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Volume F in the Catholic Encyclopedia
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Félix, Célestin Joseph
French Jesuit, b. at Neuville-sur-l' Escaut (Nord), 28 June 1810; d. at Lille, 7 July, 1891. He ...Fénelon, François de Salignac de la Mothe-
A celebrated French bishop and author, b. in the Château de Fénelon in ...Féval, Paul-Henri-Corentin
Novelist, b. at Rennes, 27 September, 1817; d. in Paris, 8 March 1887. He belonged to an old ...Förster, Arnold
German entomologist; b. at Aachen, 20 Jan., 1810; d. in the same city, 12 Aug., 1884. His father ...Führich, Joseph
(Born 1800; died 1876.) Joseph Führich was as Catholic in his art as in his life. He was ...Fünfkirchen
( Hungarian PÉCS, QUINQUE ECCLESIENSIS) Located in Hungary, in the ecclesiastical ...Fürstenberg, Franz Friedrich Wilhelm von
A statesman and educator, b. 7 August, 1729, at Herdringen in Westphalia ; d. 16 September, 1810, ...Façade
The face or front of any building. In ecclesiastical architecture the term is generally used to ...Faa di Bruno, Francesco
An Italian mathematician and priest, born at Alessandria, 7 March, 1825; died at Turin, 26 ...Faber, Felix
German writer, born about 1441 at Zurich, of a famous family commonly known as Schmid; died in ...Faber, Frederick William
Oratorian and devotional writer, b. 28 June, 1814, at Calverley, Yorkshire, England ; d. in ...Faber, Johann
Theologian, b. at Leutkirch, in Swabia, 1478; d. in Vienna, 21 May, 1541. He studied ...Faber, Johann
Johann Faber of Heilbronn, controversialist and preacher; b. 1504, at Heilbronn in Wittenberg ; ...Faber, Johann Augustanus
Theologian, born at Fribourg, Switzerland, c. 1470; died about 1531. He entered the Dominican ...Faber, Matthias
Writer and preacher, born at Altomünster, Germany, 24 February, 1586; died at Tyrnau, 26 ...Faber, Peter, Saint
Born 13 April, 1506, at Villaret, Savoy ; died 1 Aug., 1546, in Rome. As a child he tended his ...Faber, Philip
(Or Fabri.) Theologian, philosopher and noted commentator of Duns Scotus ; born in 1564, at ...Fabian, Pope Saint
(FABIANUS) Pope (236-250), the extraordinary circumstances of whose election is related by ...Fabiola, Saint
A Roman matron of rank, died 27 December, 399 or 400. She was one of the company of noble Roman ...Fabre, Joseph
Second Superior General of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, born 14 November, 1824, at Cuges, ...Fabri, Honoré
(Lefèvre.) Jesuit, theologian, b. about 1607 in the Department of Ain, France ; d. at ...Fabri, Philip
(Or Fabri.) Theologian, philosopher and noted commentator of Duns Scotus ; born in 1564, at ...Fabriano and Matelica
Diocese of Fabriano and Matelica (Fabrianensis et Mathelicensis). Fabriano, a city in the ...Fabrica Ecclesiæ
A Latin term, meaning, etymologically, the construction of a church, but in a broader sense the ...Fabricius, Hieronymus
(Surnamed ab Aquapendente ). Distinguished Italian anatomist and surgeon, b. in the little ...Fabyan, Robert
English chronicler, died 28 February, 1513. He was a London clothier, a member of the Drapers' ...Facciolati, Jacopo
Lexicographer and philologist, b. at Torreglia, near Padua, Italy, 4 Jan., 1682; d. at Padua, 26 ...Fact, Dogmatic
(1) Definition By a dogmatic fact , in wider sense, is meant any fact connected with a dogma ...Faculties of the Soul
I. MEANING Whatever doctrine one may hold concerning the nature of the human soul and its ...Faculties, Canonical
( Latin Facultates ) In law, a faculty is the authority, privilege, or permission, to ...Facundus of Hermiane
A sixth-century Christian author, Bishop of Hermiane in Africa, about whose career very little ...Faenza
DIOCESE OF FAENZA (FAVENTINA) Diocese in the province of Ravenna (Central Italy ), suffragan ...Fagnani, Prospero
Canonist, b. in Italy, place and date of birth uncertain; d. in 1678. Some writers place his ...Fagnano, Guilio Carlo de' Toschi di
Mathematician, born at Sinigaglia, Italy, 26 September, 1682; died there 18 May, 1766. He made ...Faillon, Etienne-Michel
Historian, born at Tarascon, France, 3 January, 1800; died at Paris, 25 October, 1870. He studied ...Faith
I. THE MEANING OF THE WORD ( Pistis , fides). In the Old Testament , the Hebrew means ...Faith, Hope, and Charity (Saints)
The names of two groups of Roman martyrs around whom a considerable amount of legendary lore has ...Faith, The Rule of
The word rule ( Latin regula , Gr. kanon ) means a standard by which something can be ...Faithful, The
( Latin fideles , from fides , faith.) Those who have bound themselves to a religious ...Falco, Juan Conchillos
Painter, b. at Valencia of an ancient noble family in 1641; d. 14 May, 1711. He was a pupil of ...Faldstool
(Latin faldistorium ; also facistorium, faudestolus, faudestola ). A movable folding ...Falkner, Thomas
Born 6 Oct., 1707; died 30 Jan., 1784. He was the son of Thomas Falkner, a Manchester ...Fall River
DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER (RIVERORMENSIS), U.S.A. A suffragan see of the Province of Boston ; ...Fallopio, Gabriello
Anatomist, "one of the most important of the many-sided physicians of the sixteenth century" ...Falloux du Coudray
Frédéric Alfred Pierre, Vicomte de Falloux du Coudray Born at Angers, 7 March, ...False Decretals
(The Decretals of the Pseudo-Isidore) False Decretals is a name given to certain apocryphal ...Falsity
( Latin Falsitas .) A perversion of truth originating in the deceitfulness of one party, and ...Famagusta
A titular see in the Island of Cyprus. The name appears to be derived from the Greek ...Familiars
Strictly speaking, seculars subject to a master's authority and maintained at his expense. In this ...Family
A term derived from the Latin, famulus , servant, and familia , household servants, or the ...Fano
(FANENSIS.) Fano, the ancient Fanum Fortunæ, a city of the Marches in the province of ...Fanon
A shoulder-cape worn by the pope alone, consisting of two pieces of white silk ornamented with ...Faraud, Henri
Titular Bishop of Anémour and first Vicar Apostolic of Athabasca-Mackenzie , Canada ; ...Farfa, Abbey of
Situated about 26 miles from Rome, not far from the Farfa Sabina Railway station. A legend in the ...Fargo
(FARGUS; FARGENSIS) Diocese ; suffragan of St. Paul, U.S.A., embracing the whole of the State ...Faribault, George-Barthélemy
An archaeologist, b. at Quebec, Canada, 3 Dec., 1789; d. 1866. He was a first cousin of ...Faribault, Jean-Baptiste
A trader with the Indians and early settler in Minnesota, U.S.A.; b. 19 October, 1774, at ...Farinato, Paolo
An Italian painter, b. at Verona 1524; d. there, 1606. He belonged to the old Florentine ...Faringdon, Blessed Hugh
( Vere COOK). English martyr ; b. probably at Faringdon, Berkshire, date unknown; d. at ...Farlati, Daniele
An ecclesiastical historian, b. at San Daniele del Friuli in the present Italian province of ...Farnese, Alessandro
The name of two cardinals. For the elder see POPE PAUL III. The young Alessandro Farnese -- ...Faro
(PHARENSIS) A suffragan of Evora, Portugal, and extending over the province of Algarve. The ...Faroe Islands
Geography and Statistics A group of Danish islands rising from the sea some four hundred miles ...Fast
In general abstinence from food or drink, a term common to the various Teutonic tongues. Some ...Fatalism
Fatalism is in general the view which holds that all events in the history of the world, and, in ...Fate
( Latin fatum, from fari, to tell or predict ). This word is almost redundant in the ...Fathers of Mercy, The
A congregation of missionary priests first established at Lyons, France, in 1808, and later at ...Fathers of the Church
The Appeal to the Fathers Classification of Patristic Writings Apostolic Fathers and the Second ...Fathers, The Apostolic
Christian writers of the first and second centuries who are known, or are considered, to have had ...Faunt, Lawrence Arthur
A Jesuit theologian, b. 1554, d. at Wilna, Poland, 28 February, 1590-91. After two years at ...Fauriel, Charles-Claude
A historian, b. at St-Etienne, France, 27 October, 1772; d. at Paris,15 July, 1844. He studied ...Faustinus and Jovita, Saints
Martyrs, members of a noble family of Brescia ; the elder brother, Faustinus, being a priest, ...Faustus of Riez
Bishop of Riez ( Rhegium ) in Southern Gaul (Provence), the best known and most distinguished ...Faversham Abbey
A former Benedictine monastery of the Cluniac Congregation situated in the County of Kent ...Faye, Hervé-Auguste-Etienne-Albann
An astronomer, b. at Saint-Benoît-du-Sault (Indre, France ), Oct., 1814; d. at Paris, 4 ...Fear (from a Moral Standpoint)
(CONSIDERED FROM A MORAL STANDPOINT.) Fear is an unsettlement of soul consequent upon the ...Fear (in Canon Law)
(IN CANON LAW.) A mental disturbance caused by the perception of instant or future danger. ...Feast of Fools
A celebration marked by much license and buffoonery, which in many parts of Europe, and ...Feasts, Ecclesiastical
( Latin Festum ; Greek heorte ). Feast Days, or Holy Days, are days which are celebrated in ...Febronianism
The politico-ecclesiastical system outlined by Johann Nikolaus von Hontheim, Auxiliary Bishop of ...Feckenham, John de
Last Abbot of Westminster, and confessor of the Faith ; b. in Feckenham Forest, ...Feder, Johann Michael
A German theologian, b. 25 May, 1753, at Oellingen in Bavaria ; d. 26 July, 1824, at ...Feilding, Rudolph William Basil
The eighth Earl of Denbigh, and ninth Earl of Desmond, b. 9 April, 1823; d. 1892. He was educated ...Feilmoser, Andreas Benedict
A theologian and Biblical scholar, b. 8 April, 1777, at Hopfgarten, Tyrol; d. at Tübingen, ...Felbiger, Johann Ignaz von
A German educational reformer, pedagogical writer, and canon regular of the Order of St. ...Felician and Primus, Saints
Suffered martyrdom about 304 in the Diocletian persecution. The "Martyrologium Hieronymianum" ...Felician Sisters, O.S.F.
