. at La Rochelle (Rupella), towards the end of the twelfth century; d. ...John of Sahagun, Saint
Hermit, b. 1419, at Sahagún (or San Fagondez) in the Kingdom of Leon, in Spain ; d. 11 ...John of Saint Thomas
(Family name John Poinsot), theologian, born at Lisbon, 9 June, 1589; died at Fraga, Spain, 17 ...John of Salisbury
(JOHANNES DE SARESBERIA, surnamed PARVUS). Born about 1115; died 1180; a distinguished ...John of Segovia
A Spanish theologian, b. at Segovia towards the end of the fourteenth century; d. probably in ...John of the Cross, Saint
Founder (with St. Teresa) of the Discalced Carmelites, doctor of mystic theology, b. at ...John of Victring
(JOHANNES VICTORENSIS or DE VICTORIA). Chronicler, b. probably between 1270 and 1280; d. at ...John of Winterthur
(Johannes Vitoduranus.) Historian, born about 1300 at Winterthur (Switzerland); died ...John Parvus
Called in his day, JEHAN PETIT or LE PETIT. A French theologian and professor in the ...John Payne, Blessed
Born in the Diocese of Peterborough ; died at Chelmsford, 2 April, 1582. He went to Douai in ...John Rigby, Saint
English martyr ; b. about 1570 at Harrocks Hall, Eccleston, Lancashire; executed at St. Thomas ...John Roberts, Saint
First Prior of St. Gregory's, Douai (now Downside Abbey ), b. 1575-6; martyred 10 ...John Rochester, Blessed
Priest and martyr, born probably at Terling, Essex, England, about 1498; died at York, 11 May, ...John Sarkander, Blessed
Martyr of the seal of confession, born at Skotschau in Austrian Silesia, 20 Dec., 1576; died at ...John Scholasticus
( ho Scholastikos ; also called J OHN OF A NTIOCH ) Patriarch of Constantinople (J OHN ...John Shert, Blessed
A native of Cheshire; took the degree of B.A. at Brasenose College, Oxford, in 1566. Successively ...John Stone, Blessed
English martyr, executed at the Dane-John, Canterbury, probably in December, 1539, for denying ...John Story, Blessed
( Or Storey.) Martyr ; born 1504; died at Tyburn, 1 June, 1571. He was educated at ...John Talaia
Orthodox Patriarch of Alexandria (481-482) at the time of the Monophysite troubles. He had ...John the Almsgiver, Saint
(JOANNES ELEEMOSYNARIUS; JOANNES MISERICORS). Patriarch of Alexandria (606-16), b. at Amathus ...John the Baptist, Saint
The principal sources of information concerning the life and ministry of St. John the Baptist are ...John the Deacon
(J OHANNES D IACONUS ). Among the writers of the Middle Ages who bear this name, four ...John the Evangelist, Saint
I. New Testament Accounts II. The Alleged Presbyter John III. The Later Accounts of John IV. Feasts ...John the Faster
( ‘o nesteutés, jejunator ) Patriarch of Constantinople (John IV, 582-595), ...John the Silent, Saint
(Hesychastes, Silentiarius). Bishop of Colonia, in Armenia, b. at Nicopolis, Armenia, 8 ...John Twenge, Saint
Last English saint canonized, canon regular, Prior of St. Mary's, Bridlington, b. near the ...John V, Pope
(685-686). A Syrian whose father was one Cyriacus; when he was born is not known; d. 2 ...John VI, Pope
(701-705). A Greek, the date of whose birth is unknown; d. 11 January, 705. He ascended the ...John VII, Pope
(705-707). The year of his birth is unknown; d. 18 October, 707. Few particulars of his life ...John VIII, Pope
(Reigned 872-82) A Roman and the son of Gundus. He seems to have been born in the first ...John X, Pope
Born at Tossignano, Romagna; enthroned, 914; died at Rome, 928. First a deacon, he became ...John XI, Pope
Date of birth unknown, became pope in 931; d. 936. He was the son of Marozia by her first ...John XII, Pope
Date of birth unknown; reigned 955-64. The younger Alberic, after the downfall of his mother, ...John XIII, Pope
Date of birth unknown; enthroned on 1 Oct., 965; d. 6 Sept., 972. After the death of John XII ...John XIV, Pope
Date of birth unknown; d. 984. After the death of Benedict VII, Bishop Peter Campanora of Pavia, ...John XIX (XX), Pope
Enthroned in 1024; d. 1032. After the death of the last patricius of the House of Crescentius, ...John XV (XVI), Pope
Enthroned 985; d. April, 996. After John XIV had been removed by force, the usurper, Boniface ...John XVI (XVII)
Antipope 997-998; d. probably in 1013. After the death of John XV, Bruno, a relative of Otto ...John XVII (XVIII), Pope
Date of birth unknown; d. 6 Nov., 1003. When Sylvester II died on 12 May, 1003, there was no ...John XVIII (XIX), Pope
