Storm Cloud Gathers: Homosexual Couple in London to Sue the Church of England Demanding a Wedding
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This wealthy homosexual couple has announced their intention to sue the Church of England to try to compel that Church to perform a homosexual marriage ceremony. Barlow told the Mail - I want to go into my church and marry my husband. The only way forward for us now is to make a challenge in the courts against the Church- All people of good will who recognize the vital role that marriage and family serve in the formation of a truly just society must be courageous and persevere. We should see the news out of Britain as what it is, a wake up call. The Storm Cloud gathers.
Catholic Online (
3/23/2014 (1 decade ago)
Published in Europe
Keywords: marriage, gay marriage, homosexual marriage, marriage equality, Christian persecution, anti-Christian,
LONDON (Catholic Online) The Coalition for Marriage is staging a heroic struggle in the United Kingdom. They stand at the forefront of the growing global effort to defend marriage - and the family and society founded upon it.
The Coalition explains that it "reaches out to people of all faiths and none, who believe that marriage is the most successful partnership in history and should not be redefined.The Coalition draws upon a substantial body of evidence showing that marriage - as it has been understood for thousands of years - is beneficial to society, and that changing its definition would undermine that benefit."
Thus far, they have gathered 668,186 signatures on a petition which states: I support the legal definition of marriage which is the voluntary union for life of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others. I oppose any attempt to redefine it.
They properly and correctly note that this response demonstrates, a broad public opposition to redefining marriage. The Coalition is committed to a reasoned and courteous debate on this issue, and will highlight any intimidation or intolerance shown to supporters of traditional marriage.
What is happening in the United Kingdom parallels what is happening in the United States. However, there is a new turn of events which we must be aware of. There was a story in the Daily Mail which should be read by everyone concerned about what lies ahead if we do not continue our effort to defend marriage.
Steve Doughty wrote the article entitled Millionaire gay fathers to sue the Church of England for not allowing them to get married in the church. It marks the next stage in the strategy of the new Cultural Revolutionaries.
Barrie Drewitt-Barlow and his civil union partner Tony are self professing homosexuals. They have been joined together in a civil partnership since 2006. They have five children which they obtained by renting wombs and then using reproductive technology. That is because they are incapable of having children when they engage in sexual activity with one another.
Barlow owns a surrogacy company in Essex London and is opening one in Los Angeles, California. They made history in 1999 when they used the British courts to become the first homosexual men to be named on the birth certificate of a child as parents. Now, they intend to make history again.
This wealthy homosexual couple has announced their intention to sue the Church of England to try to compel that Church to perform a homosexual marriage ceremony.
Barlow told the Mail, I want to go into my church and marry my husband. The only way forward for us now is to make a challenge in the courts against the Church.'
Of course, this all flies in the face of a promise made to the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church by Prime Minister David Cameron after the passage of the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act in 2013.
Not only has Cameron broken his promise, he has now become an advocate for the spread of the homosexual equivalency movement. He wants to export it around the world. He recently boasted to the Daily Telegraph that Britain is "the best place to be gay, lesbian or transgender anywhere in Europe".
Colin Hart, the Campaign Director of the Coalition for Marriage told the Mail that the ink was "not even dry on the Bill and churches are already facing litigation. We warned Mr Cameron this would happen, we told him he was making promises that he couldn't possibly keep.
'He didn't listen. He didn't care. He's the one who has created this mess. Mr Cameron's chickens are coming home to roost and it will be ordinary people with a religious belief who yet again fall victim to the totalitarian forces of political correctness.'
'We now face the real prospect of churches having to choose between stopping conducting weddings, or vicars, and priests defying the law and finding themselves languishing in the dock.'
I write, as a constitutional lawyer, a budding moral theologian, a husband, father, grandfather, concerned citizen and member of the Clergy. I write to call the attention of our readers to this ominous development in the United Kingdom.
There is no doubt in my mind that many of those leading the campaign in the United States to redefine marriage have this same goal in mind.
For years I have referred to the movement behind this new Cultural Revolution as the Homosexual Equivalency Movement. The leaders of the homosexual equivalency movement insist that homosexual sexual practices are morally equivalent to the sexual expression of marital love between a man and a woman.
However, they now go further, insisting that every State make homosexual relationships legally equivalent to marriage. They are dedicated to building a society where the positive law of the Nation forces us all to call to be a marriage what can never be a marriage - or face the police power of the State and punitive sanctions.
Religious freedom is in the way and it could soon become a casualty in the growing fervor and momentum of this new Cultural Revolution.
The opponents of marriage as solely between one man and one woman intend to follow the example of the millionaire homosexuals in London, by using the Courts to compel the Church, under threat of the police power of the State, to bend the knee to the new architects of their new social order.
When people have made such a claim in the past, we have been denigrated, impugned and accused of being against gay people.
Or, we have been accused, even by those who share our conviction of the truth about marriage, of being alarmists.
Or, we have faced the boot of religious discrimination, by being told to keep our "religious" position about marriage behind our Church doors.
However, the truth about marriage is not simply a "religious" construct. The Natural Law reveals - and the cross cultural history of civilization affirms - that marriage is between a man and a woman, open to children and intended for life.
Marriage is the foundation for the family which is the privileged place for the formation of virtue and character in children, our future citizens. The family is the first society, first economy, first school, first civilizing and mediating institution and first government.
When sexual behavior between two men or two women is viewed as providing the legal and moral foundation of a right to marry - and those who oppose this homosexual equivalency movement are now being characterized as being against the freedom to marry and "equal rights" - the revolutionary plan should be obvious to any honest observer.It has moved beyond Orwellian new-speak to a full scale Cultural Revolution.
The institutions of government should, when acting properly, defend marriage against those who would redefine it. Government has long regulated marriage for the common good. For example, the ban on polygamy and age requirements were enforced in order to ensure that there was a mature decision at the basis of the Marriage contract.
For Judges or legislatures to now routinely grant some feigned legal equivalency to co-habiting paramours (homosexual or heterosexual) and then confer governmental benefits upon them does not further freedom it undermines it. It also does not serve the common good it injures it.
To limit marriage to heterosexual couples is not discriminatory now, nor has it ever been. Homosexual couples cannot bring into existence what marriage intends by its very definition. To now confer the benefits that have been conferred in the past only to stable married couples and families to homosexual paramours is bad public policy.
The enforcers of this new order, whether ruling from the bench or misusing their office in the Legislative and Executive branch, unchecked by any balance of power, have simply followed what the legal positivists have long proclaimed, "The law is what the courts say it is."
They have also joined a cultural revolutionary force which threatens the common good.
Those who claim that accepting this Cultural Revolutionary strategy is only a matter of "tolerance" are the most intolerant. They have unveiled their long planned strategy of forcing their brave new world on the rest of us and allow no dissent. Notice how intolerant they are of those of us who, though respecting the dignity of every person including homosexuals, insist that marriage is what it is.
All people of good will who recognize the vital role that marriage and family serve in the formation of a truly just society must be courageous and persevere. We should see the news out of Britain as what it is, a wake up call. The Storm Cloud gathers.
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