Founded 21 November, 1855, at Warsaw, Poland, by Mother Mary Angela, under the direction of ...Felicissimus
A deacon of Carthage who, in the middle of the third century, headed a short-lived but dangerous ...Felicitas and Perpetua, Saints
Martyrs, suffered at Carthage, 7 March 203, together with three companions, Revocatus, Saturus, ...Felicitas, Saint
MARTYR. The earliest list of the Roman feasts of martyrs, known as the "Depositio Martyrum" ...Felix and Adauctus, Saints
Martyrs at Rome, 303, under Diocletian and Maximian. The Acts, first published in Ado's ...Felix and Nabor, Saints
Martyrs during the persecution of Diocletian (303). The relics of these holy witnesses to the ...Felix I, Pope Saint
Date of birth unknown; d. 274. Early in 269 he succeeded Saint Dionysius as head of the Roman ...Felix II
Pope (more properly Antipope ), 355-358; d. 22 Nov., 365. In 355 Pope Liberius was ...Felix III (II), Pope Saint
(Reigned 483-492). Born of a Roman senatorial family and said to have been an ancestor of ...Felix IV (III), Pope Saint
(Reigned 526-530). On 18 May, 526, Pope John I died in prison at Ravenna, a victim of the ...Felix of Cantalice, Saint
A Capuchin friar, b. at Cantalice, on the north-western border of the Abruzzi; d. at Rome, 18 ...Felix of Nola, Saint
Born at Nola, near Naples, and lived in the third century. After his father's death he ...Felix of Valois, Saint
Born in 1127; d. at Cerfroi, 4 November, 1212. He is commemorated 20 November. He was surnamed ...Felix V
Regnal name of Amadeus of Savoy, Antipope (1440-1449). Born 4 December, 1383, died at ...Feller, François-Xavier de
An author and apologist, b. at Brussels 18 August, 1735; d. at Ratisbon 22 May, 1802. He ...Feneberg, Johann Michael Nathanael
Born in Oberdorf, Allgau, Bavaria, 9 Feb., 1751; died 12 Oct., 1812. He studied at Kaufbeuren and ...Fenn, John
Born at Montacute near Wells in Somersetshire; d. 27 Dec., 1615. He was the eldest brother of Ven. ...Ferber, Nicolaus
A Friar Minor and controversialist, born at Herborn, Germany, in 1485; died at Toulouse, 15 ...Ferdinand II
Emperor, eldest son of Archduke Karl and the Bavarian Princess Maria, b. 1578; d. 15 February, ...Ferdinand III, Saint
King of Leon and Castile, member of the Third Order of St. Francis, born in 1198 near ...Ferdinand, Blessed
Prince of Portugal, b. in Portugal, 29 September, 1402; d. at Fez, in Morocco, 5 June, 1443. He ...Ferdinando, Luigi, Count de Marsigli
Italian geographer and naturalist, b. at Bologna 10 July, 1658; d. at Bologna 1 Nov., 1730. He ...Ferentino, Diocese of
(FERENTINUM) In the province of Rome, immediately subject to the Holy See. The town was in ...Fergus, Saints
St. Fergus Cruithneach Died about 730, known in the Irish martyrologies as St. Fergus ...Feria
( Latin for "free day"). A day on which the people, especially the slaves, were not obliged ...Ferland, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine
A French Canadian historian, b. at Montreal, 25 December, 1805; d. at Quebec, 11 January, ...Fermo, Archdiocese of
(FIRMANA). In the province of Ascoli Piceno (Central Italy ). The great antiquity of the ...Fernández de Palencia, Diego
A Spanish conqueror and historian; b. at Palencia in the early part of the sixteenth century. ...Fernández, Antonio
A Jesuit missionary; b. at Lisbon, c. 1569; d. at Goa, 12 November, 1642. About 1602 he was ...Fernández, Juan
A Jesuit lay brother and missionary; b. at Cordova ; d. 12 June, 1567, in Japan. In a letter ...Ferns
DIOCESE OF FERNS (FERNENSIS). Diocese in the province of Leinster ( Ireland ), suffragan of ...Ferrara
A RCHDIOCESE OF F ERRARA (F ERRARIENSIS ). Archdiocese immediately subject to the Holy ...Ferrari, Gaudenzio
An Italian painter and the greatest master of the Piedmontese School, b. at Valduggia, near ...Ferraris, Lucius
An eighteenth-century canonist of the Franciscan Order. The exact dates of his birth and death ...Ferre, Vicente
Theologian, b. at Valencia, Spain ; d. at Salamanca in 1682. He entered the Dominican Order ...Ferreira, Antonio
A poet, important both for his lyric and his dramatic compositions, b. at Lisbon, Portugal, in ...Ferrer, Rafael
A Spanish missionary and explorer; b. at Valencia, in 1570; d. at San José, Peru, in ...Ferrer, Saint Vincent
Famous Dominican missionary, born at Valencia, 23 January, 1350; died at Vannes, Brittany, 5 ...Ferrières, Abbey of
Situated in the Diocese of Orléans , department of Loiret, and arrondissement of ...Ferstel, Heinrich, Freiherr von
Architect; with Hansen and Schmidt, the creator of modern Vienna ; b. 7 July, 1828, at Vienna ; ...Fesch, Joseph
Cardinal, b. at Ajaccio, Corsica, 3 January, 1763; d. at Rome, 13 May, 1839. He was the son of a ...Fessler, Josef
Bishop of St. Polten in Austria and secretary of the Vatican Council ; b. 2 December, 1813, at ...Fetherston, Blessed Richard
Priest and martyr ; died at Smithfield, 30 July, 1540. He was chaplain to Catharine of Aragon ...Feti, Domenico
An Italian painter ; born at Rome, 1589; died at Venice, 1624. He was a pupil of Cigoli ...Fetishism
Fetishism means the religion of the fetish. The word fetish is derived through the Portuguese ...Feuardent, François
A Franciscan, theologian, preacher of the Ligue, b. at Coutanees, Normandy, in 1539; d. at ...Feuchtersleben, Baron Ernst von
An Austrian poet, philosopher, and physician; born at Vienna, 29 April, 1806; died 3 September, ...Feudalism
Etymology This term is derived from the Old Aryan pe'ku , hence Sanskrit pacu , "cattle"; ...Feuillants
The Cistercians who, about 1145, founded an abbey in a shady valley in the Diocese of Rieux ...Feuillet, Louis
(FEUILLÉE) Geographer, b. at Mane near Forcalquier, France, in 1660; d. at Marseilles ...Feyjóo y Montenegro, Benito Jerónimo
A celebrated Spanish writer, b. at Casdemiro, in the parish of Santa Maria de Molias, Galicia, ...Fiacc, Saint
