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Dear brothers and sisters, good morning and good path of Lent!
It is beautiful and also significant to have this hearing at this Ash Wednesday. We begin the journey of Lent, and we are reflecting today on the ancient institution of the "jubilee"; It is an ancient thing, attested in Holy Scripture. We find it especially in the Book of Leviticus, which presents it as a culminating moment of religious and social life of the people of Israel.
Catholic Online (https://www.catholic.org)
2/10/2016 (8 years ago)
Published in Living Faith
Keywords: Pope Francis, Pope, General Audience, Prayer, Lent, Ash Wednesday
Every 50 years, "the day of atonement" ( Lev 25.9), when the mercy of God was invoked on all the people, the sound of the horn announcing a great event of liberation. We read in the book of Leviticus: "You shall hallow the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It will be a jubilee for you; each of you shall return to his property and to his family [...] In this Year of Jubilee each will return to his property "(25,10.13). According to these provisions, if anyone had been forced to sell his land or his home, in the jubilee could repossess; and if anyone had contracted debts and unable to pay them, he had been forced to put themselves at the service of the creditor, could go back free to his family and get back all the properties.
It was a kind of "general amnesty", which will allow everyone to get back in the original situation, with the cancellation of all debts, the restitution of the land, and the ability to enjoy their new freedom of the members of God's people. a people "holy", where requirements such as the jubilee needed to combat poverty and inequality, ensuring a decent life for all and a fair distribution of land on which to live and from which to draw sustenance. The central idea is that the land originally belongs to God and is entrusted to men (see January from 1.28 to 29), and therefore no one can arrogarsene exclusive possession, creating situations of inequality. Thus, today, we can think and rethink; each one in his heart think it has too many things. But why not let those who have nothing? Ten percent, fifty percent ... I say, let the Holy Spirit will inspire each of you.
With the Jubilee, who had become poor returned to having the necessities of life, and who had become rich gave back to the poor what he had taken from him. The end was a society based on equality and solidarity, where freedom, land and money ridiventassero good for everyone, not just for some, as happens now, if I'm not mistaken ... More or less, the figures are not safe but eighty percent of humanity's wealth is in the hands of less than twenty percent of the population. It is a jubilee - and I say this remembering our history of salvation - to convert, because our heart becomes larger, more generous, more child of God, with more love. I tell you one thing: if this desire, if the jubilee does not come to the pockets, is not a true jubilee. You have understood? And this is in the Bible! Not invent this Pope is in the Bible. The end - as I said - it was a society based on equality and solidarity, where freedom, land and money to become an asset for everyone and not for some. In fact the jubilee function was to help the people to live a real fraternity, made of mutual aid. We can say that the biblical jubilee was a "Jubilee of mercy", because experienced in the sincere search for the good of the poor brother.
In the same line, even other institutions and other laws governed the life of God's people, because you might experience the mercy of the Lord through that of men. In those norms are indications as valid today, that make you think. For example, the biblical law prescribed the payment of "tithes" that were intended for the Levites, in charge of the cult, who were landless and the poor, orphans and widows (cf. Dt 14.22 to 29). It was expected that the tenth part of the harvest, or the proceeds of other activities, might be given to those who were unprotected and in need, as well as to foster conditions of relative equality in a nation in which everyone had to behave brothers.
There was also the law concerning the "first fruits". What is this? The first part of the harvest, the most valuable part, was to be shared with the Levites and the foreigners (cf. Dt 18.4 to 5; 26.1 to 11), who did not own fields, so that for them the earth was the source of nourishment and life. "The land is mine and you are but aliens and from guests," says the Lord ( Leviticus 25:23). We are all guests of the Lord, waiting for the heavenly homeland (cf. Heb 11.13 to 16; 1 Peter 2:11), called to make the world that welcomes us a living and human. And how many "first fruits" who is more fortunate could donate to those in need! How many fruits! First fruits of not only the fruits of the fields, but any other product of labor, wages, savings, so many things that you own and that sometimes are wasted. This also happens today. Apostolic Nell'Elemosineria many letters arrive with a bit 'of money: "This is a part of my salary to help others." And this is nice; help others, charitable institutions, hospitals, retirement homes ...; give also to strangers, those who are strangers and are in transit. Jesus was passing through Egypt.
