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Novena to Our Lady of Fatima for Conversion

The Lord Be with You, I'm Deacon Keith Fournier, the Editor in Chief of Catholic Online. In this Novena to Our Lady of Fatima for Conversion, we ask for the intercession of the Mother of the Lord, under her title of Our Lady of Fatima.

Begins on October 5th and ends on the Feast of our Lady of Fatima on October 13th.

To lead us closer to Jesus - and further in the life of holiness. And, to lead all the nations of the world to conversion to Jesus Christ. The Prayers of the Mother of the Lord are powerful!

Perhaps one of the most well-known appearances of the Mother of the Lord is the one to whom we dedicate these nine days, a novena, of prayer.

From May 13, through October 13, in the year 1917, Mary, the Mother of the Lord appeared to three children, Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta in Fatima, Portugal.

We celebrate the Feast of our Lady of Fatima on October 13th.

We will spend the next nine days reflecting on the message of Mary, which is the message of the Gospel. We will join our prayer, around the globe, asking for the intercession of the Mother of the Lord, under her title, Our Lady of Fatima.

We will pray specifically for the grace of conversion

In our own lives
In the Lives of our Families
In the whole Church
In entire Nations, including our own

The message Our Lady gave to the children of Fatima was a little Gospel. It reminded them and it reminds us that we must continue to turn away from sin through repentance.

And, we must continue to turn towards the Lord for redemption. The heart of Mary is fully turned toward the Lord. So, it should be with us

We are all called to follow Jesus in lives of holiness and mission

The prophetic dimension of the message was meant to communicate the urgency of this call by reminding us that our choices change the world around us, as well as change us

But, like all such prophetic warnings, it was conditional. What matters most to the Lord and, therefore to His mother, is how we respond.

He wants the whole world to find the path to salvation through Jesus Christ

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us

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