(Lived about 415-520.) A poet, chief bishop of Leinster, and founder of two churches. His ...Fiacre, Saint
Abbot, born in Ireland about the end of the sixth century; died 18 August, 670. Having been ...Ficino, Marsilio
A philosopher, philologist, physician, b. at Florence, 19 Oct., 1433; d. at Correggio, 1 Oct, ...Ficker, Julius
(More correctly Caspar von Ficker). Historian, b. at Paderborn, Germany, 30 April, 1826; d. at ...Fideism
(Latin fides , faith). A philosophical term meaning a system of philosophy or an ...Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Saint
Born in 1577, at Sigmaringen, Prussia, of which town his father Johannes Rey was burgomaster; ...Fiesole
DIOCESE OF FIESOLE (FÆSULANA). Diocese in the province of Tuscany, suffragan of Florence. ...Figueroa, Francisco de
A celebrated Spanish poet, surnamed "the Divine", b. at Alcalá de Henares, c. 1540, d. ...Figueroa, Francisco García de la Rosa
Franciscan, b. in the latter part of the eighteenth century at Toluca, in the Archdiocese of ...Fiji, Vicariate Apostolic of
Comprising the islands belonging to the Fiji Archipelago. This archipelago forms the central ...Filby, Blessed William
Blessed William Filby Born in Oxfordshire between 1557 and 1560; suffered at Tyburn, 30 May, ...Filelfo, Franscesco
A humanist, b. at Tolentino, 25 July, 1398; d. at Florence 31 July, 1481. He studied grammar, ...Filial Church
(Latin filialis , from filia , daughter), a church to which is annexed the cure of souls , ...Filicaja, Vincenzo da
Lyric poet; born at Florence, 30 December, 1642; died there 24 September, 1707. At Pisa he was ...Filioque
Filioque is a theological formula of great dogmatic and historical importance. On the one ...Fillastre, Guillaume
French cardinal, canonist, humanist, and geographer, b. 1348 at La Suze, Maine, France ; d. at ...Filliucci, Vincenzo
Jesuit moralist; b. at Sienna, Italy, 1566; d. at Rome 5 April, 1622. Having entered the Society ...Filliucius, Felix
(Or, as his name is more often found, in its Italian form, FIGLIUCCI). An Italian humanist, a ...Final Perseverance
( Perseverantia finalis ). Final perseverance is the preservation of the state of grace till ...Finan, Saint
Second Bishop of Lindisfarne ; died 9 February, 661. He was an Irish monk who had been ...Finbarr, Saint
(Lochan, Barr). Bishop and patron of Cork, born near Bandon, about 550, died at Cloyne, 25 ...Finch, Ven. John
A martyr, b. about 1548; d. 20 April, 1584. He was a yeoman of Eccleston, Lancashire, and a ...Finglow, Ven. John
An English martyr ; b. at Barnby, near Howden, Yorkshire; executed at York, 8 August, 1586. He ...Finland
Note: This article was taken from the 1909 edition of the Catholic Encyclopedia, and is presented ...Finnian of Moville, Saint
Born about 495; died 589. Though not so celebrated as his namesake of Clonard, he was the ...Finotti, Joseph M.
Born at Ferrara, Italy, 21 September, 1817; died at Central City, Colorado, 10 January, 1879. ...Fintan, Saints
St. Fintan of Clonenagh A Leinster saint, b. about 524; d. 17 February, probably 594, or at least ...Fioretti di San Francesco d'Assisi
Little Flowers of Francis of Assisi , the name given to a classic collection of popular legends ...Fire, Liturgical Use of
Fire is one of the most expressive and most ancient of liturgical symbols. All the creeds of ...Firmament
(Septuagint stereoma ; Vulgate, firmamentum ). The notion that the sky was a vast solid ...Firmicus Maternus
Christian author of the fourth century; wrote a work "De errore profanarum religionum". Nothing ...Firmilian
Bishop of Cæsarea in Cappadocia, died c. 269. He had among his contemporaries a reputation ...First-Born
The word, though casually taken in Holy Writ in a metaphorical sense, is most generally used by ...First-Fruits
The practice of consecrating first-fruits to the Deity is not a distinctly Jewish one (cf. ...Fiscal Procurator
( Latin PROCURATOR FISCALIS). The duties of the fiscal procurator consist in preventing ...Fischer, Antonius
Archbishop of Cologne and cardinal, b. at Julich, 30 May, 1840; d. at Neuenahr, 30 July, 1912. ...Fish, Symbolism of the
Among the symbols employed by the primitive Christians, that of the fish ranks probably first in ...Fisher, Philip
(An alias , real name THOMAS COPLEY) Missionary, b. in Madrid, 1595-6; d. in Maryland, U. ...Fisherman, The Ring of the
The earliest mention of the Fisherman's ring worn by the popes is in a letter of Clement IV ...Fitter, Daniel
Born in Worcestershire, England, 1628; died at St. Thomas' Priory, near Stafford, 6 Feb., 1700. ...Fitton, James
Missionary, b. at Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. , 10 April, 1805; d. there, 15 Sept., 1881. His ...Fitz-Simons, Thomas
American merchant, b. in Ireland, 1741; d. at Philadelphia, U.S.A. 26 Aug., 1811. There is no ...Fitzalan, Henry
Twelfth Earl of Arundel, b. about 1511; d. in London, 24 Feb., 1580 (O.S. 1579). Son of William, ...FitzGibbon, Catherine
(Catherine FitzGibbon.) Born in London, England, 12 May, 1823; died in New York, 14 August, ...Fitzherbert, Anthony, Sir
Judge, b. in 1470; d. 27 May, 1538. He was the sixth son of Ralph Fitzherbert of Norbury, ...Fitzherbert, Maria Anne
Wife of King George IV; b. 26 July, 1756 (place uncertain); d. at Brighton, England, 29 March, ...Fitzherbert, Thomas
Born 1552, at Swynnerton, Staffs, England ; died 17 Aug., 1640, at Rome. His father having died ...Fitzpatrick, William John
Historian, b. in Dublin, Ireland, 31 Aug., 1830; d. there 24 Dec., 1895. The son of a rich ...Fitzralph, Richard
Archbishop of Armagh, b. at Dundalk, Ireland, about 1295; d. at Avignon, 16 Dec., 1360. He ...Fitzsimon, Henry
(Fitz Simon). Jesuit, b. 1566 (or 1569), in Dublin, Ireland ; d. 29 Nov., 1643 (or 1645), ...Fixlmillner, Placidus
Astronomer, b. at Achleuthen near Kremsmünster, Austria, in 1721; d. at Kremsmünster, ...Fizeau, Armand-Hippolyte-Louis