And just thinking about this, the Holy Scriptures insistently exhort respond generously to requests for loans, without petty calculations and without demanding impossible interests: "If your brother is with you becomes poor and without resources, help as a stranger and a guest, he may live with thee. Do not take interest from him, or increase; but fear your God and is' live your brother with you. You not lend him money at interest, nor give him your food for wear "( Lv 25.35 to 37). This teaching is always relevant. How many families are on the road, victims of usury! Please, please, because in this Jubilee the Lord remove from the heart of all of us this desire to have more, wear. That you return to be generous, big. How many wear situations we are forced to see and how much suffering and anguish bring to families! And many times, in desperation, many men end in suicide because they do not make it and do not have hope, do not have the outstretched hand to help them; only the hand that is to make him pay interest. It is a grave sin of usury, is a crying sin before God. But the Lord has promised his blessing to those who opens her hand to give generously (cf. Dt 15:10). He will give you double, maybe not in money but in other things, but the Lord will always give you double.
Dear brothers and sisters, the biblical message is very clear: open up courageously sharing, and this is mercy! And if we want mercy from God we begin to make us. It is this: we begin to make us among fellow citizens, between families, between peoples, between continents. Help realize a land without poor means building society without discrimination based on solidarity that leads to share what you have, in a sharing of resources founded on brotherhood and justice. Thank you.
Je les salue cordialement pčlerins de langue française, en particulier les jeunes et venus de Suisse de France.
Nous entrons aujourd'hui en Caręme. Je vous invite ŕ prier pour les uns les autres en ce temps de conversion afin que nous puissions ensemble EXPERIMENTER the miséricorde du Seigneur et la transmettre aux plus pauvres d'entre nous.
Que Dieu vous bénisse.
[ Cordially greet the French-speaking pilgrims, especially the young people who came from Switzerland and France. Today we enter into Lent. I invite you to pray for each other in this time of conversion so that we can together experience the mercy of the Lord and pass it to the poorest among us.
May God bless you. ]
I warmly greet the Inglese-speaking pilgrims and visitors taking part in today's Audience, in Particular Those from England, Ireland, Croatia, Taiwan and the United States of America. I wish you a good Lenten journey, filled with acts of mercy, especially in this Jubilee Year. May God bless you all!
[ Cordially greet the English-speaking pilgrims present at this Audience, especially those from England, Ireland, Croatia, Taiwan and the United States. I wish you a good journey of Lent, full of acts of mercy, especially during this Jubilee Year. God bless you all! ]
Gerne heiße ich die Pilger aus den Ländern deutscher Sprache aus wie auch Luxemburg, Belgien und den Niederlanden willkommen. Besonders grüße ich die Ministranten der Diözese Bozen-Brixen in accompaniment von Bischof Ivo Muser als auch die Vereinigung Pro Petri Sede. Liebe Freunde, in den kommenden Tagen werde ich Mexiko besuchen. Bitte ich euch, meine Apostolische Reise und die Begegnung mit Patriarch Kyrill auf Kuba mit EUREM Gebet zu begleiten. Vielen Dank! Wünsche ich euch einen guten Beginn der Fastenzeit.
[ We welcome the pilgrims from German-speaking countries, as well as Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands. I greet in particular the ministers of the Diocese of Bolzano-Bressanone, accompanied by their Bishop. Ivo Muser as well as the Pro Petri Sede Association. Dear friends, in the coming days will visit Mexico. I ask you to accompany with your prayers my pastoral visit and meeting with Patriarch Cyril to Cuba. Thank you! Good start of Lent. ]
Feliz com mood and agradecido, Saudo professores os and os alunos das comunidades diversas escolares de Barreiro, Braganca, Coimbra and Lisboa. Sobre de Vos and demais peregrinos Stones and accesories, I invoke to protecçăo from Virgem Maria. Ela que vos tome during pela măo os próximos QUARENTA dias, ajudando-vos to ficar mais parecidos com Jesus ressuscitado. Desejo-vos uma holy and frutuosa Quaresma!