Successor of John XVII, consecrated Christmas, 1003; d. June, 1009. He was the son of a Roman ...John XXI (XX), Pope
Born at Lisbon between 1210 and 1220; enthroned, 1276; died at Viterbo, 20 May, 1277. The son ...John XXII, Pope
(JACQUES D'EUSE) Born at Cahors in 1249; enthroned, 5 September, 1316; died at Avignon, 4 ...John XXIII
Antipope of the Pisan party (1400-15), b. about 1370; d. 22 November, 1419. Cardinal Baldassare ...John, Epistles of
Three canonical books of the New Testament written by the Apostle St. John. The subject will ...John, Gospel of
This subject will be considered under the following heads: I. Contents and Scheme of the ...Johnson, Blessed Robert
Born in Shropshire, entered the German College, Rome, 1 October, 1571. Ordained priest at ...Johnson, Blessed Thomas
Carthusian martyr, died in Newgate gaol, London, 20 September, 1537. On 18 May, 1537, the twenty ...Johnson, Lionel Pigot
Born at Broadstairs on the Kentish coast, 15 Mar., 1867; died 4 Oct., 1902. He was the youngest ...Johnston, Richard Malcolm
Educator, author, b. 8 March, 1822, at Powellton, Georgia, U.S.A.; d. at Baltimore, Maryland, 23 ...Joinville, Jean, Sire de
Seneschal of Champagne, historian, b. in 1225; d. at Joinville, 1317. His family held an ...Joliet, Louis
(Or JOLLIET). Louis Joliet, a discoverer and the son of a wagon-maker, was born at Quebec, ...Joliette
(JOLIETTENSIS). Diocese created by Pius X , 27 January, 1904 by division of the Archdiocese ...Jolly, Philipp Johann Gustav von
German physicist, born at Mannheim, 26 September, 1809; died at Munich, 24 December, 1884. His ...Jonas
The fifth of the Minor Prophets. The name is usually taken to mean "dove", but in view of the ...Jonas of Bobbio
(Or Jonas of Susa ) Monk and hagiographer, b. about the close of the sixth century at ...Jonas of Orléans
Bishop and ecclesiastical writer, born in Aquitaine; died in 843 or 844. From 818, when he ...Jonathan
(Hebrew, " Yahweh hath given", cf. Theodore; Septuagint 'Ionáthan .) Name of several ...Jones, Inigo
A famous English architect, b. 15 July, 1573, in London ; d. 21 June, 1652, and was buried in ...Jones, Venerable Edward
Priest and martyr, b. in the Diocese of St. Asaph, Wales, date unknown; d. in London, 6 May ...Jordan, The
(In Hebrew Yâdên, from the root Yârâd, to descend). The difference ...Jordanis
Historian, lived about the middle of the sixth century in the Eastern Roman Empire. His family ...Jordanus of Giano
(DE JANO). Italian Minorite, b. at Giano in the Valley of Spoleto, c. 1195; d. after 1262. ...Jornandes
Historian, lived about the middle of the sixth century in the Eastern Roman Empire. His family ...Josaphat
( Hebrew for " Yahweh hath judged"; Septuagint 'Iosaphát ). Fourth King of Juda ...Josaphat and Barlaam
The principal characters of a legend of Christian antiquity, which was a favourite subject of ...Josaphat Kuncevyc, Saint
Martyr, born in the little town of Volodymyr in Lithuania (Volyn) in 1580 or -- according to ...Josaphat, Valley of
(JEHOSHAPHAT). Mentioned in only one passage of the Bible ( Joel 3 -- Hebrew text, 4). In ...Joseph
The eleventh son of Jacob, the firstborn of Rachel, and the immediate ancestor of the tribes ...Joseph Calasanctius of the Mother of God, Pious Workers of Saint
Founded at Vienna, 24 November, 1889, by Father Anton Maria Schwartz for all works of charity, ...Joseph Calasanctius, Saint
Called in religion "a Matre Dei", founder of the Piarists, b. 11 Sept., 1556, at the castle of ...Joseph II
(1741-90). German Emperor (reigned 1765-90), of the House of Hapsburg-Lorraine, son and ...Joseph of Arimathea
All that is known for certain concerning him is derived from the canonical Gospels. He was born ...Joseph of Cupertino, Saint
Mystic, born 17 June, 1603; died at Osimo 18 September, 1663; feast, 18 September. Joseph ...Joseph of Exeter
(JOSEPHUS ISCANUS.) A twelfth-century Latin poet; b. at Exeter, England. About 1180 he went ...Joseph of Issachar
A man of the tribe of Issachar, and the father of Igal who was one of the spies sent by Moses ...Joseph of Leonessa, Saint
In the world named Eufranio Desiderio; born in 1556 at Leonessa in Umbria; died 4 February, ...Joseph's Society for Colored Missions, Saint