Physicist, b. at Paris, 23 Sept., 1819; d. at Nanteuil, Seine-et-Marne, 18 Sept., 1896. His ...Fléchier, Esprit
Bishop; b. at Pernes, France, 1632; died at Montpellier, 1710; member of the Academy, and ...Flórez, Enrique
Spanish theologian, archeologist, and historian; born at Valladolid, 14 February, 1701; died at ...Flabellum
The flabellum, in liturgical use, is a fan made of leather, silk, parchment, or feathers ...Flaccilla, Ælia
( Plakilla ) Empress, wife of Theodosius the Great , died c. A. D. 385 or 386. Like ...Flagellants
A fanatical and heretical sect that flourished in the thirteenth and succeeding centuries, Their ...Flagellation
The history of the whip, rod, and stick, as instruments of punishment and of voluntary penance, ...Flaget, Benedict Joseph
First Bishop of Bardstown (subsequently of Louisville ), Kentucky, U.S.A. b. at Contournat, ...Flanagan, Thomas Canon
Born in England in 1814, though Irish by descent; died at Kidderminster, 21 July, 1865. He was ...Flanders
(Flemish VLAENDEREN; German FLANDEREN; French FLANDRE). Designated in the eighth century a ...Flandrin, Jean-Hippolyte
French painter, b. at Lyons, 23 March, 1809; d. at Rome, 21 March, 1864. He came of a family of ...Flathead Indians
A name used in both Americas, without special ethnologic significance, to designate tribes ...Flathers, Ven. Mathew
( Alias Major). An English priest and martyr ; b. probably c. 1580 at Weston, Yorkshire, ...Flavia Domitilla
A Christian Roman matron of the imperial family who lived towards the close of the first ...Flavian, Saint
Bishop of Constantinople, date of birth unknown; d. at Hypæpa in Lydia, August, 449. ...Flavias
A titular see of Cilicia Secunda. Nothing is known of its ancient name and history, except that ...Flavigny, Abbey of
A Benedictine abbey in the Diocese of Dijon, the department of Côte-d'Or, and ...Flaviopolis
A titular see in the province of Honorias. The city, formerly called Cratia, originally belonged ...Flemael, Bertholet
(The name was also spelled FLEMALLE and FLAMAEL). Painter, b. at Liège, Flanders, in ...Fleming, Patrick
Franciscan friar b. at Lagan, Couny Louth, Ireland, 17 April, 1599; d. 7 November, 1631. His ...Fleming, Richard
(FLEMMING, FLEMMYNGE). Bishop of Lincoln and founder of Lincoln College, Oxford; b. of a ...Fleming, Thomas
Archbishop of Dublin, son of the Baron of Slane, b. in 1593; d. in 1665. He studied at thy ...Fletcher, John
A missionary and theologian, b. at Ormskirk, England, of an old Catholic family ; educated at ...Flete, William
An Augustinian hermit friar, a contemporary and great friend of St. Catherine of Siena ; the ...Fleuriot, Zénaide-Marie-Anne
A French novelist, b. at Saint-Brieuc, 12 September, 1829; d. at Paris, 18 December, 1890. She ...Fleury, Abbey of
( More completely FLEURY-SAINT-BENOÎT) One of the oldest and most celebrated ...Fleury, André-Hercule de
Born at Lodève, 26 June, 1653; died at Paris, 29 January, 1742. He was a ...Flodoard
(Or FRODOARD) French historian and chronicler, b. at Epernay in 894; d. in 966. He was ...Flood of Noah
Deluge is the name of a catastrophe fully described in Genesis 6:1 - 9:19 , and referred to in the ...Floreffe, Abbey of
Pleasantly situated on the right bank of the Sambre, about seven miles southwest of Namur, ...Florence
(Latin Florentia ; Italian Firenze ). ARCHDIOCESE OF FLORENCE (FLORENTINA). Located in ...Florence of Worcester
English chronicler; all that is known of his personal history is that he was a monk of ...Florence, Council of
The Seventeenth Ecumenical Council was, correctly speaking, the continuation of the Council of ...Florentina, Saint
Virgin ; born towards the middle of the sixth century; died about 612. The family of St. ...Florian, Jean-Pierre Claris, Chevalier de
Born at the château of Florian (Gard), 6 March, 1755; died at Sceaux, 13 September, 1794. An ...Florians, The
(Floriacenses), an altogether independent order, and not, as some consider, a branch of the ...Florida
The Peninsular or Everglade State, the most southern in the American Union and second largest east ...Florilegia
Florilegia (Lat., florilegium, an anthology) are systematic collections of excerpts (more or ...Florus
A deacon of Lyons, ecclesiastical writer in the first half of the ninth century. We have no ...Floyd, John
English missionary, wrote under the names Flud, Daniel à Jesu, Hermannus Loemelius, George ...Fogaras
ARCHDIOCESE OF FOGARAS (FOGARASIENSIS). Archdiocese in Hungary, of the Greek-Rumanian Rite. It ...Foggia
DIOCESE OF FOGGIA (FODIANA). Diocese in the province of the same name in Apulia (Southern ...Foillan, Saint
( Irish FAELAN, FAOLAN, FOELAN, FOALAN.) Represented in iconography with a crown at his ...Folengo, Teofilo
An Italian poet, better known by his pseudonyrn MERLIN COCCALO or COCAI; b. at Mantua in 1496; ...Foley, Henry
Born at Astley in Worcestershire, England, 9 Aug., 1811; died at Manresa House, Roehampton, 19 ...Foligno
DIOCESE OF FOLIGNO (FULGINATENSIS). Diocese in the province of Perugia, Italy, immediately ...Foliot, Gilbert
Bishop of London, b. early in the twelfth century of an Anglo-Norman family and connected ...Folkestone Abbey
Folkestone Abbey -- more correctly FOLKESTONE PRIORY -- is situated in the east division of ...Fonseca Soares, Antonio da
(ANTONIO DAS CHAGAS). Friar Minor and ascetical writer; b. at Vidigueira, 25 June, 1631; d. at ...Fonseca, José Ribeiro da
Friar Minor ; b. at Evora, 3 Dec., 1690; d. at Porto, 16 June, 1752. He was received into the ...Fonseca, Pedro Da
A philosopher and theologian, born at Cortizada, Portugal, 1528; died at Lisbon, 4 Nov., 1599. ...Fontana, Carlo
An architect and writer; b. at Bruciato, near Como, 1634; d. at Rome, 1714. There seems to be no ...Fontana, Domenico
A Roman architect of the Late Renaissance, b. at Melide on the Lake of Lugano, 1543; d. at ...Fontana, Felice
