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By Catholic Online
Catholic Online (
1/8/2020 (5 years ago)

Published in Lent / Easter

Keywords: Lent and the Liturgy Quiz, answers

style="margin-top:0in;margin-right:0in;margin-bottom:0in;margin-left:.5in; margin-bottom:.0001pt;text-indent:-.25in;mso-list:l3 level1 lfo6;background: white">1.    What is Lent?


A)   A season of repentance, prayer and fasting.

B)   A season leading up to Christmas.

C)   A time to remember the Virgin Mary

D)   A season of hope, Mass and penance.


Answer: A; Lent is a season of repentance, prayer and fasting.



2.    What is the original meaning of the word â₏~Lentâ₏ ?


A)   Prayer

B)   Strength

C)   Family

D)   Spring


Answer: D; The word lent come from the Old English, â₏½lencten," with means spring.



3.    How many days are in Lent?


A)   15 days

B)   40 days

C)   46 days

D)   1 day


Answer: B; There are 40 days in Lent. The season lasts from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday, which makes 46 days â₏" but the six Sundays are not included in the 40 days of Lent and Catholics are not required to fast during these days.



4.    Why does Lent last 40 days?


A)   The Virgin Maryâ₏ s pregnancy lasted only 40 days

B)   Noah spent 40 days on the Ark

C)   Jesus spent 40 days in the desert praying and fasting.

D)   Moses spent 40 days on Mount Sinai with God


Answer: C; By observing the 40 days of Lent, we reflect on Jesus Christâ₏ s sacrifice and withdrawal into the wilderness in the desert for 40 days, where he fasted, was tempted by the devil and prepared to begin his ministry.



5.    Which devotion has a special place during Lent?


A)   Stations of the Cross

B)   Novenas

C)   Hail Mary

D)   Triduum


Answer: A; The Stations of the Cross are our way to pray and mediate on Jesusâ₏ sacrifice for us. There are 14 stations and each one represents a moment from the time Jesus was condemned to his burial â₏" which occur during the last week of Lent.



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