[ With joyful and grateful spirit, I greet the professors and students of various school communities of Barreiro, Bragança, Coimbrae Lisboa. On you and on all other Portuguese-speaking pilgrims, I invoke the protection of the Virgin Mary: She will take your hand along the next forty days, helping you to become more like Jesus resurrected. I wish you a holy Lent and fruitful. ]
Saludo a los cordially peregrinos de lengua espańola, en particular a los grupos provenientes de Espańa y Latinoamérica. At Comenzar hoy el tiempo de cuaresma, pidámosle to Seńor que nos ayude to prepararnos para la Pascua Abriendo nuestros corazones in of mercy, para que nosotros también en nuestra vida sepamos vivirla per diem, con las personas que nos Rodean. Muchas gracias.
أرحب بالحجاج الناطقين باللغة العربية, وخاصة بالقادمين منالشرق الأوسط ولاسيما بأفراد جوقة القديسة رفقا القادمين من لبنان! أيها الإخوة والأخوات الأعزاء, يشكل الصوم فرصة مناسبة لتعميق حياتكم الروحية: لتكن ممارسة الصوم عضدا لتهذيب أنفسكم; والصلاة وسيلة لتشعروا بحضور الله المحب وأعمال الرحمة لتعيشوا حياتكم وتفتحوها على حاجات الإخوة! صوم مبارك وليبارككم الرب!
[ I extend a cordial welcome to the pilgrims of the Arabic language, particularly those from the Middle East, especially the members of the choir "Santa Rafka" from Lebanon! Dear brothers and sisters, Lent is a favorable time to intensify your spiritual life: the practice of fasting there is help gain mastery over yourself; prayer be for you a means to feel the loving presence of God; works of mercy help you to live your life by opening it to the needs of the saints! Good Lent and the Lord bless you! ]
Pozdrawiam polskich pielgrzymów. Dzis rozpoczynamy Wielki Post Roku Jubileuszowego Miłosierdzia. Jest to szczególnie sposobny czas, aby Prosic Pana or Laske przebaczenia każdego Zla, by the spełniać z otwartym the szczerym sercem dzieła Miłosierdzia dla innych. Bądźcie miłosierni jak Ojciec! Jego błogosławieństwo niech Wam stale towarzyszy! Niech będzie pochwalony Jezus Chrystus!
[ I greet the Polish pilgrims. Today we begin the Lent of the Jubilee of Mercy. It is a particularly opportune time to ask the Lord for the grace of forgiveness of all evil, and to achieve with an open heart and sincere works of mercy towards others. Be merciful as your Father! His blessing be with you always! Praised be Jesus Christ! ]
Tomorrow, the memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes, marks the XXIV to the World Day of the Sick, which will have its climax celebration in Nazareth. In this year's message , we reflected on the irreplaceable role of Mary at the wedding at Cana: "Whatever he tells you" (Jn 2,5). In the solicitude of Mary reflects God's tenderness and the immense goodness of the Merciful Jesus. I invite you to pray for the sick and make them feel our love. The same tenderness of Mary is present in the lives of so many people that are next to the sick knowing grasp their needs, even the most subtle, because it viewed with eyes full of love.
* * *
I extend a cordial welcome to the Italian-speaking faithful. I greet in particular the Diocesan Directors of the Pontifical Mission Societies; the Franciscan of the Immaculate Conception of Lipari; the association Mani Tese and the teachers of religion of the Diocese of Concordia-Pordenone. I greet the parish groups and students of the schools The Ark of Legnano and Don Luigi Monza Cislago. I urge you to rekindle the faith with the passage through the Holy Door, to be witnesses to the Lord with concrete works of charity. The day after tomorrow I will begin the apostolic trip to Mexico , but before I go to Havana to meet my dear brother Cyril. I entrust to the prayers of all of you is the meeting with the Patriarch Cyril is the trip to Mexico.
A special thought goes to the young, the sick and newlyweds. Today, Ash Wednesday, begins the Lenten journey. Dear young people, I wish you to live this time of grace as a return to the Merciful Father, that everyone is waiting with open arms. Dear sick people, I encourage you to offer your sufferings for the conversion of those who live far from God; and I invite you, dear newlyweds, to build on the firm rock of divine love your new family.
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