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In Defense of Deal Hudson

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First, let me put it bluntly, for a group calling itself "Catholics United", you should be ashamed of yourself!


By Deacon Keith Fournier
Catholic Online (
7/18/2008 (1 decade ago)

Published in Politics & Policy

CHESAPEAKE, VA (Catholic Online) - I was deeply disappointed to see a recent "E- Blast" sent out by a group called "Catholics United", for two reasons.

First, because I have followed with interest their efforts to make the totality of the Social teaching of our Church, which has not been considered enough in the public policy arena, a matter of public discourse and consideration and had hoped for better behavior from them.

Secondly, because I believe that their latest internet attack against Deal Hudson's character is exactly the opposite of what is an appropriate model of civil disagreement among Catholics and instead constitutes calumny.

Let me address each of these concerns.

I have had policy related disagreements with Deal Hudson over many years. Most of them are a matter of public record because they have been reflected in the numerous articles I have written concerning my opposition to much of the "neo-conservative" approach to the Iraq War and my disillusionment with the Republican Party on many other issues.

I embrace the entirety of the Social Teaching of the Catholic Church. In fact I believe that, as a whole, it is the only hope for building a new civilization of love and true culture of life. As I have often written, I believe we should begin with this teaching in all of our analysis of public policy.

Catholics need to move beyond "left" and "right" and let Catholic become the Noun so to speak, the ground of all of our analysis, informing the entirety of our life including our political participation.

In addition, I have strongly critiqued what I believe have at times been efforts to dress up Republican, neo-conservative or conservative political partisanship in the language of Catholic Social teaching without properly considering that teaching as a whole cloth.

The "Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church", promulgated in 2004, is a great gift. I hoped it might free us from some of the self appointed "experts" in the Social teaching by enabling everyday Catholics, other Christians, other people of faith and all people of good will to discover the treasure that is Catholic Social teaching for themselves.

I had also sincerely hoped that by now it would have helped to inform a new and true Catholic Action. I am still committed to helping that to happen but we have a long way to go.

My readers also know that I have been even stronger in my opposition to the current leadership of the Democratic Party and those who call themselves "liberal" these days. They have totally blocked their ears to the cry of our first neighbors in the womb. They fail to see the utter hypocrisy of saying they are concerned for the poor while at the same time excluding an entire segment of our National family, Children in the womb, from that very concern.

These little girls and boys are those whom Mother Teresa rightly called "the poorest of the poor". Yet, they are non-persons to the current National leadership of that Party and treated as chattel to be disposed of at will at any time before they are born by those who have more power.

There is a war on the womb. As Pope Benedict XVI asked the hundreds of thousands of young men and women gathered in Sydney, Australia for World Youth Day 2008, "How can it be that the most wondrous and sacred human space - the womb - has become a place of unutterable violence?"

Oh, I know there are truly Pro-life Democrats. In fact, as I have written repeatedly, I long for the day when that once great Party gives them back the National leadership. I am a "reluctant" Republican. I left the Democratic Party over this hypocrisy. To me, as the Social teaching of my Church points out, being Pro-life is a way of viewing all human persons from conception to Natural death, at every age and every stage.

It has numerous implications including our obligations to expand economic participation, cease our current militaristic approach to International relations, recognize the dignity of those who immigrate and provide health care for all.

However, even given all of that, allowing children in the womb to be killed under the ruse of some judicially concocted "right" to take innocent human life, when we all know it is wrong, against the Natural Law and simply evil must not be tolerated.

Just as there is a hierarchy of truths and order of importance among public policy issues, there is also a hierarchy of evil and killing innocent human persons is at the top. The last consistent Democrat who ran for the Presidency was one of my Champions, the late Governor Bob Casey. He, like me, was pro-life, pro-freedom, pro-poor and pro-peace.

However, in each case, my articles, though quite strong, have never impugned Deal Hudson's character. Nor will they ever do so in the future. Deal is a faithful Catholic. He is also a faithful husband, good father and talented man.

I have another concern, which I have also expressed in my writings. It concerns the treatment given to another friend of mine, the talented Constitutional Legal scholar and faithful (though I believe incorrect) Catholic, Doug Kmiec. At times, he has not been given the respect which is his due at the hands of some Republicans, conservatives and even some within the Pro-Life movement.

As Editor-in-Chief of Catholic Online, I have published Doug Kmiec on several occasions, to the chagrin of some who share my unqualified Pro-Life position.Why did I do so? Because I believe that he represents a voice which should be heard.

I also believe that those who disagree with him on where he has ended up in his exercise of an informed conscience can still learn from him. I have also strongly and repeatedly disagreed with Doug in his analysis of how a Catholic who is what I call "Whole Life/pro-Life" (embracing a "consistent ethic of life" properly understood) should approach this current Presidential campaign.

Once again, as with Deal, in what have been very strong disagreements in writing, I have never ever impugned Doug's character. I simply said he was incorrect and tried to explain why I believe that to be the case.

All of this has been a part of my own meager effort at Civil Discourse. Both Deal and Doug are, after all, my brothers in the Lord and members of the Catholic Church. As such I owe them the highest of respect.

There is a biblical principle that "to those to whom much is given, much more will be required". Catholics have been given the fullness of truth in the gift that is the Catholic Christian faith. We also have the highest obligation to act accordingly.

This brings me to my main point, my absolute rejection and condemnation of the recent calumnious E-blast sent out by "Catholics United" personally attacking Deal Hudson.

I turn to "Catholics United" and address the following sentiments to their leadership.

First, let me put it bluntly, for a group calling itself "Catholics United", you should be ashamed of yourself!

To bring up Deal's past behavior like you did, knowing full well that that very behavior was forgiven in Sacramental confession,is reprehensible.

Do you believe in the efficacy of the Sacrament of Reconciliation? If so, how could you as his fellow Catholics, drag it out, use it in this calumnious E-blast, and once again parade it before the public thereby hurting his reputation and injuring his family?

Did you simply do it for some perceived Political advantage? Shouldn't we who are Catholic Christians treat one another differently?

One of my personal heroes from the treasury of our mutual faith is the great Bishop of Hippo, St. Augustine. Prior to his coming into the full communion of the Church he lived in a non-marital, sexually inappropriate relationship with a woman who bore him a son named Adeodatus.

Augustine later brought that son with him to the saving waters of Baptism. His behavior, having a non-marital sexual relationship, was objectively wrong.

However, when Augustine turned to the Lord in the Catholic Church, that sexual relationship outside of marriage was made the subject of Sacramental confession. It was forgiven and subsequently forgotten.

I hope you would agree with me that St. Augustine went on to do some commendable work. What if you lived during his day and disagreed with him on some issues? Would you have brought up his past indiscretions in the way in which you have brought up Deal Hudson's?

You can disagree with Deal Hudson's Politics. I do, and I have, on many occasions and over many issues. I have made it known quite strongly. Every time I have done so, he has been a worthy opponent.

You have had every opportunity to take your own Policy disagreements to the Public Square. I for one would have welcomed an intelligent debate. Instead, you have now resorted to impugning a fellow Catholic's character by bringing up a past indiscretion which was forgiven in the Sacraments.

By resorting to such calumny and vicious written attacks like the kind you entered into in that E-Blast, you have also undermined your own moral credibility. After all, at the heart of the entirety of Catholic Social teaching is the virtue of Charity.

Today we republish a very good discussion of the misuse of the internet for calumny entitled "Using Words as Weapons on the Blogosphere - Calumny". I sincerely hope that all who lead "Catholics United" will take to heart the well presented instructions of Father Michael P Orsi.

You owe Deal Hudson an apology.


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