Italian naturalist and physiologist, b. at Pomarolo in the Tyrol, 15 April, 1730; d. at Florence, ...Fontbonne, Jeanne
In religion Mother St. John, second foundress and superior-general of the Sisters of St. Joseph ...Fonte-Avellana
A suppressed order of hermits, which takes its name from their first hermitage in the Apennines. ...Fontenelle, Abbey of
(Or ABBEY OF SAINT WANDRILLE). A Benedictine monastery in Normandy ...Fontevrault, Order and Abbey of
I. CHARACTER OF THE ORDER The monastery of Fontevrault was founded by Blessed Robert ...Fonts, Holy Water
Vessels intended for the use of holy water are of very ancient origin, and archaeological ...Fools, Feast of
A celebration marked by much license and buffoonery, which in many parts of Europe, and ...Foppa, Ambrogio
Generally known as CARADOSS0. Italian goldsmith, sculptor, and die sinker, b. at Mondonico in ...Forbes, John
Capuchin, b. 1570; d. 1606. His father, John, eighth Lord Forbes, being a Protestant, and his ...Forbin-Janson, Comte de Charles-Auguste-Marie-Joseph
A Bishop of Nancy and Toul, founder of the Association of the Holy Childhood , born in Paris, ...Forcellini, Egidio
Latin lexicographer, b. at Fener, near Treviso, Italy, 26 Aug., 1688; d. at Padua, 4 April, ...Ford, Blessed Thomas
Born in Devonshire; died at Tyburn, 28 May, 1582. He incepted M.A. at Trinity College, Oxford, 14 ...Fordham University
Fordham University developed out of Saint John's College, founded by Bishop Hughes upon the old ...Foreman, Andrew
A Scottish prelate, of good border family ; b. at Hatton, near Berwick-on-Tweed; d. 1522. His ...Forer, Laurenz
Controversialist, b. at Lucerne, 1580; d. at Ratisbon, 7 January, 1659. He entered the Society ...Foresters, Catholic Orders of
I On 30 July, 1879, some members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society of Boston, Massachusetts, ...Forgery, Forger
If we accept the definition usually given by canonists, forgery ( Latin falsum ) differs very ...Forli
(FOROLIVIENSIS) Diocese in the province of Romagna (Central Italy ); suffragan of Ravenna. ...Form
(Latin forma; Greek eidos, morphe, he kata ton logon ousia, to ti en einai : Aristotle) ...Formby, Henry
Born 1816; died at Normanton Hall, Leicester, 12 March, 1884. His father, Henry Grenehalgh Formby, ...Formosus, Pope
(891-896) The pontificate of this pope belongs to that era of strife for political supremacy ...Formularies
(LIBRI FORMULARUM) Formularies are medieval collections of models for the execution of ...Forrest, William
Priest and poet; dates of birth and death uncertain. Few personal details are known of him. He ...Forster, Fobrenius
Prince-Abbot of St. Emmeram at Ratisbon, b. 30 Aug., 1709, at Königsfeld in Upper Bavaria ...Forster, Thomas Ignatius Maria
Astronomer and naturalist, b. at London, 9 Nov., 1789; d. at Brussels, 2 Feb., 1860. His literary ...Fort Augustus Abbey
St. Benedict's Abbey, at Fort Augustus, Inverness-shire, is at present the only monastery for ...Fort Wayne
DIOCESE OF (WAYNE CASTRENSIS). The Diocese of Vincennes, Indiana, U.S.A. established in ...Fortaleza, Diocese of
(FORTALEXIENSIS) The Diocese of Fortaleza is co-extensive with the State of Ceará in ...Fortescue, Blessed Adrian
Knight of St. John, martyr, b. about 1476, executed 10 July, 1539. He belonged to the Salden ...Fortitude
(1) Manliness is etymologically what is meant by the Latin word virtus and by the Greek andreia ...Fortunato of Brescia
Morphologist and Minorite of the Reform of Lombardy ; b. at Brescia, 1701; d. at Madrid, ...Fortunatus
Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus A Christian poet of the sixth century, b. ...Forty Hours' Devotion
Also called Quarant' Ore or written in one word Quarantore , is a devotion in which continuous ...Forty Martyrs
A party of soldiers who suffered a cruel death for their faith, near Sebaste, in Lesser Armenia, ...Forum, Ecclesiastical
That the Church of Christ has judicial and coercive power is plain from the constitution given ...Fossano
DIOCESE OF FOSSANO (FOSSANENSIS). Fossano is a town in the province of Cuneo, in Piedmont, ...Fossombrone
DIOCESE OF FOSSOMBRONE (FOROSEMPRONIENSIS). Diocese in the province of Pesaro, Italy, a ...Fossors
(Latin fossores , fossarii from fodere , to dig). Grave diggers in the Roman ...Foster, John Gray
Soldier, convert, b. at Whitfield, New Hampshire, U.S.A. 27 May, 1823; d. at Nashua, New ...Fothad, Saint
Surnamed NA CANOINE ("of the Canon"). A monk of Fahan-Mura, County Doneval, Ireland, at the ...Fouard, Constant
An ecclesiastical writer b. at Elbeuf, near Rouen, 6 Aug. 1837; his early life was a ...Foucault, Jean-Bertrand-Léon
A physicist and mechanician, b. at Paris, 19 Sept., 1819; d. there 11 Feb., 1868. He received ...Foulque de Neuilly
A popular Crusade preacher, d. March, 1202. At the end of the twelfth century he was ...Foundation
( Latin fundatio; German Stiftung ) An ecclesiastical foundation is the making over of ...Foundling Asylums
Under this title are comprised all institutions which take charge of infants whose parents or ...Fountains Abbey
A monastery of the Cistercian Order situated on the banks of the Skell about two and a half ...Fouquet, Jehan
(Or J EAN F OUQUET ) French painter and miniaturist, b. at Tours, c. 1415; d. about 1480. ...Four Crowned Martyrs
The old guidebooks to the tombs of the Roman martyrs make mention, in connection with the ...Four Masters, Annals of the
The most extensive of all the compilations of the ancient annals of Ireland. They commence, ...Fowler, John
Scholar and printer, b. at Bristol, England, 1537; d. at Namur, Flanders, 13 Feb., 1578-9. He ...Foxe's Book of Martyrs
John Foxe was born at Boston in Lincolnshire, England, in 1516, and was educated at Magdalen ...Fréchette, Louis-Honoré
Born at Notre-Dame de Lévis, P.Q., Canada, 16 November, 1839; died 30 May, 1908. He ...Fréjus
