Celebrate Sunday Mass - 2.13.22

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2/13/2022 (2 years ago)

By Deacon Keith Fournier

February 13, 2022 -- Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Catholic Online Community and Catholic Online School students...

I AM HAPPY TO OFFER EACH OF YOU AN INVITATION TO SUNDAY MASS on February 13, 2022, in the Catholic Diocese of Tyler, Texas. 

Our readings for today's Holy Mass speak to us of the blessing and happiness which comes to those who place their trust in the Lord.

In the first reading, the Lord speaks through the great Hebrew prophet Jeremiah "Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose hope is in the Lord". A contrast is made between such a person, and one who "trusts in human beings" or "in the flesh.".

Where is our trust and hope? Let us choose again today to trust in the Lord. If we do, He will give us the grace we need to be like that "tree planted beside the waters that stretches its roots to the stream". 

Our canticle, the responsorial Psalm, continues the theme. We sing or pray with David in these words from the very first Psalm: "Blessed are they who hope in the Lord". Once again, the image given by the Psalmist and Prophet David, is they will be like a fruitful tree..."

So, where is the source from which we derive this hope and trust? The Apostle Paul tells the early Christians in Corinth it springs from our hope in Jesus Christ, and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. We also will be raised from the dead if we trust in Him. If we remain in Him. Some early members of the Church in Corinth were denying the Resurrection! The Apostle Paul tells them, in no uncertain terms, "If Christ has not been raised than our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain." ( see verses 12-20 0f this 15th chapter)  

Today, during the Liturgy of the Word at Holy Mass, we heard only a few verses from the 15th chapter of the Apostles first letter to the Corinthians. I encourage everyone reading this letter from me, to read the entire 15th chapter of Paul's letter in First Corinthians. 

Every time we recite the ancient creed at Holy Mass, we reaffirm our faith in the Resurrection from the dead. Do we really believe what we say? This faith in the Resurrection is the source of our hope and happiness in this life and the doorway to the life to come!

In the Gospel appointed for this Sunday Mass, we heard a portion of St Luke's account of what is called the Sermon on the Mount. The word "Blessed" in the English translation of this beautiful sermon from Jesus can be translated "Happy". When we live as disciples of Jesus Christ, we find true happiness, beginning now and stretching into eternity.

That's right. We can find the happiness of heaven - beginning on earth. 

St. Josemaria Escriva, a Saint of our own time who teaches us that the universal call to holiness embraces every vocation and state in life, once wrote, "I am every day more convinced that happiness in Heaven is for those who know how to be happy on earth." (The Forge, 1005)

So, on this Lords Day, let us choose to follow Jesus Christ. Let us choose to be a "Blessed" and "Happy" people by being His disciples. Let us share that joy with those around us.

Have a Blessed Lords Day,

Deacon Keith Fournier, JD, MTS, MPhil
Dean of Catholic Online School
Chaplain of Your Catholic Voice Foundation

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