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Saints A to Z: G
Showing 1 - 276 of 276
St. Gabinus
St. Gabriel
St. Gabriel Taurin Dufresse
St. Gabriel, the Archangel
St. Gabriel Francis of our Lady of Sorrows
St. Gabriel Jusuke
St. Gabriella
St. Gabriel Lalement
Bl. Gabrielle Androuin
Bl. Gabriel of St. Magdalen
Bl. Gaetana Sterni
St. Gaetano Catanoso
St. Gaetano Errico
St. Gagericus
St. Gaius
St. Gaius
St. Gaius Francis
Bl. Gaius of Korea
St. Galagnus
St. Galanus
St. Gelasius I
St. Galation
St. Galdinus
St. Gall
St. Gall
St. Galla
St. Gallgo
St. Gallicanus
St. Gallinicus
St. Gamaliel
St. Gamelbert of Michaelsbuch
St. Gamo
St. Gangulphus
St. Garbhan
St. Garcia
St. Garibaldus
St. Gaspar
St. Gaspar Bertoni
St. Gatian
St. Gaucherius
St. Gaudentia
St. Gaudentius
St. Gaudiosus of Naples
St. Gaudlosus the African
St. Gebetrude
St. Gebhard of Constance
St. Gebizo
St. Gebuinus
St. Gedeon
St. Gelasius
St. Gelasius
St. Gelasius I
Gelasius II
St. Gelatus
St. Gemellus
St. Geminian
St. Geminus
St. Geminus
St. Gemma Galgani
St. Gemus
St. Generosa
St. Generosus
St. Genesius
St. Genesius of Arles
St. Genevieve
St. Genistus
St. Gennadius
St. Gennard
Bl. Gennaro Sarnelli
St. Genoveva Torres Morales
St. Genulfus and Genitus
St. George
Bl. George Douglas
Bl. George Gervase
Bl. George Haydock
St. George Liminotes
Bl. George Matulaitis
St. George Napper
St. George of Amastris
St. George of Antioch
St. George of Lodeve
St. George of Vienne
St. George Preca
Bl. George Swallowell
St. Georgia
St. Georgia
St. Gerald
St. Gerald of Sauve-Majeure
St . Gerald of Aurillac
St. Gerard of Saint-Wandrille
St. Gerard de Lunel
St. Gerard Majella
St. Gerard of Brogne
St. Gerard Sagredo
St. Gerasimus of the Jordan
St. Gerbold
St. Gercon
St. Gerebald
St. Gerebrand
Bl. Geremia Oghlou Boghos
St. Gereon
St. Gerintius of Italica
St. Gerinus
St. Gerlac
St. Gerland
St. Germaine Cousin
St. Germana Cousin
St. Germanicus of Smyrna
St. Germanicus of Smyrna
St. Germanus
St. Germanus
St. Germerius
St. Germoc
St. Gerold
St. Gerontius of Cervia
St. Gertrude
St. Gertrude of Hamage
St. Gertrude Caterina Comensoli
St. Gertrude the Great
St. Gertrude of Nivelles
St. Gerulph
St. Geruntius
St. Gervase
St. Getulius
St. Gezelin
St. Ghislain
Bl. Giacomo Alberione
Bl. Giacomo Cusmano
St. Gianna Beretta Molla
St. Gibardus
St. Gibitrudis
St. Gibrian
St. Gilbert of Sempringham
St. Gildard
St. Gilduin
St. Giles
St. Giles, Abbot
St. Giles of Assisi
St. Giles Mary of Saint Joseph
St. Gilstlian
St. Giovanni Antonio Farina
St. Giovanni Calabria
Bl. Giovanni Maria Boccardo
Bl. Giovanni Mazzucconi
St. Giovanni Piamarta
St. Giulia Salzano
Bl. Giuseppe Baldo
Bl. Giuseppe Benedetto Dusmet
St. Giuseppe Marello
St. Giuseppe Maria Tommasi
Bl. Giuseppe "Pino" Puglis
Bl. Giuseppe Tovini
Bl. Giuseppina Bonino
St. Givalius
St. Gladys
St. Glaphyra
St. Glastian
St. Glodesind
St. Glushallaich
St. Gluvias
St. Glyceria
St. Glyceria
St. Glycerius
St. Glycerius
St. Glycerius
St. Goar
St. Goban
St. Gobnata
St. Gobrain
St. Godebertha
St. Godfrey
Bl. Godfrey II (Geoffroy II) de Loudon
St. Godo
St. Godwin
St. Goeric of Metz
St. Goeznoveus
St. Gohardus
St. Gollen
St. Golvinus
St. Gonclaco Garcia
St. Goneri of Brittany
St. Gonsalo Garcia
St. Gonzaga Gonza
Bl. Gonzalo de Amarante
St. Goran
St. Gordian and Epimachus
St. Gorfor
St. Gorgias
St. Gorgonia
St. Gorman
St. Gormcal
St. Gosbert
St. Goswin
St. Gotteschalk
St. Gottschalk
St. Govan
St. Grata
St. Gratia
Bl. Gratia
St. Gratus
St. Gredifael
St. Gregorio Grassi
St. Gregory of Ostia
Bl. Gregory of Verucchio
Bl. Gregory X
Gregory XI
Gregory XII
St. Gregory II
Pope Saint Gregory III
Gregory IV
Gregory V
Gregory VI
St. Gregory VII
Gregory VIII
Gregory IX
St. Gregory Barbarigo
St. Gregory the Enlightener
Pope Saint Gregory the Great
Bl. Gregory Khomyshyn
Bl. Gregory Lakota
St. Gregory of Narek
St. Gregory Nazianzus
St. Gregory of Nyssa
St. Gregory Palamas
St. Gregory the Sinaite
St. Gregory Thaumaturgus
St. Grimbald
Bl. Grimoaldo of the Purification
St. Grimoaldus
St. Grimonia
St. Grwst
Our Lady of Guadalupe
St. Guasacht
St. Gudelia
St. Gudula
St. Gudwal
St. Guenhael
St. Guenninus
St. Guerembaldus
St. Guesnoveus
St. Guevrock
St. Guido Maria Conforti
St. Guier
Bl. Guillaume Repin
Bl. Guillermo Courtet
St. Guinizo
St. Guitmarus
St. Gulstan
St. Gumbert (Gondebert)
St. Gumesindus
St. Gummarus
St. Gundebert
Bl. Gundechar II
St. Gundelindis
St. Gundenis
St. Gundisalvus Garcia
Bl. Gundislavus Fusai
St. Gondulphus of Tongeren
St. Gunifort
St. Gunioc
Bl. Gunther
St. Gunthiern
St. Gurloes
St. Guthagon
St. Guthlac
St. Guy
St. Guy of Anderlecht
St. Guy of Pomposa
Bl. Guy Vignotelli
St. Gwen
St. Gwerir
St. Gwynllyw
St. Gyavire
Bl. Maria Boznel
Bl. Fr. Miroslav Bulesic
St. Rafqa
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