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My Promise is to Help You and Your Family: Romney Accepts Republican Nomination

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The Ebenezer Scrooge/Jacob Marley caricature was utterly demolished by the time it was all over. That does not mean it will not be used again. However, the Romney/Ryan campaign had signaled its tactical plan to refute the claims of their opponents by facing them head on.

There was one particular line which stuck with me from the Romney acceptance speech because it was a refreshing rejection of the hyperbole which accompanied the last Presidential race in the United States. The Republican Presidental candidate looked out at the enthusiastic convention attendees and, through television and the internet, into the living rooms of millions of Americans as well as millions of observers around the world. He offered what would be called in the business world a bottom line comment, "President Obama promised to slow the rise of the oceans and to heal the planet.  My promise is ... to help you and your family."

P>TAMPA, FL (Catholic Online) - The shortened Republican convention ended and the general election campaign of the Romney/Ryan Ticket was launched. The final evening was intended to "humanize" Mitt Romney against a sea of attacks from his opponents attempting to turn him into a caricature of the manacled Monopoly man who cares more for money than he does for the poor.

Those attacks have been waged with reckless abandon, attempting to paint Romney as a new Ebenezer Scrooge, from the Dickens Christmas Carol - before Scrooges other worldly encounter. We are all to supposed to believe that he is an uncaring "vulture capitalist" who - if elected - will treat American workers like Scrooge treated Bob Cratchit.

On that front, the evening succeeded - even if the brief and bizarre interlude from Actor Clint Eastwood almost derailed the effort.

The first major presentation of the evening was given by former Florida Governor Jeb Bush. He presented Mitt Romney's educational commitment to "put students first' by delivering an excellent apologetic for parental choice in education. He called for what amounts to a reformation of the American educational enterprise.

This excellent speech displayed the former Governors potential for future public service. Did anyone else see "Secretary of Education?" should Romney become our next President?

Jeb Bush, backed up by his proven record in this vital area and enhanced by students onstage who have benefitted from educational choice programs already underway in various States, underscored the need for sweeping reforms at the Federal level. It underlined the claim made the evening before by Condoleezza Rice that education reform is one of the civil rights issues of our age.

Then, in a bold move, the Romney campaign tackled head on two areas which have been used - one indirectly and the other overtly - as bats with which the opponents of the Romney/Ryan ticket have verbally beaten the campaign relentlessly in a frontal assault; Romney's religious affiliation with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and his leadership of Bain capital. 

Both efforts were brilliantly and effectively executed.

On the first front, through the testimonials of men who worked with Romney in his volunteer ministry within his Church to those who benefitted from his care, the character and the compassion of Romney the man was amply displayed. The participants were sincere, real, salt of the earth Americans and their stories were deeply moving.

On the second front, through co-workers with whom Romney worked in his efforts to launch - or turnaround - business enterprises, the campaign succeeded in showcasing the candidate's character, commitment and xecutive leadership skills. Then, those who benefitted from these interventions made their compelling claim that they have gone on to build American success stories because of the intervention of Mitt Romney's leadership, perseverance and integrity.

The leaders of recognizable American businesses such as Staples and Steel Dynamics had their turn to extol the Republican Presidential nominee. The overall results were effective and will provided substantial ammunition for the Republican effort in the General Election campaign. The presentation also wove in the story of Bright Horizons Day care which will most certainly be used in the weeks ahead to show the candidates commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility.

The Ebenezer Scrooge/Jacob Marley caricature was utterly demolished by the time it was all over. That does not mean it will not be used again. However, the Romney/Ryan campaign had signaled its tactical plan to refute the claims of their opponents by facing them head on. 

As the evening unfolded, representatives of past Olympics teams testified to the candidate's leadership of the turnaround of the Olympics. Colleagues from his days as Governor of Massachusetts, including a self professed "liberal Democrat", added to the effort of the evening to present the real Mitt Romney, in contrast to the caricature, very effectively.

Between each of these presentations, short backdrop video footage added to the evening's humanizing portrait of the candidate and his family. They were well produced, very effective, and indicated where the well funded advertising campaign of the Romney/Ryan ticket is headed as the fall election campaign begins.

Then, there was that bizarre, much hyped "mystery guest" appearance from actor Clint Eastwood.

I am as much a fan of the actor as anyone else. However, the last minute nature of the appearance shone through - in stark contrast to the rest of the evening. The talented actor offered a rambling, very odd bit utilizing an empty chair, supposedly occupied by Barack Obama, with which he carried on an imaginary dialogue.  I winced as it dragged on and was glad when it was over.

Finally, the Republican candidate for the US Presidency, Mitt Romney, emerged to accept the nomination. He also gave his much anticipated first speech of the General election campaign. It was confidently delivered, filled with contrasts between him and his opponent and contained five easily understandable points. Those points will most certainly be repeated as the Republican Presidential campaign unfolds.

Excerpts had been released to the press and we published them early in the evening.

There was one particular line which stuck with me from the Romney acceptance speech because it was a refreshing rejection of the hyperbole which accompanied the last Presidential race in the United States. The Republican Presidental candidate looked out at the enthusiastic convention attendees and, through television and the internet, into the living rooms of millions of Americans as well as millions of observers around the world.

He offered what would be called in the business world a bottom line comment, "President Obama promised to slow the rise of the oceans and to heal the planet.  My promise is ... to help you and your family."


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