This organization began its labours in 1871, when four young priests from Mill Hill were put in ...Joseph's Society for Foreign Missions, Saint
(Mill Hill, London, N.W.) A society of priests and laymen whose object is to labour for ...Joseph, Saint
Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and foster-father of Our Lord Jesus Christ . LIFE Sources ...Joseph, Sisters of Saint
CONGREGATION OF THE SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH Founded at Le Puy, in Velay, France, by the Rev. ...Josephites
(Sons of St. Joseph) A congregation devoted to the Christian education of youth, founded in ...Josephus, Flavius
Jewish historian, born A.D. 37, at Jerusalem ; died about 101. He belonged to a distinguished ...Joshua
The name of eight persons in the Old Testament, and of one of the Sacred Books. ( ...Josias
(J OSIAH – Hebrew for " Yahweh supports"; Septuagint 'Iosías ). A pious ...Josue
The name of eight persons in the Old Testament, and of one of the Sacred Books. ( ...Joubert, Joseph
French philosopher ; b. at Martignac (Dordogne), 7 May, 1754, d. at Villeneuve-le-Roi (Yonne), 4 ...Jouffroy, Claude-François-Dorothée de
M ARQUIS d' A BBANS . Mechanician, b. at Abbans, near Besançon, 30 Sept., 1751; d. ...Jouffroy, Jean de
French prelate and statesman; b. at Luxeuil (Franche-Comté) about 1412; d. at the priory ...Jouin, Louis
Linguist, philosopher, author, b. at Berlin, 14 June, 1818, d. at New York, 10 June, 1899. He ...Jouvancy, Joseph de
(JOSEPHUS JUVENCIUS). Poet, pedagogue, philologist, and historian, b. at Paris, 14 September, ...Jouvenet, Jean
Surnamed T HE G REAT . French painter, b. at Rouen in 1644, d. at Paris, 5 April, 1717. ...Jovellanos, Gaspar Melchor de
(Also written JOVE-LLANOS). Spanish statesman and man of letters, at Gijon, Asturias, 5 Jan., ...Jovianus, Flavius Claudius
Roman Emperor, 363-4. After the death of Julian the Apostate (26 June, 363), the army making ...Jovinianus
An opponent of Christian asceticism in the fourth century, condemned as a heretic (390). Our ...Jovius, Paulus
(GIOVIO). Historian, b. at Como, Italy, 9 April, 1483, d. at Florence, 11 Dec., 1552. Having ...Joyeuse, Henri, Duc de
Born in 1563 and not, as is mistakenly stated in the "Biographic Michaud ", in 1567; died at ...Juan Bautista de Toledo
An eminent Spanish sculptor and architect; b. at Madrid (date not known); d. there 19 May, ...Jubilate Sunday
The third Sunday after Easter, being so named from the first word of the Introit at Mass ...Jubilee, Holy Year of
The ultimate derivation of the word jubilee is disputed, but it is most probable that the ...Jubilee, Year of (Hebrew)
According to the Pentateuchal legislation contained in Leviticus, a Jubilee year is the year that ...Jubilees, Book of
( ta Iobelaia ). An apocryphal writing, so called from the fact that the narratives and ...Juda
The name of one of the Patriarchs, the name of the tribe reputed to be descended from him, the ...Judaism
At the present day, the term designates the religious communion which survived the destruction of ...Judaizers
(From Greek Ioudaizo , to adopt Jewish customs -- Esther 8:17 ; Galatians 2:14 ). A ...Judas Iscariot
The Apostle who betrayed his Divine Master . The name Judas ( Ioudas ) is the Greek form of ...Judas Machabeus
Third son of the priest Mathathias who with his family was the centre and soul of the ...Judde, Claude
French preacher and spiritual father; born at Rouen, about 20 December, 1661; died at Paris, ...Jude, Epistle of Saint
The present subject will be treated under the following heads: I. The Author and the ...Judea
Like the adjective Ioudaios , the noun Ioudaia comes from the Aramæan Iehûdai ...Judge, Ecclesiastical
(J UDEX E CCLESIASTICUS ) An ecclesiastical person who possesses ecclesiastical ...Judges, The Book of
The seventh book of the Old Testament , second of the Early Prophets of the Hebrew canon. I. ...Judgment, Divine
This subject will be treated under two heads: I. Divine Judgment Subjectively and Objectively ...Judgment, General
(Judicium Universale, Last Judgment). I. EXISTENCE OF THE GENERAL JUDGMENT 1 Few truths are ...Judgment, Last
(Judicium Universale, Last Judgment). I. EXISTENCE OF THE GENERAL JUDGMENT 1 Few truths are ...Judgment, Particular
A. Dogma of Particular Judgment The Catholic doctrine of the particular judgment is this: that ...Judica Sunday