DIOCESE OF FRÉJUS (FORUM JULII). Suffragan of Aix ; comprises the whole department of ...Fra Angelico
A famous painter of the Florentine school, born near Castello di Vicchio in the province of ...Fractio Panis
(BREAKING OF BREAD.) The name given to a fresco in the so-called "Capella Greca" in the ...France
The fifth in size (usually reckoned the fourth) of the great divisions of Europe. DESCRIPTIVE ...Frances d'Amboise, Blessed
Duchess of Brittany, afterwards Carmelite nun, b. 1427; d. at Nantes, 4 Nov., 1485. The daughter ...Frances of Rome, Saint
(Bussa di Leoni.) One of the greatest mystics of the fifteenth century; born at Rome, of a noble ...Franceschini, Marc' Antonio
Italian painter ; b. at Bologna, 1648; d. there c. 1729; best known for the decorative works he ...Franchi, Ausonio
The pseudonym of CRISTOFORO BONAVINO, philosopher ; b. 24 February, 1821, at Pegli, province of ...Francia
(FRANCESCO RAIBOLINI) A famous Bolognese goldsmith, engraver, and artist, b. about 1450; d. in ...Francis Borgia, Saint
(Spanish F RANCISCO DE B ORJA Y A RAGON ) Francis Borgia, born 28 October, 1510, was the ...Francis Caracciolo, Saint
Co-founder with John Augustine Adorno of the Conregation of the Minor Clerks Regular ; b. in Villa ...Francis de Geronimo, Saint
(Girolamo, Hieronymo). Born 17 December, 1642; died 11 May, 1716. His birthplace was ...Francis de Sales, Saint
Bishop of Geneva, Doctor of the Universal Church ; born at Thorens, in the Duchy of Savoy, 21 ...Francis I
King of France ; b. at Cognac, 12 September, 1494; d. at Rambouillet, 31 March, 1547. He was the ...Francis Ingleby, Venerable
English martyr, born about 1551; suffered at York on Friday, 3 June, 1586 (old style). According ...Francis of Assisi, Saint
Founder of the Franciscan Order, born at Assisi in Umbria, in 1181 or 1182 -- the exact year ...Francis of Fabriano, Blessed
Priest of the Order of Friars Minor ; b. 2 Sept., 1251; d. 22 April, 1322. His birth and ...Francis of Paula, Saint
Founder of the Order of Minims; b. in 1416, at Paula, in Calabria, Italy ; d. 2 April, 1507, at ...Francis of Vittoria
A Spanish theologian ; b. about 1480, at Vittoria, province of Avila, in Old Castile ; d. 12 ...Francis Regis Clet, Blessed
A Lazarist missionary in China ; b. 1748, martyred, 18 Feb., 1820. His father was a merchant ...Francis Solanus, Saint
South American missionary of the Order of Friars Minor ; b. at Montilla, in the Diocese of ...Francis Xavier, Saint
Born in the Castle of Xavier near Sanguesa, in Navarre, 7 April, 1506; died on the Island of ...Francis, Rule of Saint
As known, St. Francis founded three orders and gave each of them a special rule. Here only the ...Franciscan Crown
( Or Seraphic Rosary.) A Rosary consisting of seven decades in commemoration of the seven ...Franciscan Order
A term commonly used to designate the members of the various foundations of religious, whether men ...Franck, Kasper
A theologian and controversialist; b. at Ortrand, Saxony, 2 Nov., 1543; d. at Ingolstadt, 12 ...Franco, Giovanni Battista
(Frequently known as IL SEMOLIE) Italian historical painter and etcher, b. at Udine in ...Frank, Michael Sigismund
Catholic artist and rediscoverer of the lost art of glass-painting; b. 1 June, 1770, at ...Frankenberg
JOHANN HEINRICH, GRAF VON FRANKENBERG. Archbishop of Mechlin (Malines), Primate of ...Frankfort, Council of
Convened in the summer of 794, by the grace of God, authority of the pope, and command of ...Frankfort-on-the-Main
Frankfort-on-the-Main, formerly the scene of the election and coronation of the German emperors, ...Franks, The
The Franks were a confederation formed in Western Germany of a certain number of ancient ...Franzelin, Johann Baptist
Cardinal and theologian ; b. at Aldein, in the Tyrol, 15 April, 1816; d. at Rome, 11 Dec., ...Frascati
DIOCESE OF FRASCATI (TUSCULANA). One of the six suburbicarian (i.e. neighbouring) dioceses ...Frassen, Claude
A celebrated Scotist theologian and philosopher of the Order of Friars Minor ; b. near ...Fraternal Correction
Fraternal correction is here taken to mean the admonishing of one's neighbor by a private ...Fraticelli
(Or F RATRICELLI ) A name given to various heretical sects which appeared in the fourteenth ...Fraud
In the common acceptation of the word, an act or course of deception deliberately practised with ...Fraunhofer, Joseph von
Optician, b. at Straubing, Bavaria, 6 March, 1787; d. at Munich, 7 June, 1826. He was the tenth ...Frayssinous, Denis de
1765-1841, Bishop of Hermopolis in partibus infidelium , is celebrated chiefly for his ...Fredegarius
The name used since the sixteenth designate the supposed author of an anonymous historical ...Fredegis of Tours
(Fridugisus or Fredegisus). A ninth-century monk, teacher, and writer. Fredegis was an ...Frederick I (Barbarossa)
German King and Roman Emperor, son of Frederick of Swabia (d. 1147) and Judith, daughter of Henry ...Frederick II
German King and Roman Emperor, son of Henry VI and Constance of Sicily; born 26 Dec., 1194; died ...Fredoli, Berenger
Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati ; b. at Vérune, France, c. ú d. at Avignon, 11 June, ...Free Church of Scotland
(Known since 1900 as the UNITED FREE CHURCH) An ecclesiastical organization in Scotland ...Free Will
Those who, abandoning the religious truths and moral dictates of the Christian Revelation, and ...Freeman, Ven. William
A priest and martyr, b. at Manthorp near York, c. 1558; d. at Warwick, 13 August, 1595. His ...Freemasonry
The subject is treated under the following heads: I. Name and Definition;II. Origin and Early ...Fregoso, Federigo
Cardinal ; b. at Genoa, about 1480; d. 22 July, 1541; belonged to the Fregosi, one of the four ...Freiburg
City, archdiocese, and university in the Archduchy of Baden, Germany . THE CITY Freiburg in ...Fremin, James
