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Fixing the massive breakdown of the black family is owned by the black community

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Chicago saw over 500 homicides last year.

The suburban Advocate Christ Medical Center in Chicago has made recent headlines as a facility routinely inundated by victims of violent crime. The shocking reports from the hospital illustrate disturbing trends in already troubling times.


By Catholic Online (NEWS CONSORTIUM)
Catholic Online (
8/20/2013 (1 decade ago)

Published in U.S.

Keywords: Chicago, Advocate Christ, black on black, volence, murder, shootings, killings, cause, family, morals, leadership

CHICAGO, IL (Catholic Online) - As victims come into Advocate Christ Medical Center, they are assigned aliases in alphabetical order. According to NBC News, which recently did a feature on the facility, "Once an Alan Doe, Barbara Doe or Charles Doe is registered in the system, the staff can start ordering the tests and units of blood that may be needed to save their life."

Last year, Chicago saw 500 homicides. This year the trend is down, but the doctors report other disturbing changes.

"In recent years, hospital workers say, they have seen more children caught in the crossfire and more bullet holes in the victims who are rushed to their campus," NBC reported.

Instead of one bullet hole, victims are being rushed to the hospital with multiple gunshot wounds. One doctor reported seeing a victim with 32 wounds.

The facility also finds itself treating more children. Children and other innocent people are being caught in the crossfire, and in the worst cases, they may be deliberately targeted.

The vast majority of victims are African American males, many with connections to area gangs. It should be noted that these crimes are what the popular media refers to as "black-on-black" crimes. African American youth are terrorizing themselves.

While it can be argued for days why this is, ultimately it comes down to a question of individual responsibility. No matter what "the system" has done to an individual, it is always their final choice to take up a weapon and use that against another human being.

For many black youth, gangs and the violence that comes with it are part of their culture. This is because the gang, as twisted as it may be, is replacing the family for many troubled youths. Since gangs have twisted moral compasses, thinking becomes distorted and before long even murder becomes rational.

In addition to murder, gangsters are selling drugs and prostituting their sisters to neighbors.

All of this is tied to the illicit trade in vice, control of territory and income. Even when territorial disputes get resolved, blood feuds between individuals remain.

None of this is unique to race, and similar situations can be found globally where illicit trade abounds amidst poverty. However, one thing is clear. In America, the breakdown of the family, and the black family in particular is directly related to the loss of basic morals.

Race-baiting leaders such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are failing to provide the moral and spiritual leadership African American youth need. The breakdown of the black family is directly related to the loss of the moral compass in that community.

It may be that "the man" created these problems in the first place by years of corrupt and racist social engineering. Even if so, especially if so, the black community does itself a disservice by waiting for the same agents to come fix the problem. It will never happen, because "the man" is served by the problem.

The problems of the black community are owned by the blacks and must be solved by them. Black children must choose rightly between education and gangs. Black adults must choose college, the military, or work over violence, sloth, and prison.

Young women need to pursue abstinence and wait until marriage, they must choose men who are willing and able to provide, they must choose life for their babies, and the family unit must stay together.

At the end of the day, it is the black child that chooses another activity besides homework. It is a black parent that chooses not to parent their children. It is a black man that chooses to pull the trigger instead of cracking open a college textbook.

Even if the man created the problem, all the more reason for the black community to take the best revenge, which is by becoming successful on their own.

The time has come for new leaders to emerge. Their race does not matter, but their message means everything. Above all, inner-city youth, and their parents need to listen.

Individual responsibility is key and nobody, no matter the race, gets far without it.


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