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The Catholic Alamo
FREE Catholic Classes
April 04, 2009 - 4:24 PDT
FERNDALE, MI (APRIL 4, 2009) - In 1836, a small force of Texans hunkered down in a former Spanish mission and awaited the onslaught of a Mexican force ten times larger than their own. After nearly two weeks, the attackers had accomplished their goal, and nearly all the defenders lay dead.
Great causes often play out on great battlefields - The Ardennes, Gettysburg, Zama, Valley Forge, Lepanto. Each siege became the showpiece battle for the larger war surrounding it. And whichever side won the showpiece battle, eventually won the struggle - a struggle to the death.
Only rarely, does the loser go on to ultimate victory. The Alamo comes to mind. In a similar fashion, the current battle between secularist Notre Dame and the Catholic Faith is such a battle. The Faith will lose this battle as it has lost so many frequently. It has lost so many because of the traitors in the ranks. Nevertheless, the Faith must still fight because reinforcements are on the way.
Reinforcements will not arrive in time to save this day, but they will arrive when it counts most - on The Day (of the Lord)! In the meantime, the current ranks should sober up to the reality that hand to hand combat within our own ranks is the order of the hour. The Catholic Faith in the west has been betrayed by weak leaders, confused soldiers, conflicting orders and horrible preparation. This is no army prepared for combat. It more resembles a rag tag unit wondering how to fire a gun, uncertain what the target is - uncertain if there even a target at all.
The fog of war is lifting and too many in the Church are KIA or MIA. The battle is over for the Church in the West. Betrayed by leaders more interested in currying favor with the Enemy and diverting resources into covering up their own misdeeds, the bodies (and souls) of millions are slowly being revealed as the smoke from battle clears. All that remains is for the few remaining remnants to band together and resist the Enemy until the reinforcements arrive.
But the bedraggled units should hardly look to the military brass for support. They're too busy scheming and flattering and squabbling and deceiving. Most will be found terribly wanting when the General returns. They have allowed a policy of "don't ask, don't tell" to permeate the ranks of the officers to the detriment of the ordinary soldier. The very officers who have vowed chastity and obedience to their General, have been too busy in immoral associations to follow orders.
They have preyed upon younger soldiers and appealed to their commanding officers to hide their crimes. In many cases, far from being dragged before a tribunal and busted down to a buck private, they have been promoted and advanced their careers with their superior officers who have been complicit in their crimes.
All the while, the battle has been raging and the Enemy advancing. Great tracts of land, bought with the blood and sacrifice of so many valiant warriors before, has been ceded back to the Enemy with barely a bullet fired.
When the final military history is written with regard to the Army of the West, it will read something as follows:
At first, the Great Western Army dealt punishing blow after punishing blow to the Enemy forces, pushing him back on many fronts. But the Enemy proved more wily and cunning than Western commanders imagined. He infiltrated their ranks and began a "fifth column" campaign, establishing a network of spies and turncoats unmatched in annals of warfare.
This campaign even managed to seduce many of the Western commanders - some were willingly seduced, others blindly, but at the end of the day the sad footnote to the Battle of the West will conclude with the epitaph - Here lies the Army of the West, the battle lost in its own ranks.
So my fellow Catholics, arm yourselves and charge to the South Bend barricades and on the way, Remember the Alamo!
Michael Voris is Senior Executive Producer for www.realcatholictv.com and is currently completing studies of his STB degree. He is a veteran television news broadcast anchor, reporter and producer who founded St. Michael's Media in 2006 - an apostolate dedicated to the cause of the New Evangelization using the electronic medium. St,. Michael's Media can be visited at www.catholictelevision.org.
MI, 48220 US
Michael Voris - Senior Executive Producer, 248 545-5716
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