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Jesus Christ: True or False

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True or false. To be a Christian, one must believe that Jesus Christ is the only Son of the Father, and that he is God himself.

True or false. The name Christ is the family name of Jesus.

True or false. Even though the Son of God became man, veneration of pictures of Christ's human body is idolatry that violates the first commandment condemning the veneration of likenesses of any creatures in heaven or earth.

What is the significance of naming Mary's child "Jesus"?

  • Jesus means in Hebrew "God saves."
  • The concept of naming for the Hebrew is to signify a person's essence. Therefore, it is significant that he is named "God becomes man."
  • The name "Jesus" signifies that the very name of God is present in the person of his Son.
  • In the Old Testament, Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah to come would have the name "Jesus."
  • Pick a combination of the above.

Because Scripture tells us that Jesus increased "in wisdom and in stature," we know that he did not know, in his earthly life, that he was Messiah and the Son of God.

To confess that Jesus is Lord is to:

  • Acknowledge that Jesus is the Messiah.
  • Have an assurance of one's salvation.
  • Commit a sin, since only the Father is called "Lord."
  • Acknowledge belief in his divinity.
  • Pick any combination of the above.

Why can Jesus be the one and only mediator between God and men?

  • He cannot because, as a man, he cannot represent women.
  • Because only He could have endured such suffering for us.
  • Because as a person who is both partly divine and partly human he can be a representative of both God and humanity.
  • Because He is both true God and true man, united in his divine person.
  • None of the above.

True or false: The fact of the Son of God becoming fully man means that the person Jesus had a human nature, but not a divine one.

Which is true?

  • Jesus Christ possesses only a divine nature since the human nature ceased to exist when the divine person assumed it.
  • Jesus Christ possesses two natures - one human and one divine in one divine Person.
  • Jesus Christ possesses only a human nature since an infinite divine nature cannot be limited by a human nature.
  • Jesus Christ is both a divine Person with a divine nature and a human person with a human nature.
  • Jesus Christ possesses one nature, composed of a uniting of the divine and human elements.

Which is true?

  • Jesus Christ, as the Divine Word, does not have a human soul.
  • Jesus has a human soul but without true human knowledge.
  • Jesus Christ possesses two wills - one divine and one human.
  • Jesus Christ has only a divine will in his human nature.
  • None of the above

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