Jesuit missionary to the American Indians ; b. at Reims, 12 March, 1628; d. at Quebec, 2 July, ...French Academy, The
The French Academy was founded by Cardinal de Richelieu in 1635. For several years a number of ...French Catholics in the United States
The first Bishop of Burlington, the Right Reverend Louis de Goesbriand, in a letter dated 11 ...French Concordat of 1801, The
This name is given to the convention of the 26th Messidor, year IX (July 16, 1802), whereby Pope ...French Literature
Origin and Foundations of the French Language When the Romans became masters of Gaul, they imposed ...French Revolution
The last thirty years have given us a new version of the history of the French Revolution, the ...French, Nicholas
Bishop of Ferns, Ireland, b. at Ballytory, Co. Wexford, in 1604, his parents being John ...Freppel, Charles-Emile
Born at Ober-Ehnheim, Alsace, 1 June, 1827; died at Paris, 22 Dec., 1891. He was Bishop of ...Frequent Communion
Without specifying how often the faithful should communicate, Christ simply bids us eat His Flesh ...Fresnel, Augustin-Jean
Physicist; b. at Broglie near Bernay, Normandy, 10 May, 1788; d. at Ville d'Avray, near Paris, ...Friar
[From Lat. frater , through O. Fr. fredre, frere, M. E. frere; It. frate (as prefix ...Friars Minor, Order of
(Also known as FRANCISCANS.) This subject may be conveniently considered under the following ...Fribourg, University of
From the sixteenth century, the foundation of a Catholic university in Switzerland had often ...Fridelli, Xavier Ehrenbert
(Properly FRIEDEL.) Jesuit missioner and cartographer, b. at Linz, Austria, 11 March, 1673; ...Frideswide, Saint
(FRIDESWIDA, FREDESWIDA, French FRÉVISSE, Old English FRIS). Virgin, patroness of ...Fridolin, Saint
Missionary, founder of the Monastery of Säckingen, Baden (sixth century). In accordance with ...Friedrich von Hausen
(HUSEN) Medieval German poet, one of the earliest of the minnesingers; date of birth ...Friends of God
( German G OTTESFREUNDE ). An association of pious persons, both ecclesiastical and lay, ...Friends, Society of
The official designation of an Anglo - American religious sect originally styling themselves ...Frigolet, Abbey of
The monastery of St. Michael was founded, about 960, at Frigolet, by Conrad the Pacific, King ...Fringes (in Scripture)
This word is used to denote a special kind of trimming, consisting of loose threads of wool, silk, ...Fritz, Samuel
A Jesuit missionary of the eighteenth century noted for his exploration of the Amazon River and ...Froissart, Jean
French historian and poet, b. at Valenciennes, about 1337, d. at sentence -->Chimay early ...Fromentin, Eugène
French writer and artist; b. at La Rochelle, 24 October, 1820; d. at Saint-Maurice, near La ...Frontal, Altar
The frontal ( antipendium, pallium altaris ) is an appendage which covers the entire front of ...Frontenac, Louis de Baude
A governor of New France, b. at Paris, 1622; d. at Quebec, 28 Nov., 1698. His father was captain ...Frowin, Blessed
Benedictine abbot, d. 11 March, 1178. Of the early life of Frowin nothing is known, save that he ...Fructuosus of Braga, Saint
An Archbishop, d. 16 April, c. 665. He was the son of a Gothic general, and studied in Palencia. ...Fructuosus of Tarragona, Saint
A bishop and martyr ; d. 21 January, 259. During the night of 16 January, he, together with ...Fuchs, Johann Nepomuk von
A chemist and mineralogist, b. at Mattenzell, near Bremberg, Lower Bavaria, 15 May, 1774; d. at ...Fulbert of Chartres
Bishop, b. between 952 and 962; d. 10 April, 1028 or 1029. Mabillon and others think that he was ...Fulcran, Saint
Bishop of Lodève; d. 13 February, 1006. According to the biography which Bernard Guidonis, ...Fulda
DIOCESE OF FULDA (FULDENSIS). This diocese of the German Empire takes its name from the ...Fulgentius Ferrandus
A canonist and theologian of the African Church in the first half of the sixth century. He was ...Fulgentius, Saint
A Bishop of Ecija (Astigi), in Spain, at the beginning of the seventh century. Like his brothers ...Fulgentius, Saint
(FABIUS CLAUDIUS GORDIANUS FULGENTIUS). Born 468, died 533. Bishop of Ruspe in the province ...Fullerton, Lady Georgiana Charlotte
Novelist; born 23 September, 1812, in Staffordshire, died 19 January, 1885, at Bournemouth. She ...Fullo, Peter
Intruding Monophysite Patriarch of Antioch ; d. 488. He received the Greek surname Gnapheus ...Fumo, Bartolommeo
A theologian, b. at Villon near Piacenza ; d. 1545. At an early age he entered the Dominican ...Funchal
(FUNCHALENSIS.) Diocese in the Madeira Islands. Both in neo-Latin and in Portuguese the name ...Fundamental Articles
This term was employed by Protestant theologians to distinguish the essential parts of the ...Funeral Dues
The canonical perquisites of a parish priest receivable on the occasion of the funeral of any of ...Funeral Pall
A black cloth usually spread over the coffin while the obsequies are performed for a deceased ...Funk, Franz Xaver von
Church historian, b. in the small market town of Abtsgemünd in Würtemberg, 12 October, ...Furness Abbey
Situated in the north of Lancashire about five miles from the town of Ulverston. Originally a ...Furni
A titular see in Proconsular Africa, where two towns of this name are known to have existed. One ...Furniss, John
A well-known children's missioner, born near Sheffield, England, 19 June, 1809; at Clapham, ...Fursey, Saint
An Abbot of Lagny, near Paris, d. 16 Jan., about 650. He was the son of Fintan, son of Finloga, ...Fussola
A titular see in Numidia. It was a fortified town, inhabited for the most part by Donatists ...Fust, John
( Or FAUST.) A partner of Gutenberg in promoting the art of printing, d. at Paris about ...Fytch, William Benedict
An English Franciscan friar ot the Capuchin Reform, whose family name was Filch; b. at ...Join the Movement
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