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Opinion: Santorum at the CPAC Convention: What We Do Matters

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His emphasis throughout this low key presentation was that it is what we do and not what we say.


By Deacon Keith Fournier
Catholic Online (
2/23/2010 (1 decade ago)

Published in Politics & Policy

P>WASHINGTON, D.C. (Catholic Online) - "Talking Points Memo" (TPM) is one of a growing number of political comment/analysis/speculation sites which seem to be multiplying as fast as rabbits these days. That multiplication is in anticipation of one of the earliest Presidential campaigns in history. When I ´googled´ "Talking Points Memo" I found their own "self description."  They speak of themselves as presenting "Commentary on political events from a politically left perspective, by Joshua Micah Marshall."

Over the weekend, TPM caught up with Senator Rick Santorum at CPAC (the Conservative political Action Committee) conference. They asked the former Senator what he had done to win the "straw poll" which ended this conservative/neo-conservative/libertarian conference. This "Straw Poll" is considered by some observers to be a first indicator of who is emerging as a frontrunner within that constituency for the upcoming Presidential contest of 2012. The machinations potential contenders go through to "win" such polls is well known. This year it was demonstrated by the followers of Ron Paul, the libertarian champion. By the way, he won the 2012 poll.

Senator Santorum´s response to TPM´s question of what he had done to score well in the poll was both disarming and interesting, "Nothing."  In fact, he indicated to the questioner from TPM that he was paying no attention to the poll. Then, the former Senator left CPAC before this "first out of the gate" Conservative political Conference was even over. He skipped the final stem-winder of a speech by Radio/TV personality Glenn Beck. It is this kind of low key approach that makes the early activity of Rick Santorum quite interesting to this political observer.

Santorum had the floor at CPAC on Saturday morning at 8:30 A.M., probably the least desirable slot of the weekend. After all, many in the large crowd of those attending this years conference had clearly spent the night partying in anticipation of what they believe is a turning national tide in their favor. One would have expected Santorum to attempt to give his best speech possible, summoning up his ample oratorical skills in order to, as they say "Hit it out of the Park." Instead, he gave a few low key introductory comments and then opened the floor to spontaneous (not planted) questions and answers, a very rare approach in this kind of venue.

In those introductory remarks he encouraged those listening to "reach out and engage the culture."  He paid tribute to Lech Walesa and the late John Paul II, citing them as examples of true leaders who showed great courage at another critical time in history. He began by quoting a portion of Walesa´s recent sobering comment when he visited the US to assist a candidate running for office in Illinois:  "The United States is only one superpower. Today they lead the world. Nobody has doubts about it. Militarily.  They also lead economically but they're getting weak. But they don't lead morally and politically anymore.  The world has no leadership.  The United States was always the last resort and hope for all other nations.  There was the hope, whenever something was going wrong, one could count on the United States.  Today, we have lost that hope...."

Certainly this was not the kind of observation which would rouse a crowd of sleepy conservatives looking for 'meat and potatoes' speechmaking. Obviously that was also not Santorum´s aim. Make no mistake, he has all the skills needed to rouse crowds; I have been in them in the past when he has done just that. Santorum noted in his comments that the problem in our Nation is not merely a "liberal vs. conservative" ideological struggle but a failure of leadership. He contended that great leaders find a way to unite a Nation. His emphasis throughout this low key presentation was that it is what we do at certain points in our personal and national history that truly matters and not what we say.

To illustrate the point, he publicly apologized for having supported Arlen Specter over Pat Toomey years ago. He noted "How many times have I said this in my almost 20 years in marriage, 'I should have listened to my wife.'" " But he did more than apologize, he offered to make amends. He pledged to do everything he could to help elect Pat Toomey in 2010. He told the crowd "Make no mistake about it I will be working day and night for Pat Toomey to be the next senator from Pennsylvania." As he returned to his theme that we are at a turning point in American history, he asked rhetorically "Are we going to go towards European socialism or stand by our principles?" His implication was clear, it is what we do at this moment that really matters....not just what we say.

The former Senator had several lines which did elicit a response from the crowd such as "Mr. President, America is the hope, and you can keep the change," which sparked an ovation. So too did his assessment that "conservatives did not fail America; conservatives failed conservatism." However, his goal was clearly NOT to "wow" them. He could have done so. His oratorical skills are top shelf. But, frankly, at least to this observer, his plainspoken, no frills delivery was a breath of fresh air after having endured the last Presidential campaign with all of its "rousing rhetoric" and its aftermath. 

Perhaps the most noteworthy part of the Senator´s speech at CPAC was his intentional use of the "Question and Answer" format. Again, this is a rarity in such venues. After all, it puts the speaker at risk in front of a live audience and on national television. He was totally unscripted and without a teleprompter. He received some very tough questions. An example was a question from a Ron Paul Supporter on foreign policy which strongly disagreed with the Senators approach to international policy. However, nothing fazed him. He is obviously comfortable in his skin, confident in his beliefs and consistent in his principles.

I have long known Rick Santorum to be courageous in his convictions. I was in the Senate Gallery years ago when he defended children in the womb against the infanticide commonly referred to as "Partial birth Abortion". I will never forget the hollow arguments of Senator Barbara Boxer who attempted to defend this barbarism. She had clearly met her match. I will always remember Senator Santorum´s impassioned claim, "It´s is a baby Senator!" Right at that moment, a baby cried and that cry echoed throughout the Senate Chamber. There is no doubt that Rick Santorum "gets it". The defense of the dignity of every human life, including the Right to life of our first neighbors, is not a single "issue". It is the very foundation stone of the entire infrastructure of human rights.

In a similar vein, over many years his defense of marriage - and the family and society founded upon it - as the first society, first church, first economy, first school, first government and first mediating institution has been second to none in the current political arena. His position also provides the strongest base for the vital call to "good governance." Government is "good" when it is closest to the governed and reflects the moral values which tie us together as a truly free people. Government also begins in the family. This is the way to defend a "limited government" message and avoid falling prey to the mistake of sounding "anti-government." It can also help to expose the danger of creeping state-ism of the left and isolated individualism on the right. Santorum is a man of consistency who refuses to separate the so called "social" and "fiscal" issues. He knows that such a separation is a profound mistake.

After CPAC, I am more convinced than ever that Rick Santorum is running for the Presidency in 2012. His travel schedule in the next few months brings him to the early primary States of Iowa and New Hampshire. He is also stopping to receive a well earned honor from one of my Alma Maters, the Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio. On March 11, He and his wife Karen will receive the "Poverello" Medal, one of the highest honors given by that University. It is named after St. Francis, the "Little Poor Man" (Poverello) of Assisi "In recognition of great benefactions to humanity, exemplifying in our age the Christ-like spirit of charity which filled the life of St. Francis of Assisi."  Rick and Karen Santorum deserve this important honor. 

The low key performance of Senator Rick Santorum at CPAC may signal the emergence of true leadership in this age of showiness and hot air. What a refreshing idea!


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