Name given to the fifth Sunday of Lent, and derived from the first words of the Introit of ...Judith, Book of
HISTORY Nabuchodonosor, King of Nineveh, sends his general Holofernes to subdue the Jews. The ...Julia Billiart, Saint
( Also Julia). Foundress, and first superior-general of the Congregation of the Sisters of ...Julian and Basilissa, Saints
Husband and wife; died at Antioch or, more probably, at Antinoe, in the reign of Diocletian, ...Julian of Eclanum
Born about 386; died in Sicily, 454; the most learned among the leaders of the Pelagian ...Julian of Speyer
Often called J ULIANUS T EUTONICUS . A famous composer, poet, and historian of the ...Julian the Apostate
(FLAVIUS CLAUDIUS JULIANUS). Roman emperor 361-63, b. at Constantinople in 331, d. 26 June, ...Juliana Falconieri, Saint
Born in 1270; died 12 June, 1341. Juliana belonged to the noble Florentine family of Falconieri. ...Juliana of Liège, Saint
Nun, b. at Retinnes, near Liège, Belgium, 1193; d. at Fosses, 5 April, 1258. At the age ...Juliana of Norwich
English mystic of the fourteenth century, author or recipient of the vision contained in the book ...Juliana, Saint
Suffered martyrdom during the Diocletian persecution. Both the Latin and Greek Churches mention ...Julie Billiart, Saint
( Also Julia). Foundress, and first superior-general of the Congregation of the Sisters of ...Juliopolis
Titular see in the province of Bithynia Secunda, suffragan of Nicaea. The city was founded under ...Julitta and Quiricus
Martyred under Diocletian. The names of these two martyrs, who in the early Church enjoyed a ...Julius Africanus
(c. 160-c. 240; the full name is Sextus Iulius Africanus, Greek Sextos Ioulios Aphrikanos ). ...Julius I, Pope Saint
(337-352). The immediate successor of Pope Silvester, Arcus, ruled the Roman Church for ...Julius II, Pope
(GIULIANO DELLA ROVERE). Born on 5 December, 1443, at Albissola near Savona; crowned on 28 ...Julius III, Pope
(GIAMMARIA CIOCCHI DEL MONTE). Born at Rome, 10 September, 1487; died there, 23 March, 1555. ...Jumièges, Abbey of
Jumièges, situated on the north bank of the Seine, between Duclair and Caudebec, in ...Junípero Serra
Born at Petra, Island of Majorca, 24 November, 1713; died at Monterey, California, 28 August, ...Jungmann, Bernard
A dogmatic theologian and ecclesiastical historian, born at Münster in Westphalia, 1 ...Jungmann, Josef
Born 12 Nov., 1830, at Münster, Westphalia ; died at Innsbruck, 25 Nov., 1885. In 1850 he ...Jurisdiction, Ecclesiastical
The right to guide and rule the Church of God. The subject is here treated under the following ...Jus Spolii
(RIGHT OF SPOIL; also called JUS EXUVIARUM and RAPITE CAPITE) Jus Spolii, a claim, exercised in ...Jussieu, De
Name of five French botanists. (1) ANTOINE DE JUSSIEU, physician and botanist, b. at Lyons, ...Juste
The name conventionally applied to a family of Italian sculptors, whose real name was Betti, ...Justice
Justice is here taken in its ordinary and proper sense to signify the most important of the ...Justification
(Latin justificatio ; Greek dikaiosis .) A biblio-ecclesiastical term; which denotes the ...Justin de Jacobis, Blessed
Vicar Apostolic of Abyssinia and titular Bishop of Nilopolis, h. at San Fele, Province of ...Justin Martyr, Saint
Christian apologist, born at Flavia Neapolis, about A.D. 100, converted to Christianity about ...Justina and Cyprian, Saints
Christians of Antioch who suffered martyrdom during the persecution of Diocletian at ...Justinian I
Roman Emperor (527-65) Flavius Anicius Julianus Justinianus was born about 483 at Tauresium ...Justiniani, Benedetto
(GIUSTINIANI). Theological and Biblical writer, born at Genoa, about the year 1550; died at ...Justiniani, Nicholas
Date of birth unknown, became monk in the Benedictine monastery of San Niccoló del Lido ...Justinianopolis
A titular see of Armenia Prima, suffragan of Sebaste. This see is better known in history ...Justus, Saint
Fourth Archbishop of Canterbury ; died 627 (?). For the particulars of his life we are almost ...Juvencus, C. Vettius Aquilinus
Christian Latin poet of the fourth century. Of his life we know only what St. Jerome tells us ...Juvenile Courts
Tribunals for the trial of children charged with crimes or offences. The maximum age is usually ...Join the Movement
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