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Prayer to Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament

Blessed are you, Mary,
exalted Daughter of Sion!
You are highly favored and full of grace,
for the Spirit of God descended upon you.

We magnify the Lord
and rejoice with you
for the gift of the Word made flesh,
our bread of life and cup of joy.

Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament,
our model of prayer in the Cenacle, pray for us
that we may become what we receive,
the body of Christ your son. Amen


Marie, tu es bénie,
Fille illustre de Sion.
L'Espirit Saint s'est penché sur toi
et tu as enfanté celui qui t'a créée.

Marie, bénie entre toutes les femmes,
aide-nous à accueillir
la Parole faite chair:
pain de la vie et coupe de notre joie

Marie, Notre Dame du Saint Sacrement,
Modèle de prière au Cénacle, prie pour nous
afin que nous devenions ce que nous recevons:
le corps du Christ, tons Fils bien-aimé. Amen.


María, ere bendita,
Hija ilustre de Sión.
El Espíritu Santo se inclinó sobre tí
Y tú engendraste al que te creó.

María, bendita entre todas las mujeres
ayúdanos a acoger
la Palabra hecha carne:
pan de la vida y copa de nuestra alegría.

María, Nuestra Señor del Smo. Sacramento,
Modelo de oración en el Cenaculo, ruega por nosotros
a fin de que nos convirtamos en lo que recibimos:
el cuerpo de Cristo, tu Hijo muy amado. Amén.

Printable Catholic Prayer PDFs

More Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament Prayers (8)

The Blessed Sacrament, or the Body and Blood of Christ, is a devotional name used to refer to the Host after it has been consecrated in the sacrament of the Eucharist.

Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament - Blessed be God. Blessed be His Holy ...
Prayer for Vocations - Loving God, your servant Saint Peter Julian ...
Prayer to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament # 1 - Behold, O my most loving Jesus, how far Thine ...
Prayer to Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament - Blessed are you, Mary, exalted Daughter of ...
Prayer to Saint Peter Julian Eymard - Gracious God of our ancestors, you led Peter ...
Prayer to the Most Blessed Sacrament - My Lord Jesus Christ, who for the love you ...
Visit to the Blessed Sacrament and Prayer of Saint Cajetan - Look down, O Lord, from Thy sanctuary and from ...
Vocation Prayer - Spirit of the Living God, Awaken in us the sense ...

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