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Archbishop Corrects 'Pro-Choice' Catholic Governor for 'Scandal'

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"This is a source of embarrassment for our church and a scandal for the Catholic community...For a Catholic governor to host an event of this sort seems a deliberate dissent from the teachings of the church."


By Kathleen Gilbert
LifeSiteNews (
10/2/2008 (1 decade ago)

Published in Politics & Policy

PORTLAND (LifeSiteNews) - Portland Archbishop John Vlazny has criticized Democratic Gov. Ted Kulongoski of Oregon for bringing scandal to fellow Catholics by hosting an abortion rights fundraiser only two days before Portland's annual "Respect Life" Mass. Kulongoski and his wife, both professed Catholics, are the honorary hosts of a two-day fundraiser for NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon.

"This is a source of embarrassment for our church and a scandal for the Catholic community," Vlazny said in a statement. "For a Catholic governor to host an event of this sort seems a deliberate dissent from the teachings of the church." Archbishop Vlazny invited Catholics to attend Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral at 5:30 p.m. on Friday October 3, the same evening scheduled for the NARAL fundraiser, as well as the "Respect Life" Mass on Sunday.

The Archbishop urged Catholics to protest the scandal:"I call upon our Catholic people to express their displeasure to the governor and to remind him of the demands of personal integrity as a member of our faith community in the exercise of his office and public activities."

Anna Richtor Taylor, spokeswoman for Gov. Kulongoski, said in response: "The archbishop is the governor's pastor, and he has only respect and admiration for the Archbishop. They obviously disagree on the issue of choice."

Gov. Kulongoski, who is known for his pro-abortion and pro-homosexual agenda, was refused a speaking venue in Oregon's Baker Diocese in 2003 because of his public repudiation of Catholic Church teaching on abortion.

To contact Gov. Kulongoski:

160 State Capitol
900 Court Street
Salem, Oregon 97301-4047

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